
"Suit up!" - some creep in a bar

While it's an outdated reference, it's also the best description I can make for this deck. Step 1: Play Killian. Step 2: Listen to the creep. Step 3: Swing. There is a little more to the deck, but not really that much. So lets look at some of these things!

Value Town

Killian, Ink Duelist is a great start for us to look at the value the deck generates. His ability to reduce the cost of any spell that targets a creature by 2 is insanely powerful, playing Unquestioned Authority to pump our power by 2, give us perfect evasion, protection from creature ailities and replace the card for a single white mana is quite unbalanced - and we're sure going to abuse it!

We play a good number of cantrips that get their cost reduced by Killian, meaning we get to cantrip for one mana but get some more powerful effects as part of the deal. Grisly Transformation, Angelic Gift and Rune of Mortality are among these cards.

We also run a lot of good interaction that use Killian's discount to their advantage, like Darksteel Mutation, Utter End and Curtains' Call all being reduced to only their colored mana if rather easily met requirements are met.

Finally, we take advantage of the fact that we are easily going to stack loads of enchantments on our general to pivot from value generation to a very early late game where we go for a voltron win.

Volare, Tronare

Once we get a respectable body on Killian, we can start swinging for lethal commander damage. For this we need three important elements: ways to get big fast, ways to keep Voltron Killian safe, and evasion.

For getting big fast we run cards such as All That Glitters, Battle Mastery and Helm of the Gods, but also Sunbond and Light of Promise since they offer exponential growth off of Killian's lifelink. We also run Phyresis and Tainted Strike as alternate wincons, circumventing the need to reach the highest of power values.

For the purposes of protection, we want our main plan to be spells that target Killian att instant speed and we want a mix of protection from color and indestructable/regeneration to avoid most types of threats. Blessing of Leeches, Pentarch Ward and Timely Ward are examples of what we are looking for - note that these will all cost only a single mana.

Finally, we want to give Killian more evasion to complement his somewhat cute menace. Spirit Mantle, Inner Demon and On Serra's Wings are some of the choices here.


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93% Casual


Revision 1 See all

(1 year ago)

-1 Plains main
+1 Raffine's Guidance main
Date added 3 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

26 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.69
Tokens Elephant 3/3 G, Human Soldier 1/1 W
Folders 0 Active Decks
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