MTG Combo: Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl

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Balaam__ on Mana=Big Guy go stompy

11 months ago

Since you’re mono you may find more value with the Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl ramp package instead of Birds of Paradise.

Balaam__ on

1 year ago

Agree with the above. Depending on your budget, you may want to look into a traditional ramp shell (Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl is a good start) as a starting point to build into your wurm wincon.

kjKaioken on Gucci Dragons

2 years ago

Appreciate your comment IHATENAMES. After some playtesting, Irencrag Feat doesn't serve too much of a purpose due to how much mana is generated with Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl , or any of our other ramp strategies, same with Primeval Titan and to a lesser extent Reckless Charge. The Titan is too far into green and cannot be pulled by Purphoros, as well as being a redundant card late game. Haste is already provided by Purphoros and Ilharg, so charge becomes a dead draw like Irencrag if we were to draw it when we needed a creature for instance.

However, Primeval Titan is good for thinning the lands out in out deck and providing us nothing but creatures as well as being a good early threat once our elves start the ramp process. I will keep playing with the card and see how it goes, appreciate your suggestions once again!

heinrichdk on Temur midrange ramp

3 years ago

I like the idea it reminds but me of my EDH Temur deck in the sense that its mostly one offs you lose consistency.

I have tried ramp/burn deck (Naya) before in Modern and the problem i had with it that i would draw part ramp part burn and be left with two incomplete strategies. my advice would be lean more into the blue side with your instants get counter spell to stop the opponent from winning Mana Leak Remand if you can Cryptic Command you need to draw the game out and buy time for your ramp. As for the ramp cards in the deck its plainly bad the idea of ramp is to get to ahead of the curve any one can cast a 6 drop at turn 6 but you need to be able to cast it at turn 4 or even 3 modern have a bunch of really good ramp Elvish Mystic Llanowar Elves Birds of Paradise and my favorite Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl or if creature ramp is not what you are looking for playing more than one land a turn Sakura-Tribe Elder Sakura-Tribe Scout Farseek and then one that people miss because the only use the +1/+1 reach and 3 damage option Atarka's Command early game it can help you ramp late game it can give you the last bit of damage you need. Bounce lands are bad in modern if you are not using Amulet of Vigor or you can play more than one land a turn

Savage Knuckleblade is really underrated in my opinion you are playing the right colors and its a good way to keep you opponent at bay combine it with other 3/4 drops to use as blockers

As for the big finishers it is up to you how you want to end it but get something to fetch the finisher when its time like Chord of Calling its an instant so you can do it on your opponents end step if you need to tap down you creatures or you can use it to get a 4 drop

sassybill1540 on Simic Cycling (Escape Protocol Abuse)

4 years ago

I'm a veteran of the old standard season of Onslaught and Mirrodin block where Eternal Slide (Astral Slide + Eternal Witness ) was quite the deck, so I used it as a baseline. I hadn't considered a splash for red, but Wrenn and Six seems crazy good for that purpose.

After more thought I definitely think Coatl deserves a slot too. I'll definitely give the Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl a chance, but I like BoP being able to block fliers and stall, and I know Rampant Growth is kind of sub-par, but it negates a 2-1 with Ghost Quarter, etc. But that's what playtesting is for! When I get a chance I'll update results!

PrismMTG on Classic Green Stompy Revisited

4 years ago

Personally Rhonas the Indomitable or Steel Leaf Champion are my go-to 2 drops. Granted you need to hit a Llanowar Elves / Arbor Elf or a Utopia Sprawl but dropping a 5/4 on turn 2 is incredibly helpful, especially if 1. They cannot be blocked with creatures power 2 or less or 2. They aren't actually creatures when they first enter, which avoids summoning sickness and removal at the same time. These are threats the NEED to deal with and leaves the board open for bigger threats like Gigantosaurus , Primalcrux , or Ghalta, Primal Hunger . Im also kinda wary about your deck only having 18 lands. I know you mana curve is super fast, but without any kind of mana ramp, you are likely to run into some problems more often than not. You don't want to have to start each game Mulliganing down to 5. I would go up to 20 lands, and probably some mana ramp. Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl is probably the best ramp for this deck. Here is my brew if you want to compare them: Mono Green Stompy(+Sarkhan's Unsealing)

Yacube on Why use your hand if you got a library?

6 years ago

This is a super promising build!! I would like to make a few recommendations though. First and foremost, you have too many big drops. They are all really good, but there will be a time during the game when you will won't be able to get any value off of your creatures because they will all be moderately expensive. I would recommend making the average CMC a little lower. Cards like Coiling Oracle and Courser of Kruphix are lower costed, fit in with your top of the library theme, and also work better with a ramp/value based strategy than cards like Master Biomancer and Murkfield Leige. Also, I'd add in a few copies of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Essentially, it can only help you. All of your creatures except Glen Elendra Archmage are green, and Nkythos can turbo out a number of your value generators turns before they would normally come out. Also note that Nykthos is incredible with Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl .

All in all: love this deck, easy +1 from me.

ouPotato on God Tribal {Updated 9/22}

6 years ago

Thanks so much Blue_Flame for all of the sideboard suggestions! I will most likely add all of them to the board, except I will probably go for Trygon Predator over Reclamation Sage because of its repeated ability to get rid of a card, and also giving simic devotion. But to contradict my point it might be better to just use 1 spell to instantly remove a pesky artifact instead of having to wait a turn and have the predator possibly shot down by my opponent's removal. I will probably leave both in the sideboard for different matchups. I also love the synergy with Feed the Clan, this can be super annoying for the burn or aggro player, constantly getting 10 life back. Thanks again for the feedback and tips, it was really helpful!

Pulling a foil Growing Rites of Itlimocis actually ridiculous skoobysnackz, congrats on pulling a 40$ card. Growing Rites is an interesting suggestion and has the potential to be really good, but also to be a dead card. In the games where I am crushing early with only about 2 gods, the card will probably be redundant, but in a longer grindy game it can be really good. It also makes me think that dropping the Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl for Kiora's Follower might be a better idea, as it would leave up an extra 4 cards to use, and would also work in synergy with both Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun. I would definately only run it as a 1-of like you suggested. I will definitely have to do some testing to see how good it is. Thanks for the suggestion!