An Old-School Nightmare

Commander / EDH EnbyGolem

SCORE: 130 | 74 COMMENTS | 10744 VIEWS | IN 38 FOLDERS

Embracing the Jank —Dec. 9, 2020

Over the last couple months, I have been really changing the way I've approached this deck. Over time, I have been taking out staple cards I usually rely on to make way for cards I've always wanted to play with, ones I think are unique and don't have a home elsewhere. This deck has really become the flagship for my favorite elements of Magic and I absolutely love trying to eek out a win with this hodgepodge of oddballs. There is nothing wrong with optimizing your deck but for this one, I wanted to toss that mindset out the window, jump into the elements that made me start playing years ago, and dance on that razor-thin edge of what is considered 'playable.' I wanted to briefly record some of these changes here for anyone who is interested :)

Staples Removed: Ashnod's Altar, Altar of Dementia, Black Market, Mind Stone, Fellwar Stone, Sol Ring, Jet Medallion, Decree of Pain

Welcome, New Jank!:

Thrull cousins: Blood Pet, Basal Thrull, Blood Vassal

Weird/Unique Abilities: Coffin Queen, Urborg Stalker, Grotesque Hybrid, Ritual of the Machine, Ashen Powder, Delraich, Last Laugh, Well of Knowledge

OP Mana Rocks: Skull of Ramos, Kyren Toy, Sol Grail, Manakin

Asgeren says... #1

Love the theme! I have a similar deck using Volrath the Fallen. Always great to see an old school deck!

August 3, 2020 3:58 a.m.

Peoni says... #2

I've had a soft spot for decks like these since I got stuck playing a Jacques le Vert deck in a random commander competition I had with my friends. Love it.

Oh, and there's always Sol Ring. :^))) Shame it's $10 more than the newer prints, but it does fit the theme.

August 25, 2020 7:36 a.m.

EnbyGolem says... #3

Thank you so much for the update and suggestion, Peoni! I would definitely add an old Sol Ring if I can find find one at a good price. Right now, the deck only costs $50 without the commander and lands but I may expand it in the future and slowly add those better pieces. Lifeline is also high on the list along with Sol Ring and Jet Medallion; I think adding just those three would probably bump up the consistency of the deck quite a bit... I just wish they were cheaper! :)

August 25, 2020 11:58 a.m.

EnbyGolem says... #4

*upvote! Dang autocrorrect

August 25, 2020 noon

StasisAbuser says... #5

Love builds like this. I have a 5 color Karona, False God deck myself that is strictly old border.

My mono-black Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet deck has it's fair share of old-bordered cards as black as the best old border of all the colors IMO.

September 13, 2020 9:28 p.m.

EnbyGolem says... #6

Thanks StasisAbuser! I will have check that deck out too! I totally agree, black old borders are the best ;)

September 15, 2020 9:43 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #7

Phyrexian Ghoul is another good sac outlet.

September 19, 2020 1:40 a.m.

EnbyGolem says... #8

Thanks for the recommendation, bushido_man96. I'll have to try this out!

September 20, 2020 4:24 a.m.

3n3rgy2 says... #9

I feel the same way. Its always the same 70 cards in this format. I just put an old green black deck together with Vhati il-Dal and its been CRAZY good fun! Cheers to premodern magic my friend!!

October 14, 2020 11:57 p.m.

I always felt that Slaughter was an underplayed card in EDH, as 4 life to buy it back is a lot less intimidating when you're starting with a whole 40. Dregs of Sorrow is big and clunky, but in a format this slow, it could very well be worthwhile in the lategame.

If you're going for such a graveyard-heavy strategy, though, there's really no bigger recommendation I can make then Tortured Existence! Being able to swap out any creature for whatever you need from a well-stocked graveyard is the closest you can come to Recurring Nightmare in the format. Likewise, Apprentice Necromancer, Doomed Necromancer and Undead Gladiator should have no trouble finding homes in such a build. You might also consider Ashen Powder as a budget way to lift some powerful fatty from your opponent's graveyard if you're at risk of accidentally reanimating it as collateral with Balthor.

October 29, 2020 6:37 a.m. Edited.

3n3rgy2 says... #11

Tortured Existence is a super good card as is Phyrexian Reclamation

October 29, 2020 6:58 a.m.

EnbyGolem says... #12

Wow, thank you for all the advice, ClockworkSwordfish! I have a lot try out! I think I drooled a little after I saw Ashen Powder... This deck as increasingly grown a janky control sub theme with the likes of Ritual of the Machine, Withering Boon, Ashes to Ashes, Reckless Spite, etc and this would fit in perfectly!

Thank you as well 3n3rgy2! I am a little skeptical with cards that only bring creatures back to my hand but I will definitely have to give it a shot!

October 29, 2020 12:32 p.m.
December 6, 2020 11:45 a.m.

EnbyGolem says... #14

Thank you for the recommendations, king-saproling. I have been stearing away from discard themes just because it's not a very welcomed mechanic in my play group. When I first blue-printed this deck, I had Mindslicer in there but for the above reason as well as it's high pricetag, I ended up looking elsewhere.

I will have to look into trying out some of those others though! Abyssal Gatekeeper paricularly looks like a really interesting option! Thank you again!

December 6, 2020 6:23 p.m.