Look at Me, I'm the DCI

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Format Legality
Archenemy Legal
Casual Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Limited Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Unformat Legal
Vanguard Legal

Look at Me, I'm the DCI


Ban a card other than a basic land for the rest of the match. (All cards with that name in any zone or sideboard are removed from the match.)

FolkOccult on What Commander Do You Think …

1 year ago

TheOfficialCreator Exactly! "by it's very nature." You put it quite simply, by its nature. I respected when they released preconstructed materials that encouraged player creativity and the entire format was wholly based around your ability to find what was available in the new releasing sets (which were originally just the base game releasing cards, for modern, standard, collecting, trading) and Commander was more of an MtG extension and not a staple.

By focusing on it, I believe that creativity through exploration or necessity has changed, maybe not for the worst, but objectively it has changed. Seldom is the case that everyone is using the same preconstructed materials like we were when the format started, and you wanted to make your Ghave, Guru of Spores different from your opponent's. That interaction today would just include going onto EDHRec (for your average player I imagine, which may be inconsiderate of me) and min-maxing price to value and advantage, or just selecting the cards with the biggest numbers on them, and call it a day. While prior to that, when Ghave came out, I know the first thing I did was just use the preconstructed deck as it was, because back then new gamemodes really worked with the cards MtG provided.

I'm not sure if I'm the only one to notice, but as time went on and popularity grew, from a decent deck for its format with rules optimizing your deck's customization, it turned into player's purchasing weaker decks (as cards have been released that change the entire pace and flow of the game) that WotC sold to encourage deck building. That's really cool, hands down, my problem with EDH was never its accessibility, or ease of entrance; but we no longer receive 60-card precons, story blocks, fatpacks, format-accessory modes (ala Planeschase, Archenemy, Explorers of Ixalan). WotC seems solely focused on the income and accessibility to it that they'd let the integrity of their format's structure fall to the way side for the sake of pushing those format-specific releases which just feels insulting?

I used to play magic to collect. To collect a set to completion then put it in its own binder, stow it on my shelf with a nifty name for it all. This was my greatest hobby and pleasure in life. I own the majority of Mirrodin, the first set I played as a child, and now have nearly every card in foil, it's probably my proudest achievement. Mirrodin, Dark Steel, Fifth Dawn. I've nearly completed my collection of all of these, the sets from my childhood that have entirely shaped my playstyle and interests. Super neat, but the format focus from Standard (and giving us lore and a story to excuse the releases, themes, and set specific cards and their art styles) to Commander has forced such a high demand on cards from the past, which I do believe deep down is important to the format.

Using what you have around to play (and this is the point I wish to share for no more reason than knowing I'm around members of a community that seem to care enough to respond and it's probably my favorite part of the game, sharing these thoughts and opinions with others) has shot up the value of my collection, which isn't as cool as it was at first. Now due to power creep, old cards become viable, almost as if they've been unlocked, meaning my entire collection is rife with subjects of a format that are essentially required for so many of the commanders coming out because the game has become entirely about speed when you break it down.

That might be harsh to suggest a deck isn't a commander deck if it isn't fast, but how many games go by and someone feels bad because your rule 0 was agreeable but your standard of playstyle translates differently because your opponent didn't realize how far into the power creep they've fed, and now what they think is a 5-6 deck (because they don't run a Mox or infamous infinite combo in this example) is in fact a 7-8 because Commander-specific cards, like with our Horizon-fiasco, are encouraging the game's growth for the sake of speed and efficiency. Before long it will just be Yu-Gi-Oh if a new format isn't built around or the focus doesn't return to Standard and EDH precons just come out again. We'd still chase packs, sets, and focus on EDH but I feel like with the focus on Standard, it'd reign in what feels like a growing tragedy waiting to happen.

I desperately wish to arise at a socially agreeable solution for this physical sensation of being overwhelmed by MtG's set releases, but it grows more difficult to arise at a solution that doesn't just flood us with more cards. I'd proposed at the time over the course of a year/printing release, Two-Set blocks for Standard (For more lore, to feed into Legacy, Modern, Draft, Commander; allowing us to supplement multiple formats off of one printing of cards instead of focusing on one print per format thus introducing specific power creep and instead gradual growth in mechanics because the balance would be focused on what was printed and not what they can print.), Unseries formats (I truly believe adding MtG Universes Beyond to Unseries play or giving it a gamemode in the format would rectify a lot of concerns, can't really complain too much about your Warhammers, Gandalfs, and Ryus when I have a board with,Rules Lawyer, Frankie Peanuts, and Look at Me, I'm the DCI on the stack. Making them Rule 0 cards for Commander instead of legal and licensed "reserve"-like cards that may never see Commander-Specific and legal reprints in Set-Boosters for Commander.) During every Standard release, a 60-card pre-con and a commander pre-con per Standard set release. That's four decks each in a year, each per quarter. Resolving or setting up for more lore/narrative importance, cutting down on excessive releases and focusing the game back in. But it feels unfair to propose changes in the first place when we're all buckled in, voiceless, waiting and hoping our tribe gets support, or our commander sees a "buff" by hoping that a card with whatever ability fits our strategy, as if we expect it, instead of just looking in the cards already released and finding/making exceptions and working with what comes out.

On a separate note, in lieu of all this TCG talk, if anyone is a fan of card games other than MtG of the videogame variety. I highly recommend Inscryption. I wouldn't look anything up beyond a spoiler-free review, it's heavily MtG inspired and gets very philosophical at points, while holding a fairly suspenseful atmosphere. (Not an Ad I swear lol just wanting to share something that reminds me of magic but is in its own way special and similar to this hobby I share with so many beautiful minds).

I could talk on and on, for days over this apologies if the long blocks of text violate any site-specific rules, I don't recall, but do respect and realize it is a bit much to put up on a chat. Thanks to those who did read in the prior post what I had to say, take it easy Planeswalkers. On the upside, whatever is being printed now, can't be worse than what they're gonna print five years from now and cards like Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief with be small beans to the onslaught of game-controlling Tegrid/Hullbreacher-esc effects we may see later, making Ivy a valuable tool to defend yourself. Selfishly colored towards the one combination that I'd argue makes it so accessible and easy to abuse, but I value its place as a future preventative more than a commander.

MontaukMonster on more

5 years ago

1) why the hell not?

2) is that a rule change I'm unaware of? I've been out of the game a while

3) says who?

4) is there any reason it can't be? You know, before there were Homarids, Homarids weren't a creature type either.

5) hmm. It used to be 'any target' then they changed it. Look at Me, I'm the DCI

6) I guess.

7) But he is a vampire elf. A drow, a specific cult of drow that worship vampires and only those who prove themselves get the honor. Long story.

8) I it's newer than 2011 I have no idea.

9) WTF but they're not the same thing! It matters! This is how I felt when they got rid of interrupts.

10) well it should be. I've always felt certain types of spells could take on that or something else as a subtype. It would open up some interesting possibilities I think.

11) why not? It allows for greater flexibility of design IMHO. You know, just becaus something doesn't exist now doesn't mean it can't, won't, or shouldn't. I still remember when you couldn’t have a multi-colored card. Then, a multi-colored card had to be legendary. Then only creatures and lands could be legendary and legends had to be multicolored. Then monochrome legends were suddenly OK.

Things change.


6 years ago

I'd really like them to directly lampoon some of their more recent stuff. Kind of like a reprint of Look at Me, I'm the DCI or one with even more silly banning ideas.

Also I'd be down for some Iguana tribal. lol

sazercat on sazercat

7 years ago

I like the card Look at Me, I'm the DCI

miracleHat on Turbo-Fog Modern Viable?

8 years ago

Yes grixis is a thing. Compared to the following: collected company brews, robots, B/G/x attrion, and American Control (Jeskai, whatever!), it is not as big of a presence.

Unrelated note: Look at Me, I'm the DCI + Laboratory Maniac + Relentless Rats = could be fun (in a pathetic way) right?!