
This is the first MTG deck I both own and put together, I was excited to get into the game with the introduction of Kaldheim.

Update 1

wallisface on the board with the first bit of feedback! Turns out the mana curve was extremely steep, with 10+ cards requiring a converted mana cost above four. card:Icefang Coatl has joined the mix to play more aggressively at lower mana costs, which I think alongside the Ascendant Spirit will provide a much needed boost in the early game. Fatal Push in conjunction with Priest of the Haunted Edge will allow a nice combo of targeted removal and -X/-X counters on whatever didn't leave the board. Marit Lage's Slumber feels like a natural fit given the majority of this deck is snow. Great feedback!

How We Got Here

I originally did not have any green in this deck, instead having creatures like Avalanche Caller to use Lands for protection, while also including Rise of the Dread Marn to utilize token creatures to harm the foe after wiping the board with Blood on the Snow.

Took the deck I built to my local card shop, and asked the guy at the counter to help out. He suggested folding in some green to round out some of the weaknesses.

How (I think) It Works

The goal at the start of the game is to get some of the blue creatures like Ascendant Spirit and Frost Augur on the board for protection, additionally Frost Augur will let us pull in more snow cards. After this the focus needs to be on pumping up black mana to start getting creatures like Priest of the Haunted Edge to try and stunt opposing creatures with -1/-1 tokens. By the end of the game the focus will be on leveraging Blood on the Snow.

What kind of help I'm looking for

I want to understand the strengths and weaknesses of my deck to develop my understanding of magic. I think the biggest strength here is everything is tightly synergized around snow and can ramp up as the mana begins to flow. I think the biggest weakness here is that unless I pull a Woodland Chasm I won't be able to get Jorn, God of Winter   or Blessing of Frost into play before I am too behind to respond.

If there are deck suggestions, or general gameplay suggestions with this deck, I am happy to hear them.


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92% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year
Splash colors UBG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.43
Tokens Marit Lage, Zombie Berserker 2/2 B
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