
Why do I wanna make this deck?

I want a deck that speeds up the game. Doesn't matter who I'm facing: the game will be over in less time than it would otherwise take.

Obviously I also still want to win :P.

How do I reach that goal/want?

The game goes faster if people can take actions. If I give my opponents more cards, but not too many, it's easier for them to make the best decision, and since I "gave" them that card, they tend to view me in a favorable light, making them less likely to kill me first.

The game also goes faster if people's wincons are helped out. Partially this means a little bit of table politics, but also just chipping away at our opponents, since bringing your opponents to 0 life is the wincon of 98% of all decks.

It's important to look out for some potential pitfalls of this strategy, which really is a balance of Group Slug and Group Hug:

Pitfalls Group Slug:

  • If you deal too much damage, people might paint you as the biggest threat, which like means they'll either stop you from speeding up the game, or kill you outright, stopping you from speeding up the game.
  • If too many different actions cause players to take damage, it becomes harder to make decisions, not easier, slowing down the game.

Pitfalls Group Hug:

  • If you give the other players too many cards and mana to work with, they can get lost in decision-making, prolonging the game unintentionally.
  • The possibility exists that other players benefit more from extra resources than I do, meaning they will run away with the game. I still intend to win, so can't have that.

What do I need to do that?

  1. Ways to give my opponents cards (preferably with a tiny tax attached to them).
  2. Ways to give my opponents mana (with tax attached, no freebees).
  3. Ways to slowly chip away at my opponents (besides the aforementioned tax effects).

Damage multipliers can also wreck havoc, both boosting my ticking, chip damage hit and making it easier for an opponent to take out another opponent with a big swing.

People don't tend to mind much when they take 1 or 2 damage when they draw a card, especially if you give them one or two more. Creatures dying is also a great resource, since creatures are gonna die regardless of what I do, and profiting of those deaths is really easy and (most of the time) accepted at the game table, so you don't draw too much ire from it.


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Reasons for removal:

  • I don't like keeping mana up for Hellish Rebuke.
  • Meteor Golem is way too expensive for omnitarget removal in this deck.
  • Combustible Gearhulk doesn't feel good to play most of the time, since it would either overdraw, or cause me to mill, which I don't like either.
  • Sower of Discord doesn't have a lot of impact and feels bad to play most of the time.
  • Tectonic Giant wants to attack, and that's not really part of this deck's plan.
  • Undercity Scrounger is a fun idea, but it's just a bit too clunky in the deck.
  • Reasons for adding:

  • Wild Magic Surge is a neat omnitarget removal spell that also gets the other player something, so feels less bad for your opponent.
  • Sign in Blood can make the draws slightly better, and has the option to kill someone else.
  • Roiling Vortex, Loyal Subordiante and Chandra, Awakened Inferno are all good DOT cards.
  • Rakdos Signet is another great card to get Mogis out early.
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    Date added 5 years
    Last updated 3 days

    This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    4 - 0 Mythic Rares

    32 - 0 Rares

    28 - 0 Uncommons

    11 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 3.31
    Tokens City's Blessing, Emblem Chandra, Awakened Inferno, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
    Folders Commander/EDH (Paper)
    Ignored suggestions
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