
Instant (5)

Enchantment (2)

Artifact (5)


Pretty self-explanatory; get creatures out, use removal wisely, force them out of good options, and hit them hard. Use hand hate to get rid of their counter-spells, removal, and creatures you can't outright kill/destroy/cast into oblivion.

Please take that ^^^ with a grain of salt, it doesn't really apply anymore but it provides a better intro sentence than nothing.

I used to consider this deck to be semi-competitive, but I’ve taken the power level and cost down a tad. You can definitely make it more powerful, just toss in the cards listed below at your discretion, and it’ll be quite a bit more aggressive.

Deck Rundown

  • Asylum Visitor is great all around; card draw when you need it the most, beneficial to discard, and a 3/1 body to trade with or to hit hard. Dusk Legion Zealot functions similarly, except he comes with a more immediate one-time advantage.

  • Gatekeeper of Malakir allows for a two-in-one, a 2 drop body with evasion-proof removal.

  • Stromkirk Captain is one of the best lords on the market, giving your vamps the insanely valuable power of first strike.

  • Bloodghast is, well, Bloodghast, not much introduction needed. And hey, he's a Vampire on top of it all, so that rocks.

  • Vampire Nocturnus is insane, and when dropped on a full board, can potentially win the same turn.

  • Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet has a fantastic body, and as a bonus can help against any deck that relies to much on sac outlets or face-hate.

  • Really, any fetchland used to fetch black can be used here, it just needs to fetch black. I use Marsh Flats in my actual deck because I had easier access to them, but Polluted Delta is a lot cheaper and does the same thing.

Also, shoutout to YamishiTheWickedOne's fantastic vampire deck for ideas and inspirations:

What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse

Modern YamishiTheWickedOne

SCORE: 261 | 440 COMMENTS | 67448 VIEWS | IN 160 FOLDERS


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Well. I totally revamped(hah) the deck, so I"m not even going to bother.

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Revision 11 See all

(3 years ago)

+1 Collective Brutality main
+1 Gifted Aetherborn main
-1 Olivia, Mobilized for War main
-1 Vampire Hexmage side
Date added 6 years
Last updated 1 year
Splash colors W

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 3 Mythic Rares

27 - 6 Rares

13 - 6 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.15
Tokens Vampire 2/2 B, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Aggro, Vampire Decks, Decks to try, Modern
Ignored suggestions
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