MTG Combo: Isochron Scepter + Mystical Tutor


Cloudius on Odds Are In Your Favor

5 years ago

Let me know how your deck worked out for you. It's always interesting to see different interpretations of a deck.

If mill is your thing, Rise of the Dark Realms is a great include. Body Double's great too since she's odd. You can also consider Beacon of Unrest and Extract from Darkness. In fact Beacon coupled with Isochron Scepter + Mystical Tutor let's you reanimate an artifact or creature every turn.

Mine has been working great so far and if I manage to drop Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign early, the game is mine for the taking if my opponents are void of answers. I remember one game where I had her out on turn 2 and casted a "free" Expropriate on turn 3 wIth her attack trigger!