Cinder Marsh

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cinder Marsh


: Add to your mana pool.

: Add or to your mana pool. Cinder Marsh doesn't untap during your next untap step.

mckayeaston on Princess Bride Tribute [HELP ME!]

4 years ago

Wesley as a farm boy: Diligent Farmhand. Not Modern legal, but...

Castle Ardenvale or any of the other Eldraine castles.

Unruly Mob is the mob that had to be dispersed before storming the castle.

Of course, they did have to Storm the Citadel.

Consign to the Pit (of despair). Or you could use Death Pits of Rath.

There is Quicksand in the Cinder Marsh (fire swamp). Cinder Marsh is not modern legal, so you could use Cinder Barrens or Smoldering Marsh.

The whole thing is told by a storyteller, so you could include Lagonna-Band Storyteller, which synergizes with Happily Ever After. Also, Into the Story or Tome Scour?

Perhaps True Love's Kiss?

They did fetch horses at the end: Crested Sunmare, Diamond Mare, Wandermare or Shield Mare.

DrowZgam3r on

5 years ago

I actually made a deck pretty similar to this one. Her it is if you want to check it out: Mogis the hate god

what I found out through play testing is that creatures more or less suck for group slug strategies. There are plenty of really good creatures that fit this deck such as Zo-Zu the Punisher however I've found that if you relly too much on your creatures for incremental damage they are too susceptible to removal and board wipes.

In your case I believe you can safely get rid of any creature that produces mana. In most edh deck you only need about 10ish mana rocks and right now you have 11 as regular artifacts so I think your ramp will be fine.

Besides ramping creatures I believe that cutting these cards would also be advantageous:

With all those cards cut I'd then start putting in more group slug type enchantments. The reason I like these enchantments more is because unlike creatures, most board wipes dont hit them and most people dont have a ton of enchantment removal. There are tons of these group slug type cards so I'm not going to say which ones would be best for your deck because most of them would work. But I like these ones:

I would also just reconsider these cards, I haven't personally played them so I can't be certain of how strong they are, but they dont seem to quite fit the deck.

  • Cruel Reality It seems tempting but it only targets one opponent and is super expensive. I don't believe its worth its cost
  • Browbeat I would personally rather have guaranteed card draw, try Ancient Craving instead
  • Mana Geyser lots of mana, but what are you spending it on? if you had more X costing spells then it may be worth it but for now think of how bad of a top deck this would be with no cards in hand.

And of course I would strongly recommend running some dual lands to help smooth out your mana consistency. Here are some of the really budget ones:

You have a strong core here once again but I just feel that some of your card slots could be better spent. Hope all this helps

WhichKing on Xantcha Pass-the-Parcel

5 years ago

Yeap, Price of Progress is definitely worth it in EDH if you can build around it! Honestly your deck is dual-colour and there are no really colour-intensive mana costs in your deck, so I think you can actually cut most of your dual colour-producing lands. I would do the following: Cut Cinder Marsh, Foreboding Ruins, Lantern-Lit Graveyard, Rainbow Vale, Rakdos Carnarium. Replace them with basics Mountains and Swamps. This allows you to most effectively abuse Price of Progress. Oh yeah and before I forget you should run Anathemancer.

Havoc Festival is a hilarious card! In my experience people rarely try to target it as it hits everyone.

Lastly, I recommend that you find some way to squeeze in a few instant speed removal. I think Terminate, Hero's Downfall, Doom Blade, Murder, Chaos Warp are sufficient. You'll want some way to focus your resources against specific players, so that you won't be a "free" target. Instant speed removal will never die in your hand, you'll always have something you want to kill/threaten to be able to kill. I would consider cutting Nettling Curse, Custody Battle, Measure of Wickedness, Avarice Amulet, Harmless Offering.

Force_of_Willb on DiscoBurn

7 years ago

A card I really enjoy in a discard deck is Hellhole Rats: it discards, deals damage, and has haste pretty well rounded.

A better option that the black cat could be Ravenous Rats or Rotting Rats - if you don't mind discarding yourself, because the card doesn't have to die to get the effect. If you keep the rat thing going with Sanity Gnawers and you can include Swarmyard <-- this could also cast reality smasher as well as Graven Cairns, Tainted Peak, Sulfurous Springs, Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace, or Lantern-Lit Graveyard/Cinder Marsh if you still wanted to SMASH!!

bgranger on hell's teeth and fire

7 years ago

Hey, I like the deck +1, though I have suggestions for possible improvements.

I think my first concern is the manabase. Price doesn't seem to be an issue for you, so I'd probably try to avoid more budget lands like Akoum Refuge and Cinder Barrens, and especially Cinder Marsh. Sulfurous Springs, Temple of Malice, and Smoldering Marsh are better choices. I'm also not sure about the Karoo lands in decks where you're not abusing them through untap effects, landfall, or lands with powerful ETB effects. If you are going to use them, you ought to include Rakdos Carnarium as well. It might not hurt to cut these to have more basics for Cabal Coffers, Dragonskull Summit, Foreboding Ruins, and Smoldering Marsh. As for artifact mana, I'm not a huge fan of diamond and medallion cycle in decks with more than 1 color. I'd probably replace with Rakdos Signet and possibly Talisman of Indulgence. Check out for more ideas on streamlining the manabase.

As for the actual strategy of the deck, I hope I'm correct in assuming you're trying control the board and force your opponents to lose life instead of sacrificing a creature, but to make that a painful option. Some cards to consider to keep the sacrifice option from being available are Dictate of Erebos, Grave Pact, and Butcher of Malakir. These will work best with a sacrifice outlet, like Goblin Bombardment, and Ashnod's Altar. To deal with the high 40 life in commander, try some cards like Heartless Hidetsugu and Manabarbs.

As for cards to cut, I think there's a few cards that seem a little underwhelming. Blazing Hellhound seems to just do too little in commander, so I think I'd cut that. Bearer of the Heavens has a cool effect, but it costs a lot of mana, and I'm not sure the effect helps you enough. Cryptborn Horror might not get big enough to matter for you, Mogis' ability doesn't help it. I'm not sure it belongs in a more controlling deck like this. I'm not sure which modes of Rakdos Charm you're using, but you said you didn't have a problem with artifacts, and your deck should be keeping the creature count down, so the only other mode is the graveyard control. I'm not sure this is worth it, so it might be a cut. I'm not sure how the confluence cycle is working out for you, but these also seem like they might not do enough in most situations. I'm not sure that haste is that important in your deck, so maybe cut Fervor. Additionally, you seem to have a lot of anti-lifegain. I'm assuming there's a deck or two in your meta that these are there to deal with. I'd want to cut these, but if they're useful keep them. Maybe you could replace one with Stigma Lasher which won't be a dead card against non-lifegain decks.

Sorry this comment's so long, but I hope it helps.

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