There are millions of reasons you should give up
Each one just waiting for you to wash out
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity
Soldier on and drown out the sounds of defeat
The world is yours to take, abandon your "plan B"
Seize everything you've ever wanted
Because for those who think winning comes easy
Luck will be their last dying wish

Last Dying Wish lyrics by Megadeth

The History of Zegana

Prime Speaker Zegana is one of my oldest and long lasting Commander decks I own. This deck started from the idea of the Ancient Depths deck from Duel of the Planeswalkers (2012) game. The idea of getting out huge, powerful creatures early appealed greatly to me. When building one of my first Commander decks, Prime Speaker Zegana was my chosen commander for the fact it relies on big creatures to work. I took the idea from the DotP game and adapted it to this commander.
Over time, it quickly became a combo/control deck that started relying heavily on high amounts of counterspells and extra turn cards. I came to discover that winning became less and less rewarding, and felt hollow. I changed that by drastically dropping the extra turn cards and went back to utilizing powerful creatures. Her wins will sometimes happen out of the blue, with the opponents not expecting it.
As of late, my mindset has changed on how I play Magic, and have come to no longer care how fun or unfun my wins are. I have now focused purely on optimizing my deck, and making her a consistent force of nature to not be trifled with. Now, it's time to utilize the best of both worlds: high powered creatures and massive resource advantage. To this day she is still my most feared deck, and will probably always be. That's the history of Zegana!

Winning with Zegana

This deck has quite a lot of powerhouse cards to win with, but requires timing and crucial decision making to win multiplayer games. Lets sort out what cards are MVPs and which ones are support cards.

Last Minute Thoughts

So with all the important stuff out of the way, I think I should make some things known about my deck and my choices. I'm sure I'll get quite a few people asking why I don't run Deadeye Navigator or even Jeweled Lotus in here. The latter isn't fun for me and requires more mana investment than i care for. I also just found when I did run it, I didn't find myself wanting to play it. The Lotus isn't here cause my commander is more of a utility card, something I won't play until mid to late game. By that time I should have enough mana out in lands alone, so I feel the slot would be wasted for something that's meant to accelerate the commander.
As always, I welcome suggestions and thoughts. I don't mind constructive criticism and take it into consideration when I want help. Thanks for coming by and viewing my deck. If you try it out, let me know how it goes and anything you may discover while playing. If you make changes I'd be glad to hear how it works out.


Updates Add

This deck hasn't been updated in so long. A lot of new cards have come out and a lot of gaming, and a brand new viewpoint. It's time to start optimizing this deck into a stronger powerhouse, and a more dangerous threat. A lot of new spicy things have been added to accelerate my early game, provide great options for midgame, and add more ways to be consistent.

Lets see how this rebirthing of my competitive deck turns out, shall we?

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93% Casual


Date added 10 years
Last updated 2 months
Exclude colors WBR

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.36
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Beast 3/3 G, City's Blessing, Octopus 8/8 U
Folders Other Players, Zegana, edh, Decks, Vorel Ideas, Folder 1, decks, I like these, Possible Decks
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