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Ashling the Pilgrim EDH

Commander / EDH* Mono-Red



some politics. some voltron. lots of mana and damage.

Mana Doublers Mana Flare Extraplanar Lens Heartstone

Damage Doublers: Repercussion Quest for pure flame Dictate of the Twin God

Equipment (lifeline/deathtouch/indestructible/pro red): Sword of war & peace Baslisk collar Magebane armour Loxodon War Hammer Darksteel Plate

Tutors: Godo Gamble Potentially Fork & Reverberate can be used to copy another players Demonic Tutor, Steelshaper's Gift, Enlightened Tutor, etc.

Ashling is a mana hungry creature. Always having 6 (or 3 with a doubler on board) lands untapped means there's not a lot of mana to cast other big spells. Most of the spells in the deck cost 3 or less. Theres obviously other really good congruent cards but they cost more but that takes away mana needed to grow ashling and always be threatening to blow her up. We want to keep our board from looking too threatening. We want to get a lot of damage done with just a few cards. As you play more with the deck you'll get a better feel for what is too much on the board.

How to play:

Early game- Cast Ashling turn 2. Play a land, pump ashling and swing with her every turn. Your priority early is to get as many counters on ashling as possible and set yourself up to be able to blow the board up at any moment doing the most amount of damage possible when you do. On odd numbered turns use the one extra land to play 1 mana spells if you have them.

Mid-game- From turn 6 on (maybe as early as turn 4 or 5 if you already got a mana doubler on the board) always leave at least enough mana open to blow up ashling in a single turn. This is where the deck become a political pillow-fort-y masterpiece. Make it clear to everyone at the table that any aggression towards you will just result in you blowing up the board with Ashling. No one will want to lose all that life and their board state and for the most part the other players will shift any attention away from you. Otherwise continue to hit land drops, pump and swing with Ashling. Play more mana doublers, damage doublers, equipment and tutors to make the threat of Ashling exploding even more of something no one wants to see happen yet. But don't over extend yourself. You don't want to be too threatening and invite artifact + enchantment hate your way. Get used to saying "if you do that I'll just blow everything up with ashling." Always recast ashling asap after blowing her up and then resume pumping mana into her.

Late Game: Chandra's Ignition can also come out of nowhere to win you a game if you have a big ashling on the board. Comet Storm and Fanning the Flames can also finish of the opposition.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 10 months

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.73
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Gold, Treasure
Folders EDH
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