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The Inferno Counts to 20: Budget + Sideboard Swap

Modern Attach Budget Combo Competitive Equip Haste Jank Mono-Red Red Deck Wins Theme/Gimmick




This is an experimental Inferno of the Star Mounts concept deck. I am looking for recommendations from the experts on this site to streamline the concept outlined below, and make it more efficient/faster, and look forward to your insights!

The aim is to boost the power of Inferno of the Star Mounts until its about 18 (typically through a the following process:)

1) use of various equipment cards like O-Naginata or Shuko, or even Mutagenic Growth

2) doubling Inferno of the Star Mounts power with Unleash Fury or Rush of Blood to get it to 18

3) bumping Inferno of the Star Mounts power to 20 using its activated ability for 20 direct damage and potentially a win. If not, sure the dragon with 20 power swinging might secure the win shortly thereafter.

I can usually get this combo to go off by turn 5-6 (I know, that’s slow for modern), and have occasionally seen it work by turn 4.

Where this deck really gets interesting is the sideboard: This deck features a sideboard of cards that, when implemented, alter the modality of the deck entirely, turning it from a janky all-in Inferno of the Star Mounts build to a more conventional dragon tribal build. This is typically done by removing the following mainboard cards to make room for the sideboard:

4x O-Naginata

2x Shuko

3x Mutagenic Growth

4x Unleash Fury

2x Desperate Ritual

doing so allows one to swap in all 15 sideboard cards, which can really through your opponents game 2 plans off, when they're expecting to only have to have a response to Inferno of the Star Mounts but are instead met with a hoarde of dragons.

I welcome all recommendations that may be offered, and thank you for reading this far!


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93% Casual


Revision 10 See all

(2 years ago)

+4 Orb of Dragonkind main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #104 position overall 2 years ago
  • Achieved #51 position in Modern 2 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern Attach 2 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern Equip 2 years ago
Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years
Exclude colors G

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 7 Mythic Rares

8 - 6 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.48
Tokens Dragon 2/2 R, Dragon 5/5 R, Karox Bladewing
Folders Modern Decks, Modern
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