
Artifact (2)

Creature (1)

Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)


Artifact (1)

Creature (1)

Glissa, the Traitor

Right now the deck has many combos with exchangeable components, I just need to trim some fat and find the gas pedal to get the deck rolling faster.

So, basically, artifact sacrifice graveyard tutor-ramp-rush-utility. The commander will return to our hand a target Artifact card from the graveyard if a creature an opponent controls dies. Using continued Artifact creation and sacrificing, we will use the triggers to damage or force a player to sacrifice one of their creatures giving us a Glissa trigger and returning something to our hand to use again if needed. This deck is in its Alpha phase and is still being tested to find weak points and identify compatible cards for more combos.
As the deck stands right now, Glissa, the Traitor is a conditional presence. the deck itself is (ideally) designed to function on its own and therefore requires the Commander's presence once an assaulting combo is in place. For example, a Blasting Station which offers creature "ping" capabilities to get Glissa to trigger, but at that point the deck will handle itself. As a creature, Glissa is VERY aggressive in that she has high P/T, Deathtouch and First Strike, but she is exceptionally useful as a defensive deterrent because she will guarantee a kill and trigger to anything coming her way (with exception to other countering combat abilities, etc..).




The infinite combos right now identified in the deck revolve around artifact creation, sacrifice and untap. The key players are Dross Scorpion, Myr Turbine and a Sacrifice outlet from the following: Essentially, you create Myr Artifact Creature tokens using Myr Matrix which are immediately sacrificed, Dross Scorpion triggers when an Artifact Creature dies and will untap a target artifact, which will be the Myr Matrix again. This process continues on and on.


Sacrifice sources make the magic happen and there are a few cards that utilize this mechanic: Azusa, Lost but Seeking and Crucible of Worlds will even allow us to use our artifact lands Darksteel Citadel, Tree of Tales and Vault of Whispers as sac sources and put them all right back into play.

But Why?

Each time we put a Myr into plat or sacrifice it, a few different things can happen. Most exciting to get triggers stacked are the Salvaging Station and Summoning Station. Both feed off one another and the Summoning Station will put an artifact into play. One card selected for this combo is the Chimeric Mass which has a CMC of . If we pay and activate the ability for , the creature of 0/0 will die immediately and grant us some Artifact, Creature and/or Artifact Creature triggers. That being said, here are those who benefit:
Deck cycling and drawing utility will also help us set ourselves up for success. One card that synergizes well with the deck's mechanics will help us cycle quickly through the deck to get what we need: Cream of the Crop

Upon entering the battlefield, our 1/1 Myr tokens will cause Cream of the Crop to trigger, If we have Myr Galvanizer ready, it will granting us a kind of scrying trigger to leave one card on top and the rest on the bottom. Is the Galvanizer is not in play we get to see the top card. Otherwise, Summoning Station will be our next outlet for a higher Power/Toughness sacrifice source.


To really get the ball rolling with the deck tutoring is essential. Right now there are Demonic Tutor and Kuldotha Forgemaster that will get us what we need but the Forgemaster will put it into play at the cost of 3 Artifacts. To better push Artifact tutoring, the following cards with Transmute will be added: Transmute is a sorcery ability that costs to get a card with the converted mana cost of the transmuted card, in this case we are using the , and CMC cards to get our combo pieces in hand. If one is not what we need at the moment, we can get something else or use it on the board. Perilous Forays will help us tutor any land card.

This deck has MANY moving parts that rely heavily on one another and is hard to break; if one piece is lost it can be replaced or even retrieved from the graveyard either back into play or to the hand using Glissa triggers.


  • Creatures:
    Viscera Seer - Sacrifice and Scrying
    Thoughtpicker Witch - Sacrifice and Exile Opponent Library (if resources are available)
    Quagmire Druid - Sacrifice and Enchantment Board-Control
  • Enchantments:
    Mind Slash - Sacrifice and Target-Player Choose Discard
    Death Match - Creature ETB Give Target -3/-3 (ideally get better benefit than opponents)
  • Sorcery:
    Brainspoil - Transmute or Destroy Creature


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93% Competitive

Revision 13 See all

(1 year ago)

-1 Memnite main
Date added 3 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 1 Rares

29 - 2 Uncommons

24 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.05
Tokens Copy Clone, Myr 1/1 C, 0/1 C Artifact Creature Pest, Treasure
Folders Commander
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