Pirates. The image of a man with a hook for a hand, an eye patch on one eye with a parrot on one shoulder mocking your ill fortune and a hat on his head with a skull and crossbones is likely the image one receives when the word is uttered. That, a giant ship and a rather shady looking crew with overt dodgy figures. Or perhaps famous names start ringing in your head, the most obvious one - Edward Teach, Blackbeard. Who used psychological tricks and tactics to scare opponents into surrendering even before a fight, and thus got his legend written down. Anne Bonny, an Irish lass who came from a very well to do family and became one of the most feared pirate captains in history; also a lover of Blackbeard at one point and a love interest of fellow female pirate Mary Read. Calico Jack, William Kidd, Sir Francis Drake, Black Bart Roberts - one could go on. Fictional pirates - I would be remiss indeed not to mention Captain Jack Sparrow.

As a prolific Vorthos player and lover of history, I just could not resist making a pirate deck where, like some pirates did in the Golden Age of Piracy, pirate captains and their crew work together to keehaul the filthy landlovers that are my opponents and steal as many treasures from my opponents as possible. Captain Beckett Brass heads this alliance with Captain Vargus Wrath and Captain Lannery Storm as her right and left hands. Captain Vance has yet to agree to the alliance - but Beckett has an idea to recruit her to the party. Zara is still working on it. Ragavan and Francisco are the mascots for the alliance. Gyruda is included as represenation of Kraken stories and as a pet Kraken with a temper. Angrath, Captain of Chaos, doesn't need Blackbeard's psychological tricks as his roar and presence makes sure that the rest of the pirates are as menacing as possible. His Marauders make sure that everyone on their side delivers an extra punch, which is fitting for their Captain. The Grim Captain's Locker represents the obvious treasure chest motif but also as a representation of legendary treasure that lures pirates like a Siren song.

Stolen Goods, Hit the Mother Lode and Faithless Looting encompass everything pirate. Cutthroat Negotiator and Storm Fleet Negotiator are included as part of the diplomatic side of pirates; Parley fits too well with the flavour. Share the Spoils as well because it was exceedingly important to make sure that every member of the crew got their fair share of the spoils in order to halt any kind of mutinous grumblings. Treasure Map - I think this inclusion needs no explanation; Chart a Course the same. And of course, pirates cannot go anywhere without a proper ship. The Belligerent, Conqueror's Galleon, Subterranean Schooner, The Indomitable and Fell Flagship represent these ships. Hopefully Gyruda has made steps in ship hugging lessons and won't hug these ones but that is not a guarantee.

Any and all suggestions are welcome and I hope you enjoy my deck!

Raven Rose


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99% Casual


Date added 3 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.49
Tokens Clue, Copy Clone, Map, Ragavan, Skeleton Pirate 2/2 B, Treasure, Zombie Army 0/0 B
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