Best Commanders in EDH [Tier List] Part 1

Commander / EDH* smilodex

SCORE: 300 | 329 COMMENTS | 240065 VIEWS | IN 124 FOLDERS

Modern Horizons 2 Update —June 14, 2021

Our current thought around the cEDH viable commanders:

  • Codie, Vociferous Codex - Codie will be the new TurboNaus monster... Profane Tutor will make this the incredible consistent and because of that it will be a good mix between Golos and Silas + Roger. It seems that Codie can become a titan. We need more time and your opinion to judge that.

  • Kess, Dissident Mage / Inalla, Archmage Ritualist - Grixis is the best 3 color combination but with decks like Kraum + Tevesh and Roger + Silas, those Wizard ladies have serious competitors... They are both really great decks, but it's really difficult to class them right. Should both be titans or should they be T1?

  • Garth One-Eye - looks like a very solid 5c commander, but we think that Kenrith is just better in most cases. Let's see how strong he will be.

  • Yusri, Fortune's Flame - Very strong Izzet commander, but also really dependent on your luck... We think he's not as strong as Rielle, but he has definitely potential!

Commander_JAR says... #1

I cannot find Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider on your list. Which honestly I see as casual because I don't know if counter decks are powerful enough. That being said, having access to Ugin is nothing to sneeze at.

March 4, 2021 4:50 a.m.

Commander_JAR says... #2


I've been working on a Tana/Tymna partner deck. (still trying to figure out a consistent far Pod with tokens and minimal stax....might take out stax) Anyways, I don't quite get the use of Tymna the Weaver . Is it just color advantage? If so, why not Ravos, Soultender ? Even if card advantage, you have to get on turn 4 to attack and by then, the opponent(s) will have at least one blocker.

March 4, 2021 5:10 a.m.

smilodex says... #3

Thank you very much community. I think that at one point the save process failed during the Kaldheim Update and therefore some commanders are still missing.

@Commander_JAR: Yes, your assessment is correct. We came to the same conclusion, besides it costs 6 mana and there are cheaper strong green +1/+1 counter matter commanders. It's an excellent choice for the 99, in decks like Fynn, the Fangbearer , Hamza, Guardian of Arashin , Atraxa, Praetors' Voice or Roalesk, Apex Hybrid etc.

I'm not a Blood/Meta Pod specialist but Tymna is much stronger than Ravos, because she's cheaper and can draw 3 cards per turn, where Ravos isn't bad at all, but he needs to stick atleast one turn on the board, to have an effect, where Tymna can draw you cards immediately when you already have creatures on the board. But visit the Blood Pod Discord or the primers on the cEDH database for more infos.

March 4, 2021 5:53 a.m.

enpc says... #4

Commander_JAR: Most cEDH decks that aren't based around beats (i.e. stuff like Najeela) are pretty creature light. Or the creatures you're playing against are typically mana dorks that people don't want to just chump block with. So Tymna is able to generate card advantage off of Tana (who can also just roll over 1/1 chump blockers). In addition, Tymna's lifelink is nothing to scoff at.

The problem with Ravos is that he costs 5 mana (you should be doing something strong with 5 mana) and then he takes an entire turn to do anything. In addition to that, cEDH removal is typically cards that either bounce to hand or straight up exile, so he doesn't generate any value there.

In more casual or more creature heavy settings you do have to work harder to get card advantgae off Tymna. But one of the things that Tana stax brings to the table is that she helps clear the board of creatures to let you connect unhindered.

If you didn't want to go down the stax route, you could always look at adding cards like Spirit Mantle to the deck, which lets Tana connect more consistently which then in turn helps you draw cards. Also (and it is a casual deck but) Sublime Archangel can be a bit of an MVP with Tana, especially if you have a few saprolings/dorks down already.

March 4, 2021 9:35 a.m.

Sephyrias says... #5

Could Vela the Night-Clad have "Tier 3: High Power" potential? She wins the game pretty easily with the Naru Meha, Master Wizard + Cackling Counterpart combo.

That Vela costs 6 definitely keeps her out of "Tier 2: Fringe Competetive", but that she is a win-con in the command zone for multiple combo types seems decent.

March 4, 2021 12:41 p.m.

Commander_JAR says... #6

Why is Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger in casual though? I mean, eight man, tall order, sure....but....LOOK AT THAT EFFECT! AND It's green! A good green deck should get it out turn 5!

Who in "casual" wants to face that??

....or are we taking into account removals? I

March 4, 2021 9:04 p.m.

enpc says... #7

Commander_JAR: Casual is waaaaaay to subjective to put together a list like this. Vorinclex may be a pain but at higher levels of play most decks rely heavily on mana ramp through rocks/dorks and most players are at least somewhat used to dealing with land hate.

On toop of that, other than being a stax piece, he doesn't really do anything. Plus yeah, as you mentioned, Swords to Plowshares only costs one mana and you basically paint a target on yourself sitting down with a Vorinclex deck.

March 4, 2021 10:17 p.m.

smilodex says... #8

@Commander_JAR: Casual can also be a way of thinking in EDH (social contract etc. but that's a topic for a whole other discussion) and this is about the power level of the commanders, their associated decks, their place in the current metagame and the possibility of comparing the commanders with each other. There are simply a lot of green commanders who are more effective because they are cheaper.

Like enpc mentioned right, Vorinclex isn't that bad, he's an all or nothing commander, but he's always painting a big target on himself. Even if he's coming down Turn 5. Every of his opponents will try to remove him. Path to Exile , Deadly Rollick , Slaughter Pact , Assassin's Trophy , Beast Within , Kenrith's Transformation and I didn't even mention counterspells are all cards which are played in almost every deck right now, so Vorinclex often doesn't even survive a turn cycle. After that he already costs 10 mana, which is often to slow. Vorinclex is way better in the 99 of reanimator decks, where you can through him into the graveyard and reanimate it with cards like Animate Dead .

March 5, 2021 3:24 a.m.

RobertoSjaa says... #9

I see ur point @Commnader_Jar. If you get vorinclex out early in a stage of the game like turn 3,4 or 5, where your opponents dont have mana open for removal. You'll have a great lock on the game.

March 5, 2021 3:24 a.m.

smilodex says... #10

@Sephyrias: well yes, that seems decent, I mean 7 mana + your 6 mana commander is to much for cEDH, but yes, in a control shell it could atleast be a high-powered deck. I didn't know that combo, but You could play Consultation Oracle as mainwincon and Naru Meha + Counterpart could be the alternative wincondition.

You should submit this combo to

@RobertoSjaa: Don't get me wrong, Vorinclex is very good creature who can win the game alone BUT if you play Vorinclex as your commander, everybody knows what's coming. Every skilled player will not tap out entirely or hold a hand without removal / counterspell against a Vorinclex player.

March 5, 2021 10:14 a.m.

RobertoSjaa says... #11

@smilodex: True, but if you drug your friends, they wont have a clue ;)

March 5, 2021 2:18 p.m.

Sephyrias says... #12

@smilodex "You should submit this combo to"

Interesting. I have a couple of ... uh, hundred combos that I could add to that. Mostly using combo pieces from my list here:

March 5, 2021 4:03 p.m.

Elevangeline says... #13

Kind of a niche question, but is Ranar's rating for the deck with the RIP + Blasting Station (or similar) combo?

March 9, 2021 8 p.m.

smilodex says... #14

Thanks for the tip, I think the combo was not included as there was no corresponding decklist at the time. This interaction is actually well searchable in azorius colors and the combo can even be executed step by step while a rule of law effect is on the field. Rest in Peace alone is also a very good hatepiece in the current meta because it shuts down breach combos and other graveyard strategies. A 3 card combo with one piece in the commandzone looks actually pretty decent. That would make Ranar at least a rogue/fringe competitive commander.

March 11, 2021 5:48 a.m.

penisluver says... #15

I tried playing a game with this deck but my library kept toppling over as there were too many cards. 0/10 =(

March 16, 2021 10 p.m.

Rivrek says... #16

I wanted to build a Vadrok, Apex of Thunder deck, but I don't understand how he's in the Competitive Tier because I can't find a good list online. Can someone explain to me how this deck wins competitivly?

March 17, 2021 6:23 a.m.

smilodex says... #17

@Rivrek: Visit the cedh database, there is a decent Vadrok list:

March 18, 2021 4:04 a.m.

Eisenherz says... #18

I think Omnath, Locus of Creation should be in T1.

  1. It has 4 colors, which gives it a huge card pool to play with.
  2. It is a value creature, that gives you life, mana and deals with opponents (and their planeswalkers)
  3. It is an outlet with Emiel or any other loop (e.g. Foodchain) that can win by drawing your library or by simply dealing infinite damage (looping dryad arbor).
  4. Because of the 4c identity it is very versatile and can be super good as a evolution style, a breach focused or a sans-B foodchain list.

Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

March 19, 2021 8:08 a.m.

Commander_JAR says... #19


I didn't make this list, and I am huge fan of Omnath (Locust of Rage) but honestly....I don't see a landfall commander going toe to toe with freaking Urza or Kinnan. Hell I am surprised these guys ranked it T1.5

Makes me feel optimistic redoing my landfall deck with Creation as commander (instead of Golos....too ambitious)

March 19, 2021 1:01 p.m.

Eisenherz says... #20


you are thinking of omnath in the wrong way. it is def not a landfall commander - at least in cEDH. landfall commanders are almost never viable, except for maybe tatyova. and if you build Omnath as a landfall commander, you won't have success in cEDH pods.

the landfall omnath has to be viewed mainly as additional value: gain life, add some more mana to go off, maybe even deal with planeswalkers and opponents life total from time to time, but thats all just on top of having a 4c commander, which is rare and provides absurd card quality, is an outlet in the command zone and can win through multiple overlapping lines, including dockside-loops, breach-freeze and many more....

As I play Urza (almost) exclusively and maintain both the UPS and PolyTyrant Primer, I can tell you with certainty, that any 4c cEDH deck can hold its own against any mono or 2c deck by sheer card quality.

In case you are interested in 4c Omnath and Urza, here are the links to my / our Primers:

  • Urza Power Scepter
  • Urza PolyTyrant
  • Omnath Rainbow Evolution
March 19, 2021 7:48 p.m.

smilodex says... #21

@Eisenherz: Thanks for your comment. Omnath is actually one of the commanders who caused a lot of discussion. I have already played against Omnath several times, he is one of the candidates who is almost too strong for tier 1.5 but minimally too weak for tier 1. As you already mentioned, nothing has really convinced us because if I want to play evolution, then Thrasios (+ Bruse) or Kenrith is just the better way to go. The same goes for Food Chain, First Sliver or Ukkima are simply more consistent due to the black tutors and Consultation + Oracle. We'll do a few more test games when the opportunity arises, because as you say 4color is already strong from the card quality alone. We've had Omnath in Tier 1 for a while too, so we'll definitely check it out again.

March 20, 2021 12:20 p.m.

Eternal77 says... #22

Still working on my list but I think jorn definitely has potential as competitive. One of the best color combinations in sultai and a stasis lock with as little as 1 snow island. I'll updat as I get some testing done

April 1, 2021 6:15 a.m.

Arcaneful says... #23

I think I agree with most of the Strixhaven commander ratings. I will say however I'm hoping I can get Quintorius, Field Historian to be a tier 3 deck soon. I've been testing him and while a little clunky, he can do some fun things with cards like Alms and Terror of the Peaks , etc.. I'm thinking maybe if I add some Kiki combos I can get him to be TIER 3, but we shall see.

April 13, 2021 9:09 a.m.

smilodex says... #24

@Arcaneful: Thanks for your comment, but Quintorius, Field Historian isn't a high powered commander... Unfortunately he has none of the character traits that make him a high powered commander, except that he is a cool looking elephant :D He "just" creates some tokens without evasion and he has only half an anthem effect in Boros/Lorehold-colors. Hofri Ghostforge is just the better choice here, because of the better stats, the better anthem effect, he can double up etb/ltb triggers and he can also turn non Spirits into Spirits. I'm sure you can build a high powered deck with Quintorius, but not because of him. We judge here the potential of the commanders on it's own and together with some possible synergies but sadly Quintorius doesn't generate enough card advantage to be a high powered general.

April 15, 2021 8:34 a.m.

Arcaneful says... #25



I think there was a miscommunication here, most likely with my own typing and phrasing. I want him to be able to compete with high powered commanders or be able to be on that playing field. I didn't articulate that well in my comment. I understand that Ghostforge is just better, but yeah I agree that Quin sadly won't be high powered any time soon.

April 15, 2021 8:59 a.m.