This is a hoofed animal tribal deck.

Turns out a lot of hoofed animals in magic care about the attack step or generally are decent at blocking or trampling smaller creatures so i'm trying to lean into that I decided to go with Marath, will of the wild as the commander, unfortunately his creature type is beast but I think the art is on theme with the deck so i'm okay with it, I was initially going to go with a WUBRG deck with Jegantha the wellspring since he's an Elk but the animals I chose pretty much just fell into naya colors so I just decided not to overcomplicate it.

I'm open to pretty much any suggestion as this is a super in progress deck and its a little bit odd, I don't have a lot of other decks to draw from except for elk tribal decks or boar tribal decks for which there are very few.

Creature types that appear in this deck:

    • Antelope
    • Elk
    • Boar
    • Ox
    • Goat

TL;DR I need help building my hoofed animal tribal deck

UPDATE So I swapped out colossal majesty for elemental bond, it hits the regular power for the creatures in the deck and draws cards more often so that was a clear winner

Swapped out a basic land for animal sanctuary and then a couple of the slower creatures for yasharn, tusker, capricopian, and pathbreaker. In my initial search I completely left out Goats so I may have to take a second look at those and see if it’s worth making any further changes.

Of course thanks to SpecimeN87 and seshiro_of_the_orochi for the great suggestions, Pathbreaker Ibex is sort of a wincon that this deck needs and the deck is inexpensive enough that i'm okay with bumping the price for it.


I scoured through lands and really there are only a couple of forests that include any hoofed animal, closest being from JMP with a deer and then commander 2013 with a deer also, and a couple of plains that have an ox or zebra in the art from classic sixth edition. Unfortunately I couldn't find any mountains with any hoofed animals but I might have overlooked them so if there is one let me know and I can update, I did however update the artworks in my list for now. I added some tapped snow lands to fit the flavor of the deck instead of guildgates because I feel like these animals would be walking around those landscapes naturally.


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98% Casual


Top Ranked
Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 0 Rares

32 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.97
Tokens Boar 3/3 G, Elemental X/X G, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, The Monarch
Folders Commander Finds, Makeplayingcards
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