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The Hate Game

Legacy UB (Dimir)




Life is a resource not a score board, spend it wisely. ;D

The point of this deck is to have my opponent have to pay for everything imaginable. This deck locks down my opponent so well that I'm afraid that eventually they'll just wait it out to see who draws out first. Although I doubt this A lot more with the recent update.

Let me explain the cards:

Mana Web - All my cards are based of this one card, it is the bread and butter of this deck. While it doesn't have to have it out to function it is greatly enhanced when its in play. It taps all their land that produce the same color of mana as the land they tapped. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth makes this tap all their land regardless of type or color it produces since they are all swamps now.

Seizures - Used as an attack deterrent and fits nicely with the decks theme. If you attack me or tap your creature for any reason, you pay up or lose life. I added this because of a recent encounter with a ramp deck, apparently creatures can replace land... I fixed that.

Propaganda - Makes it so they can't attack me unless they take all the damage in their upkeep. If they want to attack me it will also mean they don't have a main phase.

Psychic Venom , Pooling Venom , and Contaminated Ground - At least 2 damage is done whenever they tap a land to pay any of the costs in this deck, most of which happen at the upkeep phase. Contaminated Ground also doubles as an annoyance/slow if they aren't playing black since it turns their land into a swamp.

Mana Short - Basically a skip their turn card if you use it during their upkeep. Not to mention all the damage i will do tapping their land. Power Sink accomplishes the same thing, but if they can't pay the added cost it not only uses up all their mana but gets rid of a card.

Fog Bank - In recent tests I discovered that there are some decks crazy enough to be able to attack me so this will help.

Rhystic Study - This provides DESPERATELY needed card draw. Since the average CMC is so low, once I get enough mana my hand empties very quickly so a draw source is needed and can also help this deck succeed more easily in a 3+ FFA.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - makes it so Mana Web will effect every land that my opponent controls no matter the type or color it produces. Every time they tap one mana, they all tap.


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I've been using this deck a lot recently and have since decided to remove some cards.

I've found that Mana Leak ends up just being a dead card in my hand because I would nearly always rather play one of my pain enchants than save the mana to counter something. Also they have to tap all their land anyways so they nearly always have enough to pay the 3. I've also removed Errant Minion because its CMC is annoying when I have it in hand and I'm wanting to go a slightly different direction with this deck with Pendrell Mists. 2x Propaganda are out as well because I never have the desire to play more than 1

I will be adding, 4x Blight, 2x Pendrell Mists, and 4x Rhystic Study because this deck needs draw, and I'll nearly always draw unless they want to take more damage. Blight just helps funnel their choices down to which lands I want them to use and gets rid of any pesky lands, while Pendrell Mists makes them hurt or they loose creatures.

The coming changes as I get money for them:

-1 Swamp and -1 Island ------> +2 Pendrell Mists with the low average CMC this deck has 20 lands has been working well and I end up with way to much land if the game does tend to drag on.

-4 Mana Leak -------> +4 Rhystic Study

and I've already done the -4 Errant Minion into +4 Blight and am loving the change.

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Revision 29 See all

(3 years ago)

+1 Abundant Growth maybe
+1 Corrupted Zendikon maybe
+1 Lithoform Blight maybe
+1 Urban Utopia maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.58
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