
It is time for me to have a deck that just wins. This deck should be very fun and consistent.


Thassa's Oracle, Laboratory Maniac and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries combos

Requires: Thassa's Oracle in hand. Demonic Consultation in hand. b u u available.

Steps: Cast Thassa's Oracle and hold priority. In response to the cast, cast Demonic Consultation, naming a card not in your library to exile your library.

(More Ways to Win)

Hermit Druid is usually Plan A. Activating Hermit Druid will allow you to put your library into your graveyard.

Demonic Consultation naming a card not in the decklist will allow you to put your library into your graveyard.

Cephalid Illusionist + Nomads en-Kor will allow you to put your library into your graveyard. (This is commonly known as the "Cephalid Breakfast" combo.)

Ad Nauseam + Angel's Grace will allow you to draw your entire library. Thassa's Oracle resolves making you look at the top 2. You win through Oracle's Altarnate win condition since you have no cards in your deck.

"Combo-ing off" with any of the above lines will lead you down one of three roads:

1 - You will mill your entire library into your graveyard.

From this point, the path to victory gets pretty complicated. While milling your library Narcomoeba will trigger and come into play. With one blue mana you can unearth Fatestitcher, and use the activated ability to refund the mana if need be. At this point, the simplest path to victory is sacrificing three creatures (usually Narcomoeba, Hermit Druid and Fatestitcher) to flashback Dread Return targeting Thassa's Oracle.

2 - You will have 'infinite' mana.

This path to victory is a little more straight forward. Thrasios, Triton Hero functions as a great infinite mana dump in your command zone. By activating Thrasios, Trition Hero's activated ability a number of times equal to the number of cards in your library you draw each non-land card and put every land into play tapped. At this point, the simplest path to victory is casting Thassa's Oracle.

3 - You will have your entire library in your hand.

This path to victory is very similar to #2 above. You simply need to cast Thassa's Oracle.

Other than the combo pieces, almost every other card in the deck is dedicated to providing access to faster mana, tutoring for combo pieces, or protecting the various combos from almost all types of interaction that could be used.

If you mill your entire library and somehow your plan fizzles, or an opponent has enough interaction to stop you from winning, Memory's Journey or Flash of Insight can prevent a loss and/or set up a win for the next turn.

If Laboratory Maniac, Thassa's Oracle, and/or Dread Return are in your hand, Cabal Therapy can be used to get the relevant combo pieces out of your hand and into your graveyard.

(Plan A) Step One : tutor or draw into these cards and make infinite mana with one of these combos

Dramatic Scepter Combo -- Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter + 3 mana from non-land sources = infinite mana of whatever colors your non-land permanents are tapping for

Vizier Combo -- Devoted Druid + Vizier of Remedies = infinite green mana (lightning greaves is available to use on the spot)

Step two : Cast Thrasios, Triton Hero. Draw deck with Thrasios's ability and the infinite mana we just generated.

concise win : find Walking Ballista and cast for infinite mana and shoot opponents to death.

alternate win : After drawing your library, use your infinite mana to play out all the artifacts. Now you can play any spell, and loop your graveyard and library back together with Memory's Journey and Noxious Revival or Elixir of Immortality. Once you've looped your graveyard back into your library, you can draw the whole deck with thrasios again. Play Beast Within on an opponents land to give them a 3/3, then cast Reality Shift to exile it and manifest the top card of their library. Now you can cast Reality Shift infinite times to exile all opponent's libraries. You can also loop Windfall to make opponent's draw out to death.

(Value Plays) -- Casting Ad Nauseam at end of turn on the player before you usually allows you to draw into enough combo pieces to go off the following turn. This is useful because you get to untap with all the cards you just drew.

-- Noxious Revival is an AMAZING Card that can do so many things. You can spoil an opponent's top of deck tutor by replacing it with some junk in their graveyard. You can use to to play a spell twice on your turn. Play your spell, then attack with Tymna the Weaver out. In response to tymnas draw trigger, cast Noxious Revival on the card you want to play again. This is super strong with tutors and a lot of mana out as you can double tutor in a turn to get both halves of a combo.


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94% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

61 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.67
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Spirit 1/1 C
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