Hello, and thanks for stopping by.

I first started playing somewhere in the period of a set called Onslaught. I didn't know much about it and was just messing around with friends. I was 15 at the time.

I returned to Magic last year, in between M14 and Theros, and quickly started interest in building solid decks instead of just goofing around.

I've been a control player since then, and because of that, I quickly fell in love with the different U/W staples and my most played decks were Esper and America control.

I now have drifted away from control, and am more into the Midrange kind of things. Plenty removal, but still beat faces.

At the moment I am working on a long term project in this Junk deck:

Ghosts in the Forest - Junk Midrange

After exploring several Black based midranged decks, I've found that I like Junk the most. I believe it to be one of the strongest of the Midrange decks right now and hope it stays that way for a pretty period as well.

Thanks for passing by, and have fun with the Magic!

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Said on Does casting an …...


If it does, would the next sequence be correct?

  1. Cast instant x - triggers magecraft
  2. Cast instant y - triggers magecraft
  3. Instant y copies instant x - triggers magecraft

I would end up with 3 magecraft triggers?

And in case of a Veyran, Voice of Duality on the field, would I end up with 6 total magecraft triggers?

May 18, 2024 7:50 p.m.





MTG Decks

Ghosts in the Forest - Junk Midrange

Standard Grenthox


Finished Decks 19
Prototype Decks 11
Drafts 0
Playing since Onslaught
Points 45
Avg. deck rating 17.50
T/O Rank 268
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard
Joined 10 years