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Sengir and Kydele's Murder Mystery Party

Commander / EDH BUG (Sultai) Investigate Partner Tokens


The guests are assembled...

The fire is warm. The table is set. The wine is flowing, when all of a sudden...blackness! A struggle. A shriek. The shattering of glass and the pounding of footfalls as someone or something flees into the nearby wood. The lights return. In stunned silence, the guests eye one another with terror and suspicion. What has happened? Where did the culprit go? And who, if anyone, is going to finish that brie!?

Welcome to Sengir and Kydele's Murder Mystery Party, a wily and woeful tale of intrigue and deception!

As the host of this party gone awry, you will attempt to create as many treasure tokens to buy information, food tokens to satisfy your guests, and clue tokens to solve this macabre puzzle as you can before the murderer returns to collect your own head.

Who Done It?

The murderer, if he or she is among us, could be anyone. Was it the phony Prosperous Innkeeper, whose weathered, moth-eaten establishment is on the verge of financial ruin? Was it Syr Konrad, the Grim, whose recent loss in the election has racked his mind with bitterness and fury? Was it the disgruntled cook, Gyome, Master Chef, whose thankless years toiling over the Baron's impeccable meals have gone unappreciated? Or was it Sengir, the Dark Baron himself, made pompous and blood drunk by the trappings of vampiric high society? The answer, you see, may be any of them. But the true ending, dear reader, is far stranger than fiction.

While this narrative-driven deck is (somewhat) capable of winning through aggro, most likely achieved through a combination of the town's lone... unorthodox clergyman, Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest and the creatures he empowers every time you sacrifice a treasure, food, or clue, the true ending involves a far less likely suspect, the treasures, foods, and clues themselves!

If all goes to plan, you will have spent the early, mid, and part of the late game acquiring as many of these tokens as possible, bolstered in number by Doubling Season, Trail of Evidence or perhaps extra ETB triggers from the unscrupulous Nephalia Smuggler. The tokens themselves will aid you in reaching the end game by the mana, life, and card draw they provide, respectively. Take care not to spend them all, however, as you will want a healthy stash on the board to achieve your dark goal.

With the goods assembled...

meaning your stash of tokens, along with Syr Konrad, the Grim or Sengir, the Dark Baron or Grave Pact, are in play, you will end the evening, and the investigation, by dropping a timely March of the Machines to trigger a mass casualty event when your mountain of carefully assembled tokens become 0/0 creatures that die instantly. Syr Konrad, the Grim pings opponents to death, Sengir, the Dark Baron swells to immense, insta-killing proportions, and Grave Pact should erase any opponent's resistance, indestructible or not, while you cruise to victory. Should that plot fail, you may also use an overloaded Rise and Shine to turn the tokens into a destructive force all their own. With the fatal blow struck, the trinkets, silverware, split hogs, turkies, and mangnifying glasses arrive center stage to take their bows as the final curtain falls.

As always, I deeply enjoyed creating this deck and hope you enjoy exploring it and perhaps piloting it yourself. Please leave me a comment below with any suggestions or comments you have for improving the deck in either flavor or function.



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93% Casual


Top Ranked
Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

34 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.17
Tokens Clue, Crab, Food, Gold, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Treasure
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