
This is the foundation for a test deck I'm building for commander. I'll add different lethal effects and impacts as I finish the deck. Any suggestions are appreciated.

The general intention of the deck is to support token generation which will then feed into aristocrats as the overall theme.

I am considering having a toxic, Phyrexian sub-theme in order to provide another lethal outlet, as my focus is already on producing tokens.

Projected Lethal impacts: Ojer Taq/Mondrak -> Elenda with at least +5-+10 -> 1x Sac tool -> 1x damaging tool (Ex. Cruel Celebrant)

Projected Lethal Impacts: Elesh Norn Grand Cenobite-> minimum 10 tokens into face.

Update 1: I 'mite' have had a bit of fun with the deck. For the most part I believe I've worked out the kinks. Proliferation, and Mites wound up being the the key that I had been missing for it in its first draft. For the most part, the deck list is finalized. The largest weakness I'm attempting to mitigate right now is that if the deck doesn't have at least one method of token generation up through a hand screw, it gets stalled horrifically. I've been running tests against my buddy who runs a deck that I'd classify as about rank 8 Ur Dragon and Atraxa, and its largely been a 50/50 split.

Added Bitterblossom to provide another token generator. Revamped the decklist to shuffle around 20 new cards in, and quite a few out. Fountain of Cho, Subterranean Hangar, Bottomless Vault and Icatian store wound up being MVP's of the deck for mana generation when paired with proliferate. Here are a couple things that came up during initial testing.

Tokens dying is a part of the plan. Your goal is to be aggressive with your tokens so that they die. It doesn't matter if you kill them, or your enemies do. Always remember to Sac if they get blocked you get far more value from 'em dying.

Trample Decks are not your friend. They'll probably kill ya about 60% of the time if you let them get going. You're faster though, get your mites, and vamps on the field, toxic 'em up, Vault of the Archangel will be your greatest friend as a defensive tool here. If not, board wipe, call it a day as you'll likely rebuild quicker.

Do not play any of your token multipliers until you have your generator on the field. They're gonna be dead pretty much the same turn, you need to get as many tokens out as you can in one go. Mondrak is the most defensible of 'em.

Elenda needs to come out relatively quickly, but not unless you have the proper setup for her. You want at least 1 Sac Generator, and 1 token generator up before you bring her out. She's here for her colors, and as your finisher. Ozilith and Elenda will win you the game straight out most of the time.

This is not an aggro deck. You're going for mid-range. Help your friends out and like a true phyrexian stab 'em in the back later on. Your board state is explosive and whether you win will be determined by 2 turns around turn 7. Board Wipes are only scary if they are total board wipes. So long as your enchantments or artifacts remain. You can come back faster than almost anyone.

Future plans for the deck:

I want to strengthen the board wipe tools. Considering The Meathook Massacre and Damnation for that role.

Projected Lethal Impacts: Sanguine Blood-> Exquisite blood -> deal 1 damage with Elenda/lifelink token/Vault of Archangel. Infinite.

Projected Lethal Impacts: Doomsday-> Infinite combination

Projected Lethal Impact Animation Module-> Ashnod's Altar-> Elenda=Infinite

Projected Lethal Impact (Possible addition of Mites) Ojer Taq/Mondrak -> Mite Generator (Swing each round) -> 10 toxic

Edit 3

Removed Ria Blade of Banehold as she did not do enough for the deck to warrant continued inclusion. While she generated tokens, testing has shown that aggression is more important than Mite generation.

Added Moonshaker Cavalry as a potential finale. It can be a major presence on the board with only six tokens.

Vraska, Betrayal's Sting was a powerful finisher, as in games she was never the focus until it was to late to handle her effect in multiplayer games.

Considering God Eternal Bontu, Vampiric Rites for potential cuts in the future. Sacrifice into draw has not been working well, and I would rather go for a more traditional draw outlet.

Contemplating Icatian Store type effects going forward, as they tend to only be useful for 'spikes' when using effects like March of the Canonized or White Sun's twilight. Considering removing 2/4 of the effects in favor of other lands.

Added Shadowspear to the Maybe board as Elenda has averaged about 12 counters per game and the trample effect would add to board pressure.

The following finishers have been observed in testing.

White Sun's Twilight, Cabal Coffers, Urborg, 6 mana, Moonshaker cavalry. Overwhelmed other players board states. 1 Success, 1 failure due to meathook massacre.

Elenda, Ozilith, Blade of the Blood Chief. Each time an enemy dies Elenda gains +3 due to Blade of the Blood Chief. With tokens on the board that means she's a 16/16. Other players did not have exile as I had burnt those impacts earlier and no one wanted to remove her from the field. However, because she lacks trample effects I could not use it for a finisher. Considering Rogue's Passage and Shadowspear as additions to add to this beat down play style.

Drana, Blade of Malakir-Anduril, Narsil Reforged. With both of these effects she can become very large very quickly, will buff every token on the field to a 3/3 or 4/4 if you have city's blessing. Very successful effect. Considering adding Anduril Flame of the West to have attacking creature generation as Drana's primary pair for Spirit Token Generation.

Elish Norn Combo continues to be terrifying.

Animation module combo works

Uncertain about Sanguine Bond or Exquisite Blood as while it is lethal, the effect is not that good individually, and it takes up two slots. Would rather add other effects to protect the board like Mothra


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Date added 3 months
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 0 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.89
Tokens Angel Warrior 4/4 W, Blood, City's Blessing, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Inkling 2/1 WB, Phyrexian Mite 1/1 C, Servo 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 W, Treasure, Vampire 1/1 W, Vampire 2/2 B, Vampire Demon 4/3 WB
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