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Piyh on Sen Triplets // Artifact + …

35 minutes ago

Shame you can't fit in the Triplet's fatesealing cousin Xanathar, Guild Kingpin

Saiyamax on Cost Reduction Cards

2 hours ago

Just what I was looking for! Handy list, and thanks for keeping it organized and updated

ModernNewb on Lathril rallies the Elves

8 hours ago

Hi, thanks for the comment. I am still testing the deck, and i am not sure myself if this is ok or not. :D I think it doesn't need a lot of removal. You build up your mana engine or draw engine and than end the game with finale of Devastation/craterhoof. This can go really fast. However i will playtest this weekend and than reply again how it went.

DMFF on Black and White Soul Sisters …

8 hours ago

Firstly, welcome to the MTG community! Modern is definitely a more hostile format, but Soul Sisters can hold their own, especially in Orzhov. One of my close friends in my "close friends playgroup" built his own rendition of Orzhov Soul Sisters as well and it can certainly give any aggro deck a run for its money. Since Lifegain is more of a Control-esque strategy, I do have a few suggestions for your main and side:

Main: - Fatal Push, Solitude (ik a little more expensive, but so so good), or Path to Exile for cheap/"free" removal of onboard threats. I would cut 2-3 copies of March of Otherworldly Light since it requires more resources, but can be great in the mid/late game.

  • Guide of Souls, the new Soul Brother! (It could be called Soul Siblings!) This card is a more powerful version of the Soul Sisters, so I definitely recommend running 4x of this card once it drops in MH3. I would drop the 4x Auriok Champion for this due to the lower mana cost and higher power level.

  • Thoughtseize is a great handrip card and the -2 life is barely noticeable in your build. Until you pick up any copies, I would move Inquisition of Kozilek into your main board for better control and knowledge of your opponent's gameplan right from game 1. I would also suggest a combination of both of these cards in your mainboard to equal 6 total. My wife runs 3 of each in her own rendition of the meta Yawgmoth deck.

  • I would cut the Ghost Quarters for Field of Ruin, reduce them to 2 or 3 copies and move them to your mainboard, cutting some basic lands. My wife actually runs this in her mainboard to mess with greedy manabases to great success.

Side: - Having both Sanctifier en-Vec & Rest in Peace is a bit redundant. I would personally cut them both and replace with 3 or 4 Leyline of the Void to have a good chance of hurting Graveyard strategies before turn 1 even starts. Keep all the Surgical Extractions in though because it is great targeted GY removal that can outright cripple decks.

Hopefully this will be helpful for you, let me know if you have any questions!

Asder on Zombies of the Winter Moon

9 hours ago

Theres a lot of hand disruption, could be worth cutting down on some of that for a bomb like Liliana of the Veil or Sheoldred, the Apocalypse. Also could be worth looking at Case of the Stashed Skeleton instead of Grim Tutor.

Aveitt on Eleventh hour artifacts

11 hours ago

Also, the side board is unorganized cards that I considered at some point and removed lol.

K4nkato on Traverse the Garage

12 hours ago

Weekly Results:

Mono G: ❌✅✅

Amalia: ❌❌

Dimir Phoenix: ❌✅✅

Lost every game where my deck didn’t get off the ground (and against Amalia bc that deck is insane). Dimir Phoenix was won by switching out of combo mode & beating down with Mosswood Dreadknight, Sentinel of the Nameless City & Sheoldred, the Apocalypse.

Note to self & others: a hand of three lands, one Raffine's Informant and two Witherbloom Commands is not keepable. No route to Fang :p

emperorcharizar on Alchemist Ludevic, Butcher of Innistrad

13 hours ago

Lost to a haste deck turn 6. Not to say anything but I thought it was funny.

azja on Ok Jordan

14 hours ago

Ok Jordan

acehooligan on What commander tax.

16 hours ago

swap noble hier for elvish mystic

zn.tportlock on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

16 hours ago

Altar of the Wretched, archway of innovation, and spymasters vault, urzas cave + tron lands? Fomori Vault

legendofa on Zubera Zubera ずべら

17 hours ago

Balaam__ I've gone back and forth on Echoing Return, and so far it just mostly acts like Raise Dead. But there is that sweet spot where it hits three. Haven't gotten four back with it yet.

SufferFromEDHD on Wrath of Starke

18 hours ago

With that many mountains Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle would be useful. Blood Moon good kind of mean.

Since this is a Homeward Path deck Humble Defector would be right at home.

Gamble this isn't a graveyard deck but a tutor is a tutor.

Mosstaster on Time to die, mutie.

18 hours ago

A very nice setup, a bit high on the mana curve but I'd consider adding a Pointy Finger of Doom to ensure that you have some variety in your colorless mana distribution, maybe consider swapping it for the Lumbering Megasloth? lol

BioProfDude on Pioneer Goblins

19 hours ago

It's been a while-- still playing this? If so, any thoughts on maybe including 3x Smuggler's Copter?

magwaaf on goyfsssssss!

20 hours ago

yeah yeah, still working on main before doing land lol

cPute on List of Commander Precons

20 hours ago

2024-06-11 Added MH3 commander decks.

Veethevvitch on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

20 hours ago

ShadowMasterNL oh yes tablet of completion could definetly go on the cut list you are right! Will remove to add archfiend of despair for sure. ( and yes to the heavy artifacts play groups lmao. I often play against Urza, Chief Artificer )

And also, yes i'm ok with the double edge sword that is Infernal Darkness. I would use it probably when i know i have more than enough swamps to not worry about doubling it for a while. But i'm also betting that opponents will target it first for removal leaving me the opportunity to tutor a combo.

ShadowMasterNL on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

21 hours ago

I see, tablet of completion seems completely useless here you should cut it for the archfiend of despair. So karn is only useful when youre in an artifact heavy playgroup, which im guessing youre in then hahah. Do note that infernal darkness also shuts down your own coffers/nykhthos/phyrexiantower but im guessing youre okay with that hahah. (did not see any nonbasic synergy, cut command tower for a swamp? since you have swamp/basic synergy?)

Balaam__ on Zubera Zubera ずべら

21 hours ago

I love this. Question, would Echoing Return be worthy to replace either Raise the Draugr or Return from Extinction? You’d need at least 2 identical creatures in the graveyard to justify it, but if it hits under the right conditions you get 4 cards back.

Veethevvitch on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

21 hours ago

Also, forgot to explain Karn, the Great Creator !

ShadowMasterNL Karn is a stax it prevents my opponent to use their artifacts activated abilities, so prevent them to tap them for mana and he will eventually pair with Infernal Darkness. This will make it hard for my opponents to remove or cast stuff for a while except if they run a lot of swamps in their decks.

dylan.575 on Inalla and the Goblet of …

22 hours ago

Hi isaykaboom, What a beautiful card! It must be fate to continue. Enjoy the rebuilding experience! If you want to brainstorm ideas and concepts, let me know.

Veethevvitch on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

23 hours ago

ShadowMasterNL Archfiend of despair is on the list of potential creatures I just forgot the include it here as well! Was also recommended by Xtough on my evil dead deck!

For virtus the veiled I think I agree with your statement, I should look for something more synergic. What do we think about maybe cutting Grim Haruspex to include Archfiend of Despair ?

AgentZero83 on These Cats Have Weapons

1 day ago

BenTim in Pauper, your commander doesnt need to be legendary. Just that its an uncommon creature.

This deck looks interesting. I think ill give it run at my LGS. Thanks!

ShadowMasterNL on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

1 day ago

Virtus the veiled doesnt seem like a good inclusion, you have to hit with him after all and youre not running unblockable anyway because thats not the theme. Also, Archfiend of Despair does exactly what you want in this deck. Was looking through what to cut for it, maybe some graveyard interaction can go? I dont know how much grave stuff your playgroup does but seems like something you dont have to worry alot about generally. What does Karn do in this deck?

cgishter on Ojer Axonil

1 day ago

as a whole seems like a decent list, more focused on permenant triggers than instants and sorceries (the way I am looking to build him if i ever get around to it) but there is 1 biiiiiig problem......

My man.....you forgot to put your commander......in your commander deck.....so you have a 100 card list that is missing the actual commander.

Zam_Ogan on Infinite Annihilator

1 day ago

Hello! Love your list, just be advised: Basalt Monolith / Deserted Temple are activated abilities, they will not go infinite with Echoes of Eternity. In addition, the treasures generated from Dockside Extortionist give you only colored mana, and Eldrazi Displacer requires at least one colorless mana to activate its ability. Dockside does not go infinite with Eldrazi Displacer.

Thanks for posting your list!

rynonator on A Card in the Hand …

1 day ago

Yo great build! just pulled this guy and this is a great idea to build off of.

Veethevvitch on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

1 day ago

ShadowMasterNL Thank you very much for indulging me!

I play with a lot of control players or stax/tax players and I am also hoping to eventually compete with that deck as well that's why this deck needs to be strong.

I mostly run ''sacrifices'' for more mana, and I have a good amount of recursion which allow me to bring the creatures back to the field or my hand or the top of my deck so i'm not super worried about lacking creatures, especially since i run a lot of stax and taxes myself.

I think the only other sacrifice cards I run are for cards drawing which give me some synergy but maybe they could be contenders for cuts ? Village Rites Vampiric Rites Nasty End ?

I usually end up sacrificing Vile Entomber in order to bring him back and tutor some more.

But, I will say that I was wondering if I should add more creatures to it as well.

Xtough Pleasure having you back in the comment section, I followed your advice and was able to actually up the manabase to 35 without losing any competitiveness, thank you very much for cuts suggestions that are always on point!

Xtough on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

1 day ago

Hi again. You can cut everflowing chalice, prophetic prism and maybe thran Dynamo. The first and latter only make sense at the same mana cost as the commander and do not speed up the game really. The prism filters only and does not add mana. You can exchange them for 3 Swamps.

ShadowMasterNL on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

1 day ago

Yes i do for sure, i usually do 35 lands + arcanesignet + sol ring. And if i play a mono or dual color deck i throw in a Throne of Eldraine (the artifact). I dont know what kind of group you play with the decks seems pretty strong. I see youre running alot of things that sac creatures, but you're only running 14 creatures! Without token generation/lots of sacrifice fodder i think you can cut alot of that sacrifice stuff.

Storm_Rune on The Curious Case of the …

1 day ago

DarkKiridon Thanks for the head's up. 2.50 on tcgplayer right now. Still alittle on the heavy side for price. However I do see some cool includes in the deck thanks for the heads up.

nuperokaso on Boomer Jund '24

1 day ago

lathril6687 on Lathril, Blade of the Elves …

1 day ago

Hi, love your deck! Im really unsure about wolverine riders, i love the card, but for 6 mana, is it worth it?

lathril6687 on Lathril rallies the Elves

1 day ago

Hi, love your deck! Are you happy with the amounts of removals? I am really struggling to put in the right amout, because i rather be focusing on elve token gen.

nuperokaso on Bridge to Sanctuary - Land …

1 day ago

mMooLord on Elves and Fungus

1 day ago

Hey js this is technically illegal, can't run cards outside your commanders color identity

RyuuRage on Assassin's Creed

1 day ago

Am I alone in thinking that this deck should have a plethora of devoid eldrazi creatures in it?

They would only be able to be blocked by artifact creatures since there is no possible way for a creature to share a color.

K4nkato on Tinkerbell says “No”

1 day ago

Weekly Results…

Simic Value Brew?: ✅✅

Dredge: ✅✅

Jeskai Ephemerate: ✅✅

UNDEFEATED!! Ponder flipped a losing game into a winning one by shuffling a bad draw away vs Jeskai :)

taavriel on The Tanuki God

1 day ago

Remove izzet boilerworks

Alearin on Treasure, Dwarves, and Dragon's; OH …

1 day ago

Hi. Thanks for the comments on my desk Magda of the Maskwood [[Guide]] Updated for MKC. I was checking your build of Magda out and saw some cards that I think might fit your build.

  1. Ingenious Artillerist - Every time one or more artifacts enter the battlefield under your control you burn everyone's faces for the number of artifacts. This seems like it would quickly get grow to a ton of damage with your damage boosting cards. If nothing else it can be a backup to Reckless Fireweaver.
  2. Spiteful Repossession - With damage boosters out this can turn being slightly behind in land to a huge windfall of treasures. If each opponent has 1 more land then you and you have one damage doubler out you would deal 2 damage to each opponent and make 6 treasure.
  3. Magmatic Force - Every upkeep, including your opponents, do 3 damage minimum to whatever you want. With your damage boosters it will often be more. Burn their face or that annoying value creature that never attacks. If you have Magmatic Galleon and/or Spiteful Banditry out you can also get so treasure for more Magda triggers.
  4. Descent into Avernus - Generates increasingly large amounts of treasure tokens for the board; however, I would say you are best positioned to use them. Besides given treasures to your opponents it is also a bit dangerous cause the damage it deals applies to you as well. If nothing else this will accelerate your games by increasing the mana available and lowering life totals.