Trained Armodon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Trained Armodon

Creature — Elephant

SideBae on Derevi, Holder of Lanterns

3 years ago

Yo... I've always loved lantern-control in EDH! I have a few suggestions:

  1. So the easiest ways to increase consistency are either to run tutors or to run redundant pieces. I see you're running a lot of tutors already, which is good; one redundant piece I think you missed is Field of Dreams . It's about $60, which can be a lot if you don't want to invest in EDH. Personally, I think proxies are unfairly treated in EDH, since it's not a paid event (typically), so I recommend them. If your playgroup doesn't allow them, tho... well, $60 is doable.

  2. Another way to increase consistency is to run cantrips. I highly suggest running Ponder and Preordain . If you run fetches, Brainstorm is also a powerhouse. Of course, the zendikar/onslaught fetches are a fortune; consider Evolving Wilds , Terramorphic Expanse , Fabled Passage , Grasslands , Bad River , Flood Plain and/or Mountain Valley . These are perfectly acceptable alternatives.

  3. When games go long, you'll need a way to recoup cards. Consider big-draws like Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time (which are good when you're filling your yard with Ghoulcaller's Bell ), Fact or Fiction or even Concentrate .

  4. I like that you're running Emry, Lurker of the Loch . Have you considered Academy Ruins as another form of recursion? You can also try using Aether Spellbomb as a cheap recurrable.

  5. Speaking of Emry, Lurker of the Loch , have you thought about Mindslaver ? I used to play a lantern-control EDH list, and I used Mindslaver with Emry to strong effect. Generally, you can lock out one of your opponents and make him do whatever you want, including win for you. That's generally fun.

  6. You're in green -- USE DORKS! This is easily the most overlooked part of green decks, which is sad because dorks are the best reason to be in green. Turn one ramp is better than artifacts can do most of the time, plus it gives you pokers if you need to use them with Derevi later. I highly recommend running at least four of the following: Birds of Paradise , Avacyn's Pilgrim , Noble Hierarch , Arbor Elf , Llanowar Elves , Fyndhorn Elves , Elvish Mystic ... Even Boreal Druid and Joraga Treespeaker are good. You can also consider non-creature options, like Wild Growth and/or Utopia Sprawl .

  7. Winter Orb . You can tap opponents' lands with Derevi. Enough said.

  8. Finally, two walkers to consider are Oko, Thief of Crowns and Teferi, Time Raveler . Oko is great removal for opponents' problem cards (he nerfs all fatties into Trained Armodon s) while occasionally producing a clock for you. Teferi nails opposing Counterspell s, while producing a small amount of card advantage with his minus and allowing you to recast something if you bounce your own permanent.

  9. Finally, while they're expensive, I think the latest cycle of free spells from Ikoria Commander are bombs. Fierce Guardianship and Flawless Maneuver are great cards which you should run if you can.

Right. That's all I got. Hope this helps!

StrateN on Elephant Tribal EDH

5 years ago

1.: Ich würd diverse Elefanten rausnehmen - es gibt zu viele die nicht wirklich was können War Mammoth War Elephant Wild Elephant Trained Armodon Noble Elephant Frontier Mastodon Ghalma's Warden Iron Tusk Elephant Greenbelt Rampager, es müssen nicht alle raus, aber das sind Karten, die selbst im Pauper eher medium wären.

2.: Ein bischen mehr Ramp schadet nicht - mehr Mana zur Verfügung und weniger Länder im Deck. Dann würd ich aber vermutlich Land Tax rausnehmen.

3.: Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile und Return to Dust würd ich ins Maindeck aufnehmen. Path to Exile ist nicht günstig - könnte man auch durch Condemn ersetzen.

3.1.: Sylvan Reclamation ist nicht ganz so gut wie Return to Dust, aber Artefakt und Enchantment removal ist fast immer hilfreich

4.: Grave Sifter kann ich für Tribals empfehlen, den müsst ich auch noch irgendwo rumliegen haben ;)

5.: Adaptive Automaton und Beastmaster Ascension würd ich auch ins Maindeck packen. Urza's Incubator ist zwar ziemlich stark, aber eigentlich auch zu teuer - außer du nutzt ihn gleich bei Ialla und Edgar mit ^^

6.: Über den Commander haben wir ja eigentlich schon gesprochen, aber nochmal zur Erinnerung: Mir persönlich gefallen Gaddock Teeg, Karametra, God of Harvests und Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist besser als Selvala, Explorer Returned

zephramtripp on ✕ Don't Mention It ✕

6 years ago

No Loxodon Warhammer in the Elephant deck? Why run Fairgrounds Trumpeter with 0 other +1/+1 counters cards? Other options at three mana are Frontier Mastodon or even Trained Armodon. Some other Equipments to consider are O-Naginata (every creature in your deck meets its condition), Golem-Skin Gauntlets (so any creature can get as buff as the Punisher), and Grafted Wargear (it equips for , so it can be moved around easily, and buffs a 4/4 into a 7/6, which seems pretty good.)

Rusty_Shackleford on

7 years ago

At the end of the day, Transcendent Master is really just a 3/3 for three mana. It's s white Trained Armodon. You should run a true beatstick like Mirran Crusader or Silverblade Paladin in those slots.

Windswept Heath is not worth it for the thinning effect; Nykthosv doesn't really serve a necessary purpose with such a low curve; consider Windbrisk Heights and Cavern of Souls if you can afford it...

... and as the other guy just suggested--Thalia, Guardian of Thraben andThalia, Heretic Cathar.

zephramtripp on Eternal Masters Spoiler Thread

8 years ago

What are some Eternal cards we could likely see at common? Like Trained Armodon or Llanowar Elves or what have you.

WreckItRemy on The Herd of Doom

8 years ago

That is very true! I have replaced Trained Armodon with Call of the Herd, and it is awesome. Thanks once again tchau204!

tchau204 on The Herd of Doom

8 years ago

No problem! At the very least, Call of the Herd is a better card than Trained Armodon since you can cast it twice, haha

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