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Commander: Atemsis, All-Seeing


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This Atemsis deck is meant to win explosively and suddendly.

Lots of draw, some ramp and answers are in it to get where we want to. With this commander we have to keep paying attention to one very special mechanic: the different CMC costs in our hand. It's vital to learn when not to cast something and when we should go nuts. This also doubles up for any tutors. There's hardly ever a situation here where deciding which card to get is easy.

First of all, we have to get as many cards in our hands as possible. So we have cheap draw effects or ones that give us a huge amount of cardS, also scry effects to sculpt our hand. We also need quite a few cards that give us no max hand size. Since we are mono blue we are trying to run the most efficient ramp we can find. Solemn Simulacrum and Burnished Hart give us blockers and ramp, the rest of the mana rocks are pretty standard. There's as many utility lands in this deck as I could find.

I have seen some versions of the deck trying to balance 0-5 CMC cards in their deck. This is are missing on a huge upside of the deck: we get to play some crazy expensive spells that have the upside of being a unique CMC in our hand. If you notice, most of the more expensive spells can be cast by cheating their cost. Except Omnipotence and Enter The Infinite, which are win cons on their own. This increases our chances of having the different costs needed in hand.

Speaking about wincons. We have a few:

Use Atemsis ability to attack someone and make them lose the game.

Use Viridians Longbow/Sorcerers Wand to have Atemsis ping someone and have them lose the game. Bonus if you have Minamo land on the field, since it lets you untap Atemsis.

Physicosis Crawler and Enter the Infinite

Labman and Enter The Infinite/Blue Suns Zenith

Dramatic Reversal+Mana Rocks+Scepter. This gives you infinite mana. We run a few tutors to get here, if you can cast atemsis and give her haste, or if you already had her on the field, you can draw your entire deck too.

Aetherflux Reservoir. This card is honestly amazing, only way to get life back in the deck, some turns you will just keep going making this very good, can also help you close out games.

Another cool strategy is making infinite mana and making someone lose by having them draw their entire deck with Blue Suns Zenith.

Omnipotence, in general, closes games if they go too long.

Finally, Azor's Gateway, while not a direct win con. Oftenly gives me the game if I get to use it's effect 5 times.

As you can see, the deck has plenty of ways to win. A mulligan guide here is not that simple. Try to keep any hand that has 3-4 lands and at least one cheap spell that helps you draw more. If you get going with the card draw you just won't stop. This deck encourages you to learn very well when you should counter your opponents, you just don't care about someone else doing really good as long as they don't win or kill you right away. Even if they put a wrench on plan A or B, we still have C,D,E and F as back ups.

Honestly, it's a very fun deck. I would say it feels balanced but it absolutely destroys everytime I bring it.

There's obvious upgrades like the old Thassa, Rhystic Study, Mystic Remora, if you have the money/luck to find them, go ahead. Other potential upgrades are listed on the maybe board.

Leave any suggestions or questions if you want!


Updates Add

Took out Piracy, it was a cute card but mostly situational. Added Thieving Skydiver. More bodies are always nice and you can steal some crazy stuff with it. Took out two islands and added Sea Gate Restoration and Jwar Disruption, as they give the deck more flexibility.


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94% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 0 Rares

30 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.68
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders EDH, Decks for tts
Ignored suggestions
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