Tawnos's Wand

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tawnos's Wand


, : Target creature with power 2 or less is unblockable this turn.

FormOverFunction on Getting Lathril Through

2 years ago

Tawnos's Wand was the first card that came to mind for me, along with Joven's Tools . Nobody really uses walls anymore, right?

abby315 on FYNN-ISH HIM!!!

3 years ago

Thought of two more as well:

Emerald Medallion > Into the North : You want to dump your hand of cheap cards quickly, so medallion will get you the most bang for your buck on anything with colorless mana. Alternatively you could replace Coldsteel Heart here.

You'll really want a pair of Lightning Greaves to help protect Fynn. I think they should go in over Rancor .

Finally finally, you might consider Concordant Crossroads if you can afford it. It'll make it much easier to rebuild your board if it gets wiped or dealt with, or allow you to save up for a big turn when shields are down. I'd put it in for Tawnos's Wand .


4 years ago

Here's what I recommend to cut:

Aegis of the Heavens: only buffs one creature.

Rootgrapple: 5 mana is a lot for this kind of removal and you have better removal.

Diabolic Tutor: Unless you digging for a specific combo, should be able to cut.

Garruk, Primal Hunter: Doesn't really fit the theme. If he had a great ult/emblem then maybe keep him since with walls you can defend PWs better.

Fruit of the First Tree: Too situational. Also, it would hurt to get hit by Path of Exile with this

Oblivion Ring: There are better options that are also cheap in Orzhov colors. You also have a good bit of removal. Better to have something be permanent.

Spirit Shackle: Fun and Janky but not much else.

Tawnos's Wand: You have Behind the Scenes, if you want more switch a utility land with Rogue's Passage.

Fireshrieker: Good card. Doesn't fit theme.

Cathar's Shield: Equip is too expensive. You're better off with a global enchantment that grants vigilance.

Nyx-Fleece Ram: One life per turn isn't the best rate.

Grizzled Leotau Not the easiest to cast and too vanilla.

Warmonger's Chariot: You have quite a few effects that already let your defenders attack but this only allows 1 to attack. Also, you don't have a ton of defenders.

Not quite 30, but that's what I believe to be easy-ish cuts.

JuQ on That Girl Is Poison - budget Hapatra

4 years ago

Witherscale Wurm taking wither damage won't trigger Hapatra, so there is not much point for him in he deck.

Are you really creating enough tokens to make Bloodflow Connoisseur , Bloodthrone Vampire and Carrion Feeder worthwhile? In my experience with myhapatra deck, the snakes are way to valuable to be sacrificed for a mere +1/+1 counter or +2/+2 until EoT on some creature with no evasion.

Fevered Convulsions , and Gnarled Effigy look terribly unefficient, for mana for a -1/-1 is way too much. I used to run Serrated Arrows and Trigon of Corruption but I ended up cutting them, maybe they could work fine in your deck as you are going strong on Proliferate. Now I'm testing Serrated Biskelion but I'm not completely sold on it, you know you never get to draw the cards you are trying out...

Decimator of the Provinces is also way too costly, even if you emerge it, and all the trouble just for a wide +2/+2 trample; a simple Overrun would give you a better bang for your mana. Predatory Rampage will wipe most of your oponent's creatures and Revenge of the Hunted is a one player board wipe. I also find Loyal Guardian to be an underrated card to spread counters on your creatures.
Canker Abomination will only get you a snake no matter how many counters it gets, so in the best case scenario it would be a 5/5 with one snake for four mana, its not really worth the deck slot. There are many creatures in the Amonkhet block that will do just that but better.

on the evasion department I would definetly cut Tawnos's Wand , Hot Soup has a bit of a drawback, but Hapatra only has toughness 2, so it won't be a big difference anyway and the card is really funny. Trailblazer's Boots is a bit more expensive, but I would still consider it a budget card.

These kind of decks are supper weak against board wipes, so I'd encourage you to include Golgari Charm or Wrap in Vigor .The best card for that task would be Heroic Intervention but it's getting more and more expensive every day.

If you want to check my Hapatra deck, it's this one Hapatra's death hosts

Caerwyn on

5 years ago

You currently have 10 cards to cut. Here's a few I would consider ditching:

  1. Paradox Engine is a fantastic card, but you don't need it. Unless it is used to go infinite, you generally have better things to do with 5 mana, even if it does help ramp on the next turn.

  2. Catacomb Sifter - you have lots of ramp, you don't need this.

  3. Woodfall Primus - way too much mana for its effect, even with persist. Does not fit in well with your primary gameplan, and cannot be used to clear potential blockers.

  4. Puppeteer Clique - cool card, doesn't do much for your deck.

  5. Meren of Clan Nel Toth - you don't have enough good ways to really abuse this, and her use as a non-commander is pretty limited.

  6. Dictate of Erebos - another strong card that doesn't need to be in this deck.

  7. Living Death - you don't need this, and you have enough removal that you'll be just as likely to return the large threat you previously killed.

Tawnos's Wand might be worth adding.

You should also switch Mask of Avacyn for Lightning Greaves--the ability to protect your commander the turn it is played is well worth the reduction in power/toughness.

Oloro_Magic on Virtus and Gorm

5 years ago

I believe you will have serious mana problems with this deck, 20 lands just doesn't cut it in commander, even in a deck like elves it is much too low, so here where your average CMC is 3.68 the problem will be further accentuated. I would aim for 35/36 lands here so you need to find things to cut. Most of the equipment in my opinion can be cut, the ones that make Virtus unblockable being the keepable ones but even then juts barely, also I must compliment you, Tawnos's Wand is an incredible find. Additionally, I have personally always found auras to be sorely inefficient in commander unless they have a built in return mechanic or the commander is voltron which this isn't. I would remove these along with Mana Bloom which I don't think belongs in this deck. Other cards that can be cut include Platinum Emperion, I don't see the reason to run it its just taking space unless there is some combo I'm missing as well as Blood Tribute the kicker is never relevant and the effect, while on theme is by no means necessary here. I would also say you are a bit heavy on the board wipes in this deck, two or three would be the sweet spot in my opinion, those 3 being left to preference.Gauntlet of Power is another card I would cut.

sonnet666 on [List] The MTG Weapons Arsenal

6 years ago

Don't stop now. I believe in you!

Have (1) ZathenDother
Want (1) concorde