Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

Commander / EDH Liquidbeaver

SCORE: 704 | 405 COMMENTS | 63000 VIEWS | IN 231 FOLDERS

"You realizing my greatness was... expected." - Ib —July 21, 2017

Ib is most pleased that all of his terrible, personal, painful sacrifices, that couldn't possibly be quantified in number of lives lost, have wrought more than 60 upvotes, and 8400 views! It was hard, but worth every shredded little unidentifiable corpse! Probably wasn't even anyone we knew.

He has vowed to continue working hard to blow up all of his enemies (and most of his friends) until he has reached the top, and everyone acknowledges his great intelligence and cunning!

If you fancy yourself a smarty goblin, leave a comment below with your suggestions about how Ib can more efficiently rid both sides of the battlefield of their allegedly "vital" organs.

Poke around in this upvote button like it was your crooked nose!


HonkStonk says... #1

Since red is lacking in deathtouch and since it just got reprinted Basilisk Collar seems mighty worthy. It instakills all creatures regardless of size as long as they don't have pro red, pro creature or indestructible. It pairs nicely with Nemesis Mask for some good life gain/board wipe. The next worthy source of deathtouch is Quietus Spike witch could be easily manipulated with something like Brass Squire to just flip it to an unblocked goblin or you could use Brass Squire to throw it or Basilisk Collar on a goblin blocked by a fatties you want dead now. Gorgon Flail, and Gorgon's Head also can give alternate death touch effects but sacrifice features.

May 20, 2017 4:49 p.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #2

squirlfood: Those are great suggestions. I think Basilisk Collar would be a perfect fit for the deck! I am gonna sideboard until I find a good spot for it.

Thank you!

June 4, 2017 10:01 p.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #3

So, bad news...

With Basilisk Collar, if Ib is out when the equipped creature is blocked, the collar falls off before I get the benefit of the deathtouch or lifelink.


June 16, 2017 2:44 a.m. Edited.

Liquidbeaver says... #4

Found another great addition with Acidic Soil! Now I just have to find a good spot for it. There's even a comment on Gatherer talking about the card that says - "Uhh... Maybe if you just sacrificed a whole bunch of mountains...".

Well sir, it just so happens we have!

I also really want to get Aggravated Assault in too, maybe in the place of Insult / Injury?

June 18, 2017 11:21 p.m.

mlequesne says... #5

Bro nice deck, I love goblins in EDH. I didn't have the time to read all the description but the first thing I noticed is that you're missing Invasion Plans.

July 20, 2017 9:10 a.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #6

mlequesne: Thanks for commenting! I found out about Invasion Plans a long time ago, but had dismissed it quickly because at the time I would have never wanted another player to choose MY blockers, because I couldn't consistently get tokens out and I wanted to protect my lords. Now that the deck is much more consistent, this could come out as a finisher, or only when I can guarantee it won't hurt me as bad as it will hurt the other players. Nemesis Mask is one of my favorite cards in the deck, so doubling up on that effect will be awesome. It would also allow me to more easily add Infiltration Lens into the deck for more draw, something I've been trying to justify for a long time.

Great suggestion!

July 20, 2017 10:47 a.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #7

Some changes for playtesting:

Invasion Plans in for Imperial Recruiter - I didn't want to lose Recruiter, but my regular group had issues with people proxying expensive cards they never intended to buy. Hopefully it gets reprinted in the Masters set later this year.

Infiltration Lens in for Cathartic Reunion - Reunion is my highest costed draw spell, and the least card advantage, so Lens should be a better fit now that Invasion Plans is in.

Gratuitous Violence in for Insult / Injury - Insult/Injury was good, but I always liked Gratuitous Violence better, and I'm never really low on mana, so gonna see how it works out again. "Set it and forget it!" Ron Popeil about Gratuitous Violence

Glacial Crevasses in. Ive missed this card, and now that the deck is drawing more hate, I think it needs to come back in. Not sure what I am going to cut to make it fit though.

July 20, 2017 11:51 a.m.