
I got inspired by seeing saber4734's list, which seemingly is an untouched standard list of old. Sultai delirium used to be king, but in a format that has become even faster, I never see mention of it. Even if it's there, I can't imagine it has a good matchup right now. Sultai is a strong color combination, and is usually my favorite color combo. BG is a bit simpler at the cost of flexibility, and is basically less expensive.

This might not fare much better. But I felt inspired to try and make a deck similar to Saber's, and maybe eventually build this list.

Feedback is always welcome.

I know off the top of my head, I want to find a way to squeeze a 3rd Vraska in the main somewhere.


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100% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Pioneer legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 1 Mythic Rares

32 - 5 Rares

6 - 7 Uncommons

6 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.97
Tokens Emblem Vraska, Golgari Queen, Ooze 3/3 G
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