Goblin Sappers

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Sappers

Creature — Goblin

(Red)(Red), Tap: Target creature you control is unblockable this turn. Destroy it and Goblin Sappers at end of combat.

(Red)(Red)(Red)(Red), Tap: Target creature you control is unblockable this turn. Destroy it at end of combat.

masampson on How does Goblin Chirurgeon interact …

4 years ago

Yes this all helps! I tried to do a bit of research before asking the question and had thought the answer was yes, but wanted some more experienced minds to make some final sense of it for me! Thank you very much for the help and next time I'll be sure to Goblin Sappers my cards for ease of answering!

Tylord2894 on How does Goblin Chirurgeon interact …

4 years ago

Yes, you can use Regeneration to stop that target of Golbin Sappers' ability from being destroyed.

The exact wording on Regeneration is, "the next time[permanent] would be destroyed this turn, instead remove all damage marked on it and tap it. If it’s an attacking or blocking creature, remove it from combat." (614.8) So, when your creature would be destroyed, it is instead tapped, all damage is removed from it, and is removed from combat as a replacement or it's destruction. Fortunately, none of these will affect anything since your creature has already dealt damage and probably doesn't have damage marked on it. It is also likely tapped (unless it has Vigilance).

As for the last point that you might be able to regenerate it. After damage has been dealt from combat, there is an End of Combat step. Normally, nothing happens here, and you proceed to your second main. However, there is still a pass of priority and things can trigger here, like the delayed trigger from Goblin Sappers. Note that Sappers uses the phrase "at the end of combat" meaning it has a triggered ability. You have an opportunity to respond to the trigger in the End of Combat step.

Hope this helps!!

Rhadamanthus on How does Goblin Chirurgeon interact …

4 years ago

You can use double square brackets around a card's name to create a reference link. It's the easiest way to make sure everyone understands what's going on in your question: Goblin Sappers, Goblin Chirurgeon

Yes, that works. When you regenerate something you create a sort of "shield" that says "the next time this would be destroyed this turn, instead remove all damage from it, tap it, and remove it from combat". The regeneration shield only kicks in at the time the destruction would actually happen, so in your example you can activate Goblin Chirurgeon any time before the Sappers' ability would destroy the creature. The latest moment you could wait to do it is at the beginning of the End of Combat step, in response to the "at end of combat" delayed trigger from the Sappers going onto the stack.

ticked-off-squirrel on Krenko, Combo Boss

6 years ago

looks nice but as an expert goblin player (having 3 goblin commander decks) here are some changes:

switch Gauntlet of Power for Caged Sun. same effects but only affects you. not everyone else.

switch Goblin Rabblemaster with Goblin Piledriver. still gets a buff from other attacking goblins but does not force you to attack every turn with everything. plus has protection from blue. which is nice.

you got too many things that give Haste. keep Goblin Chieftain and replace Goblin Warchief with Hazoret's Monument. still reduces the cost of goblins and is one less thing to give Haste. plus lets you cycle cards if need to. also swap Fervor for Goblin Warrens or Quest for the Goblin Lord. either one works.

switch Lightning Greaves for Swiftfoot Boots. that way you can still play spells and abilities on your creature while the opponent cannot.

i can see why you put Skullclamp into the deck but sadly creature tokens don't go to the graveyard so it won't trigger the ability. i know, i tried it with Sylvok Lifestaff. that being said replace it with a Prying Blade. or if you need the card draw Rogue's Gloves.

i don't know why you have Treasonous Ogre in there but unless you can crank your life up each turn he will drain you. i suggest Tyrant's Familiar. a 5/5 flyer with haste and if your commander is in play, which he most likely is, gets another +2/+2 and can shoot a creature when he attacks. if 7 mana is too much then Goblin Sappers to make your creatures unblockable at the cost of their life.

you don't need both Phyrexian Altar and Ashnod's Altar. both cost 3 mana and both let you sack creatures for mana. drop the Phyrexian Altar. replace it with Coat of Arms. or if you really need the extra mana Pyramid of the Pantheon

Ruination. i'll admit i am on the fence about this. on one hand you can destroy all non-basic lands (even yours) but on the other it is useless if Blood Moon is in play. if you drop it, Massive Raid should take it's place.

Skirk Fire Marshal. this guy. while yes he is a great card he will blow everything and everyone up after tapping like 10-15 goblins. and yes Eldrazi Monument gives your creatures indestructible it does not give you indestructible. so if you have less life than the opponent then this is a bad card. so keep him but if he gets out of hand then put in Goblin Spymaster he may seem odd at first but by forcing your opponent to attack you you can block the attacks with several dozen tokens and have enough for a counter attack. just be careful with flyers.

Tuktuk Scrapper. without other allies he is just another 2/2 goblin. and 4 mana is a bit much for a plain 2/2 goblin (no offense Goblin Berserker). switch him with Goblin Mountaineer. a good scout goblin and is unblockable if Blood Moon is active and opponent has any non-basic lands.

land wise you need to drop the following and replace them with either Mountain or Snow-Covered Mountain:

Ancient Tomb. again, unless your life cranks up drastically each turn it will drain you.

Hall of the Bandit Lord. same reason.

Haunted Fengraf. the creature you get back is random and only a one time thing. not worth it.

Tectonic Edge. if you have Blood Moon in play then there will be no non-basic lands making this useless.

GoodLuckGuy on CP#5 Krenko is Kranky

6 years ago


While the cards I'm going to list are not necessarily bad cards that can never be good in the deck, I still don't think they work as well as other cards do in your current build. I'll keep my reasoning brief.

You don't have enough draw condition in the current version of your deck to justify running mana doublers. Cut: Caged Sun, Extraplanar Lens, and Gauntlet of Power.

For similar reasons, later game mana rocks are also fairly pointless, they just slow you down for little benefit. Cut: Gilded Lotus and Thran Dynamo.

Also Temple of the False God doesn't really do anything either here.

I know I didn't give you quite as many suggestions for creature additions as I'm going to give you for creature cuts. If you want some more suggestions for creatures, just ask, I don't wanna flood you with suggestions.

You can afford to lose some tokens, so Dolmen Gate is unnecessary here.

Hall of Triumph and Goblin Caves are pretty bad as anthems go.

Rage Reflection is a sub-optimal card, many other cards are simply better.

Magistrate's Veto is interesting but unnecessary

This is not the right kind of deck for Mana Web.

Roar of the Crowd and Dogpile are both worse versions of (many) other cards.

Even though Boggart Shenanigans is literally a "Goblin Tribal Enchantment", it is still the worst way to generate free damage.

Smash to Smithereens is one of the most mediocre artifact removal card in the game.

That's all for now, if you want any other advice, just ask.

pet_snake on Goblin Onslaught

7 years ago

I wanted to stop by and say I support this deck 100%! I love goblins a lot so this is pretty cool.Secondly I like some of the cards you're running and the small synergies outside of the normal goblin ones you have ( Tuktuk the Explorer + Goblin Warrens ).

I'm really just stopping in to suggest a couple cards and a couple replacements!

Goblin Rabblemaster seems like an excellent addition here since you're already running Goblin Assault. Frenzied Goblin looks to be a pretty sick addition as well taking one card off blocking could be big game.Sensation Gorger is basically free card draw since you'll be dumping your hand as fast as possible anyways and sometimes it forces your opponents to be more aggressive than they want! It's a really rad card and deserves a slot in my opinion.

Past that I'd just look to swap out some more questionable picks like Goblin Kaboomist (which while it is super cool for a goblin, it might end up being too slow to matter). I think Spikeshot Elder fills the slot better since it can hit fliers as well. Goblin Sappers looks to be sweet, but it's pretty slow when you really look at it and it has the potential to give you a huge disadvantage. Goblin Tunneler might be something to look at, while it does turn off when you have both Goblin King and Goblin Chieftain out I think it tends to be better in the slot anyways (That, and you can use it on your Piledriver before he gets turned into that 16/2 beast we love so much ;D ). Goblin Swine-Rider is the only other major replacement I'd look at. It hurts you way too much in too many scenarios I think and you'll end up never really attacking with it. If you want a more dedicated one-sided wipe, I'd run Mizzium Mortars. If you want the "oooh don't block me" factor, Bloodmark Mentor might be more up your alley.

Past that, this looks pretty sweet. Can't wait to hear back from your game reports! :D