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Head in the Clouds (Derevi Tribal Lockdown)

Commander / EDH Aggro Competitive Group Slug GWU (Bant) Midrange Tribal



Other (1)

Lockdown, Birds and Togetherness!


This is my first truly competitive deck so first off, let me thank you for looking at it. It means a lot :)

I was given a commander deck by my amazing friend AJMcD! I love the happy, kind colours of friendship and togetherness (WUG) and I also love the idea of flying so the perfect deck idea was obvious to me.


The deck works by attempting to ensure that the opponent cannot untap their stuff nearly as much as if they were left unchecked. The deck also has elements of token swarm so it can generally keep up with all but the most dedicated token swarm decks.

It has amazing mana acceleration and can generally be several mana ahead by turn 4. Using Derevi, Empyrial Tactician's effect to untap Karoos and other mana generators is invaluable and I have made sure to include 2 enchantments Nature's Will and Bear Umbra to make sure that your lands are used to their full potential.

I have based the deck around two themes. Birds and Tapping. The bird aspect is based around a synergy that a lot of birds hold and cards such as Flurry of Wings ensure that I have a supply of birds to work with. I can draw cards with Crookclaw Elder or I can bounce ANYTHING with Keeper of the Nine Gales. It's AMAZING!! Especially as this is the first time I've ever had a deck that's gotten me so much praise!


Using Stoic Angel in combination with vigilance giving artifacts (or the pseudo-vigilance gained from Derevi's effect) is a surefire way of ensuring your opponents are kept locked down as there are very few commonly played tap/unap cards.

Winter Orb chains very nicely with Nature's Will and Bear Umbra so your opponents can be screwed over as early as turn 4! The whole idea of this deck is to not just lock down the creatures but also lands as well.

Adaptive Automaton, Door of Destinies, Coat of Arms and Kangee, Aerie Keeper are massive bird boosters and have won me many games by ensuring Derevi can deal 21 commander damage (seems impossible for such a tiny li'l creature). I don't have as many birds as I'd like but good ones are few and far between.

Shaman of Forgotten Ways is a card I toyed with for a while before realising that no one at my college runs flying so I can just use his formidable and then swing for game in the air. It's not like that much mana is ever a problem anyway :P

Cathars' Crusade and Secure the Wastes is fairly self explanatory but done at instant speed, it's devastating!


Brave the Sands/ Murkfiend Liege + Cryptolith Rite/Derevi, Empyrial Tactician is a real mana spinner! You get that sweet sweet enemy blood mixed with your mana! Mmmmmmm, still fresh :D

Stoic Angel + Winter Orb + Bear Umbra/Nature's Will + Brave the Sands/ Murkfiend Liege is one of the main focuses of this deck! It is a group slug that doesn't really affect you. The pseudo-vigilance provided by Derevi can make up for not having your vigilance giving enchantments but it's preferable to have the enchantment as then Derevi can tap down your opponents' stuff and they have to choose what's most important to them! Just make sure to sleeve your cards else the ink might run from THE TEARS :D

An overloaded Cyclonic Rift may seem expensive but, in reality, using Derevi's kick-ass ability you can drop it as early as turn 4 by tapping your lands in the damage step and using Derevi's ability to untap them! this is invaluable against swarm decks (which I've still no idea how the hell I can beat 'em).



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There were quite a few errors both in the text and the deck list so those are all sorted now :)

I also now have Exploration and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. Both of which are excellent!

Just a few more cards to go now guys! Thanks for sticking with me!


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Revision 15 See all

(2 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #6 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 2 years
Splash colors G
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

48 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.90
Tokens Bird 1/1 W, Bird 3/4 W, Bird Soldier 1/1 W, Copy Clone, Emblem Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Emblem Narset Transcendent, Kraken 9/9 U, Warrior 1/1 W
Folders general, EDH Decks, like, Derevi decks, Cool, But Janky, EDH, Amazing EDH Decks, Bant EDH Ideas, EDH (ELITE), Decks of Destiny
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