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Time to burn some bitches

So I Heard You Like Dragons?

This is a deck built all around dragons. Casting dragons. Reanimating dragons. Swinging for a million damage with dragons. You know, just dragon stuff. Now, Bladewing may not be the absolute best commander for dragon tribal (The Ur-Dragon and his Scion can fight for that title) but make no mistake: Bladewing the Risen is awesome, and will absolutely murder your opponents if they aren't ready.

You'll love this deck if:

  • You like turning big creatures sideways and hitting people with them
  • More specifically, you like dragons
  • You like graveyard strategies
  • You enjoy playing a lot of removal. Creatures are supposed to die, right? Isn't that what they're for?

This might not be the deck for you if:

  • You don't enjoy creature-based strategies
  • You mostly want to win with commander damage. He may be cool, but Bladewing is pretty small for a 7-drop

  • Bladewing the Risen: The OG zombie dragon, Bladewing is the centerpiece of the deck's strategy, though the deck is still fully functional without him. He brings out a dragon from our yard every time he hits the field, letting us rebuild from boardwipes extremely easily. Also, his new art is the shit.

  • Steel Hellkite: Rakdos is a color combo that struggles with removing enchantments. On top of being just utterly badass, Steel Hellkite is one of our best ways of answering enchantments, as well as any other problematic permanents. Completely annihilates token-based strategies, which is neat.

  • Dragonlord Kolaghan: A 6/5 hasty flier for 6 mana is already a pretty good rate. And she gives all of your creatures haste too? We like haste. We want all the haste we can get.

  • Backdraft Hellkite: New addition to the deck. Not entirely sure how I feel about this guy yet, but getting double value out of our Entombs and Bedevils feels nice.

  • Hellkite Tyrant: This is one of the "goodstuffs" slots. Tyrant makes the cut because my playgroup runs a lot of artifacts.

  • Drakuseth, Maw of Flames: Oh Daddy. One of the best dragons in the deck. A 7/7 flyer for 7 mana is no joke, and his attack trigger can absolutely ruin your opponent's day. Note that Drakuseth can use his effect to ping down planeswalkers while still hitting your opponent for 7 in the air.

  • Balefire Dragon: For when you need to wipe someones board, but want to do it with style.

  • Dragon Tyrant: My new curvetopper. I wanted something that would let me present a faster clock when it comes time to turn things sideways. A 6/6 flample doublestriking firebreather is a great way to do that.

  • Terror of Mount Velus: Okay I just really like double strike. Sue me.

  • Scourge of Valkas: One of the most important cards in the deck. This dude likes it when I repeatedly put a bunch of dragons onto the field. This deck is all about repeatedly putting a bunch of dragons onto the field. I don't think I need to continue.

  • Scourge of the Throne: Another goodstuffs dragon, but he's really good, so he earns his spot. Drakuseth and Utvara love it when you give them multiple combat steps. So does Steel Hellkite, for that matter.

  • Tyrant's Familiar: Before Drakuseth came around this guy was my favorite dragon in the deck. He works wonderfully as a target for Bladewing, since if Bladewing brings him back it turns on Tyrant's Lieutenant ability, and suddenly he's a hasty 7/7 that can shotgun other creatures off the board.

  • Utvara Hellkite: Pretty much one of the best dragons in EDH. Has a disgusting amount of synergy with pretty much everything in the deck, and will absolutely run away with the game if not immediately answered.

  • Sol Ring: I like doing stuff early. This lets me do stuff early.

  • Dark Ritual: A lil booster shot of mana to help get my commander out faster.

  • Wayfarer's Bauble: I want mana and I want it fast. Do you see how much my commander costs???

  • Talisman of Indulgence: Early ramp and color fixing. Seeing a trend here?

  • Arcane Signet: Yep.

  • Dragon's Hoard: Dragons like mana rocks. This mana rock likes dragons. Its a match made in heaven.

  • Worn Powerstone: Coming into play tapped sucks, but 3 cmc for two mana is still a great rate.

  • Animate Dead: Yeah it weakens the creature it brings back, but at 2 CMC this is a seriously solid reanimation spell. I would run more if I could.

  • Chainer, Nightmare Adept: New card from C19, and he is beautiful. A discard outlet, reanimation source, and haste-enabler all in one card. This is exactly what this deck wants. WOTC, please print more stuff like this.

  • Feed the Swarm: Rakdos FINALLY has targeted enchantment removal that doesn't cost a million mana. Rejoice, my brethren.

  • Chaos Warp: Red edh staple for getting rid of stuff.

  • Crux of Fate: Primary boardwipe of the deck, ladies and gentlemen. Reanimate a bunch of dragons, then drop this to clear the way. Is also occasionally relevant against other dragon decks.

  • Blast Zone: Sac a land, kill an enchantment. Live the rakdos life.

  • Dragon Tempest: Basically the card the deck is built around. When we start dropping dragons, this enchantment starts sending damage all over the place. Blow up creatures, shotgun planeswalkers, or just send everything to face and kill the table without even attacking. the possibilities are endless. Oh, and it gives your dragons haste. Haste is good.

  • Molten Echoes: Another of the most important cards in the 99, this lets me double my dragons' ETB triggers. Gets absolutely nuts if I copy an Utvara Hellkite or a Scourge of Valkas. Goes infinite with Bladewing. I would never run this deck without this card.

  • Anger: The thing about running big nasty creatures is you need them to actually hit your opponent in order to win. Giving them all haste is a good way to help with that.

The gameplan here is realllyyyy simple: Put your dragons in the graveyard, then bring them back. Turn them sideways and smack everyone in the face. Rinse and repeat until everybody else is dead.

  1. Start the game by looting and ramping until your graveyard is full of dragons and your hand is full of reanimation spells. Get a haste-enabler like Anger or Dragon Tempest ASAP.
  2. If nothing's in your 'yard, ramp until you can hardcast some of your dragons. Keep some reanimation spells ready for when they die.
  3. Dragon Tempest, Scourge of Valkas, and Terror of the Peaks let you take start spreading some damage around the table once you start dropping dragons.
  4. Keep dropping dragons and turning them sideways until you win. If your dragons die, bring them back. Having a reanimate-on-a-stick in the command zone makes it easy to get back in the game after your stuff is killed.

Or, if you just want to kill the table out of nowhere...

Bladewing the Risen goes infinite with any copy effect. It goes like this:

  1. Make a copy of Bladewing using Molten Echoes/copy effect of your choice.

  2. Now, before the copy's ETB ability goes on the stack, the game sees that you have two legendary creatures named Bladewing the Risen. The game does not like this. The Legend Rule demands sacrifice.

  3. Sacrifice the original Bladewing to the legend rule. Bladewing hits the grave.

  4. Now the copy's ETB ability goes on the stack. You get to reanimate a dragon.

  5. Look at that, there's a Bladewing the Risen in your graveyard! Since it was in the graveyard before the reanimation trigger went on the stack, its a valid target. Bring it back.

  6. Bladewing hits the field. Legend rule raises it's ugly head. Once again, sacrifice the non-copy Bladewing.

  7. Bladewings ability goes on the stack, and it neither knows nor cares that the Bladewing in your yard is the same Bladewing the ability came from in the first place. Repeat step 5.

  8. Keep on reanimating and sacrificing Bladewing ad infinitum. If you have Dragon Tempest, Scourge of Valkas, or Terror of the Peaks out, you win by pinging the entire table to death. Alternatively, you can use Boltwing Marauder to infinitely pump your dragons, then swing the old fashioned way.

  1. Have a free sac outlet out, like Goblin Bombardment or Immersturm Predator.

  2. Cast Hellkite Courser, then sac the Courser in response to its own etb.

  3. Courser's etb brings out Bladewing. Sac Bladewing in response to its etb too, and let Bladewing go back to the command zone.

  4. Bring back Courser with Bladewing's etb, then sac it in response to its own etb again. Bring out Bladewing.

  5. Rinse and repeat for infinite etbs. If you have Goblin Bombardment/Dragon Tempest/Scourge of Valkas/Terror of the Peaks out, you win by infinite damage. Can also pump your team with Boltwing Marauder, or put infinite gold counters on Dragon's Hoard I guess.

Archidekt link if you prefer that kind of thing

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95% Casual


Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 months

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 90
Avg. CMC 3.83
Tokens Dragon 5/5 R, Dragon 6/6 R, Spirit 1/1 C, Spirit 2/2 C, Zombie Knight 2/2 B
Folders EDH, Commander, commander, new decks, EDH, Decks to look into, Future Deck Ideas, Cool decks, decks, Commander
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