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Greensleeves was not all my foe's joy

Commander / EDH Mono-Green Stax Theme/Gimmick Tokens


"Greensleeves was all my joy Greensleeves was my delight Greensleeves was my heart of gold And who but my Lady Greensleeves"

For those of you who enjoy medieval music, you may know the infamous Greensleeves. Even if you are not a connoisseur of old music that predates modern and Early Modern music, if someone hums the tune or sings the chorus, there is a likelihood of you thinking, 'where have I heard this song before?' Greensleeves is a song that dates back to the 15th century; the original version was a full 21 minutes long so if you hear some very talented singers on YouTube doing a cover, I guarantee you now they are not doing the full version! The composer of the song is unknown. Theories have stated it was possibly composed by King Henry VIII of England - the famous second king in the Tudor line, the founder of the Church of England and one of history's infamous tyrants. Known for having six wives officially and only three recognised by law, it is often forgotten that the man was a theologian, a linguist, a translator, a poet and also a composer. The prominent theory around Greensleeves as a song by His Majesty is that it was written for a certain Anna de Bolein - Anne Boleyn, his famous second wife - when he was still attempting to court her favour. However, musical academics and historians correctly point out that the song is older than both Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Likely, the King sung the song for his falcon white instead of composing the song.

Now, I hear you ask - "Raven, why the history lesson?"

Well, if you are not new to my decks and my deckbuilding methodology, it will not come as a surprise to you to know the answer: because I decided to build a theme deck entirely around a crucial stanza in the original Greensleeves song, using Greensleeves herself as Commander of course! At first, I wanted to build a music theme deck, until a very good friend of mine, who is more akin to a brother, pointed out a rather fun stanza:

"I have been ready at your hand To grant whatever you would crave I have both wagered life and land Your love and good-will for to have"

I have wagered life and land - and that is when it hit me. I am going to make my opponents wager life and land to play Magic! I will build a deck that fully embodies not only the life and land that my opponents have to pay in order to have fun, but also embodies the misery of the singer by making EVERYONE miserable. You see, I AM Greensleeves, and my opponents are the mysterious composer. The deck has had a few test runs and it can keep up with some high level decks, except it does have an issue with card draw. If any of you know good cards this deck might need, please suggest them because I am at a loss. Card draw isn't exactly green's forte.

Indeed, all suggestions are welcome! I hope you have enjoyed - to some extent - reading the thought processes behind this rather disgusting deck.

Raven Rose


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93% Casual


Date added 2 months
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.00
Tokens Badger 3/3 G, Bear 2/2 G, Beast 3/3 G, Phyrexian Beast 4/4 G, Plant 0/1 G, Saproling 1/1 G, Wurm 6/6 G
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