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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



As an additional cost to cast Abjure, sacrifice a blue permanent.

Counter target spell.

DreadKhan on Budget Talrand EDH

2 years ago

You might take a look at Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time, both are potentially very strong on a budget. Two cards I like that are budget atm I think are Aetherspouts and AEtherize, you might not need both but one is a pretty nasty surprise for an aggro deck. Abjure is a nice counter for Talrand decks, to counter a spell and sacrifice a replaceable Drake is pretty nice. Saw it Coming and Wizard's Retort are also good counters to look at. I love seeing Talrand decks built on a budget, Talrand is a very solid budget option, and lots of fun to play!

SufferFromEDHD on Araumi’s Dead Broke Pauper

2 years ago

Abjure perhaps. Running more black creatures than blue though.

Rishadan Cutpurse is a strong etb that's worth a spot.

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

Hey Snake57, sorry about the very late reply! My playgroup has been the same 3-4 people in the past couple of months due to covid, so I've been messing around with some new decks for more variety in our games. Don't worry, I still absolutely love Yuriko, but I haven't made any changes to the list lately!

Ponder vs Otherworldly Gaze: Ponder wins this one for me because it acts as topdeck manipulation and a cantrip. With Otherworldly Gaze you get to see more cards, but you also go down a card in the process.

Personal Tutor: Although I'm still not a huge fan of this card, I've been playing with it in favour of Insidious Dreams. Insidious Dreams is more powerful in the right situation, but quite mana intensive, and brutal if it gets countered.

Dauthi Voidwalker: Love this card so far. I mostly keep it untapped as a threat rather than an enabler, but the shadow is a nice plus!

Opposition Agent: I'm also split on this card. Most times it just steals a fetchland and then gets removed, which makes it feel kind of underwhelming. But the upside of stealing an actual tutor could be worth it.

Abjure and Boon of the Wish-Giver: I have both of these in my binder but I haven't tried them myself. How have they panned out for you?

Enter the Infinite: I also agree that raising the overall cmc is better than playing this card. I think 2 is the perfect number of cards in the "high cmc but useless" category (Draco and Blinkmoth Infusion). Like you said, delve cards or big cards that cycle seem like a better solution.

Have you made any changes in your list? Let me know!

Also, any thoughts on neon dynasty so far?

I think Kaito Shizuki looks quite powerful and, for once, I'm looking forward to trying out a planeswalker in Yuriko!

As for Satoru Umezawa, it seems too mana intensive for this deck. But I'm excited to see another ninjutsu commander with a different spin!

Snake57 on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

Hey Azja! As always thanks for getting back to me :)

Great to hear Gingerbrute is working out for you, I've definitely have good experiences with the card since adding it. I was actually considering to purchase Personal Tutor, but looks like I can spend that money somewhere else then. In regards to Consider, I actually mixed my cards up. I meant Otherworldly Gaze from the same set. which seemed pretty good to me as it also fuels the graveyard when necessary and can be cast at instant speed (twice). Not sure it beats out Ponder though? I'm unsure if I can fit both in the deck.

I've just ordered a few copies of Dauthi Voidwalker so I am looking forward to giving that card a try, do you end up using it as an enabler often? I'd assume it just sits on the board for as long as possible.

For me I'm really split on Opposition Agent, I feel like if I can get it out early it completely screws up my opponents early land plays giving them issues playing fetchlands (of which there are a good amount in the pods I play Yuriko in). Later in the game i'll likely have the mana open to flash it out as well, but it may take some time to find the right moment, it also feels like somewhat of a removal magnet as it needs to be dealt with before tutoring for a wincon for example. However it doesn't really further my own strategy directly, and is unlikely to be used as an enabler. I'm genuinely having a hard time with this one.

I've just added Street Wraith to my main deck so I'm curious to see how it performs for me, I didn't think of the interaction with Temporal Mastery, seems good! Also, I've added Abjure and it really has felt like a decent addition to the counterspell package as the downside tends to be manageable (and sometimes adds more delve-fodder)

I'll see if I can get ahold of Boon of the Wish-Giver, to me the card just seems to make sense in Yuriko. I'm currently running 32 lands with a ton of fetches and I still feel like I've been hitting lands way too often (maybe I've just been unlucky recently) But it makes me consider cutting a Land for the card as it can be cycled as well.

You are right, Scion of Draco probably isn't the right choice, Enter the Infinite is definitely an option, however I feel it may be better to raise the CMC of my deck across the board a little. I'm looking into adding more delve cards and cards that synergise with that. Maybe Murderous Cut, Otherworldly Gaze, Frantic Search, Treasure Cruise. Perhaps I could add cards that untap lands as well, a Treachery, Cloud of Faeries, Time Spiral is what I'm looking at currently.

Maybe I've just had a few - not so great games recently and I should give it more games before I rush to change things around that much.

I am very curious to see what what the new Kamigawa Set will bring, here's hoping there will be some good additions for Yuriko.

wilmer on Azami the amazing queen of drawing [40$ budget]

2 years ago

I appreciate your suggestions jordanalessi this is my personal thoughts about the cards.

Meletis Charlatan is good for the general combo part of the deck. I however feel its slightly to expensive in mana cost, general overall usefullness outisde the combo. When your not comboing its a dead card.

Echo Mage Has a similar problem in being to expensive, being pretty bad outside the combo.

Muddle the Mixture I would 100% play this if budget wasnt the aim. Muddle the mixture is both used in searching combos and countering instants, sorceries. It thereby makes sure its never a dead card. Sadly its to expensive for this budget.

Dizzy Spell Im unsure how good this card would be in the deck. Its base spell is really bad in only being able to negate damage. However it can search for powerful 1 mana cost cards like Sol Ring, High Tide and Abjure. It needs to be tested a-bit to see how it does. I wont make any conclusions if its good for the deck.

Snake57 on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

3 years ago

My playgroup agreed on not using permanent proxies to keep the power level as is, but I'll definitely grab the more expensive fetches, I'm just waiting for the reprint coming up in Modern Horizons 2 :) I'm also currently trying to grab a Mana Crypt and Mana Drain locally but it's proving harder than expected.

You are completly right about Song of the Dryads and Walker of Secret Ways I guess there are still some situations where it could be useful returning Yuriko to my hand but that realization admittedly made it a lot worse, makes me a bit unsure about committing to that switch.

Great to hear that we seem to agree on Abjure Mystic Reflection I'll try to find some space for those as soon as I can get my hands on them Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire may just be too slow, you are right. I often forget just how fast Yuriko can be, it may just be good in a lower powered Yuriko deck. Nether Traitor Is kind of in the same boat as well, and quite frankly I wouldn't be sure what to cut for it either.

I sometimes forget considering how important it is to have cards to pitch for Force of Will / Force of Negation / Commandeer , you are again absolutely right.

You seem to have a very firm grip on what to switch out for new cards, since my decklist is so close to yours it's super nice for you to let me pick your brain about it, again it really is much appreciated! Since this is probably my strongest deck by a pretty good margin and it's already very optimized I think I need to be careful about how I approach new inclusions.

I'm really hoping I'll be able to get some more games in soon, I miss flipping Dracos and Blinkmoth Infusions! Maybe I should finally figure out a setup to play some games online at some point.

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

3 years ago

@Snake57 Sounds like you've got a good plan!

Thanks again for the feedback and suggestions! I really appreciate talking Yuriko with someone else who's super invested!

Snake57 on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

3 years ago

It's always a pleasure to read through your thoughts and what you've been testing, again thank you so much for the detailed response!

Unfortunately (and for obvious reasons) I haven't been able to play much paper magic recently but I have been playing around with some new ideas for inclusions, however my primary focus right now it to tune the manabase further, I'm still missing some of the new cards from recent sets like Agadeem's Awakening  Flip, Clearwater Pathway  Flip and Sea Gate Restoration  Flip in addition to some of the more expensive fetches you've recently added.

I'm also looking to add a Mana Crypt , and Mana Drain , with those additions I'm also feel pretty good about adding a Cyclonic Rift . In my playgroup "hate pieces" like Engineered Plague aren't very common so I will be swapping out Azra Smokeshaper for Walker of Secret Ways , also since it get's Yuriko out of Song of the Dryads like effects, which are more common in my case. I've also wanted to add more targeted removal so I will be trying out Dismember and Snuff Out (especially since there always seem to be plenty of targets for it in my playgroup). I'll also consider adding a Commandeer instead of Commit / Memory However I still haven't quite gone through finding out what to remove, so I'll be keeping an eye out for your final verdict! :D

I'm also really looking to add Abjure since the value of sacrificing one of the many small creatures we tend to play to counter any spell for one blue definitely seems to be worth it in my book.

Looking at more recent cards I'm also strongly considering Mystic Reflection for it's versatility and Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire which seems great considering you can use the boast ability in tandem with the Yuriko trigger, maybe Hullbreacher since there are a lot of wheel effects in my group. Maskwood Nexus also seems good, but I'm unsure if I'll end up with too many of those effects and if 4 mana may be a bit too slow. Nether Traitor seems like a surefire way to connect and similarly to Gingerbrood lets me start getting Yuriko back onto the board again as fast as possible after something like a boardwipe. I'm also considering to cut Karn's Temporal Sundering for Alrund's Epiphany , not too sure about that one though.

As always I'd love to hear your opinions! :)

Wishing you all the best!

P.S. Oh, and I'm still a big fan of Gingerbrood based on my play experience! Try giving the cookie monster a chance ;)

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