

Peace was never an option, nor was survival. Everyone dies and deserves to. Greven's here to accelerate the process for everyone.

This deck is built around Greven's passive of gaining power when you lose life. The obvious way to optimize this is to FUCKING RUN HEAD FIRST INTO DEATH'S GLORIOUS BOSSOM then SLAMMING THE DUMB FUCKER WHO DIDN'T LEAVE UP TWO BLOCKERS FOR THEIR ENTIRE HEALTH TOTAL. Now, there are many dumb ways to do so, but also clever ways that generate value. As long as you keep a level head, and play out your pieces without generating too much attention, Greven will happily KICK EVERYONE IN THE DICK FOR LETHAL.


The game plan is simple. Land some land, rock some rocks, then kill someone on turn 3 or 4. If you're lucky, you drew one of your life links, and get a second wind. If not, just accept death, but deny anyone the pleasure of killing you. Suicide is badass.

Can't stick Greven?

Kroxa is our secret weapon. Get this bad boy in the yard to punish your opponents. Moltensteel Dragon also can finish the game quick, with a similar playstyle to Greven.

Is Greven a salamander or the fucking MOON?

Phyrexian Tower isn't here for giggles, SUICIDE IS ALWAYS AN OPTION. If Greven would face a fate worse than death, put him down. You could also fling him in response, making sure your opponents know you don't value life more than a +1/+0 counter.

Fun little combos and synergies:

Greed + Skirge Familiar Lets you draw a chunk of your deck whilst pitching it, feeding Kroxa and Greven's lust for death all in one go. Just keep the good things to make it quick.

Blood Celebrant + Swamp Seriously, this boy alone has resulted in more kills than I can count. You can pay his effect with the mana generated to loop into Greven nut-tapping someone.

Immolating Souleater + Tainted Strike Everyone eventually focuses so hard on stopping Papa G that this cheeky combo just slides right through. You generally never need to give Greven infect, so it's best to hold for a shot like this.

Liquimetal Torque + Shenanigans nonland destruction go brrrr


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93% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

32 - 0 Uncommons

27 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.57
Folders EDH busild future decks
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