
Sorcery (1)

A fun cat tribal deck. As would be expected this started out as the standard C16 Arahbo deck, but after some time I've added, subtracted and otherwise attempted to mold the deck into a well rounded aggressive creature deck which focuses much more on the tribe rather than being a half-hearted equipment deck.

Currently this is at a turning point because cards like Rashka Golden Gub are becoming increasingly difficult to justify with the low number of equipment being run by the deck. However that said there do not seem to be a great number of auto-include creatures in tribe which could fill these gaps.

Other considered cuts are:

  • Seth's Tiger the protection clause is good for stopping a single deadly swing, but in games it has felt very undewhelming in hand. It might a candidate to swap for Ajani's Pridemate.

Considered additions:

  • Land Tax to thin out those pesky basics from the deck

The deck does have a nice punchy feel to it in play, as even a lowly 1CMC cat can turn into a 4/4 on turn 2 with Arahbo's eminence ability.

Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated!


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Revision 8 See all

(3 years ago)

-1 Vivien, Arkbow Ranger maybe
Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

46 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.43
Tokens Adorned Pouncer 4/4 B, Ajani's Pridemate, Beast 3/3 G, Cat 1/1 W w/ Lifelink, Cat Soldier 1/1 W, Copy Clone, Elephant 3-3 G, Rat 1/1 B w/ Deathtouch, Sacred Cat 1/1 W
Folders Commander
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