

--- Enchanted Spring Cleaning ---

This is a Bant Enchanted Evening based deck with a stupid amount of synergy. Why spring cleaning? This deck has the possibility to remove ALL of your opponent's permanents... Er.. "enchantments" and gain you life from each being obliterated. Make your all of permanents have shroud.. Or have protection from all permanents.. Wipe your opponent's board clean and buff your creatures to victory! The list has several avenues for success and features both removal and creatures that thrive in the game environment that the deck sets up.

Enchanted Evening + Spring Cleaning -- Destroy any permanent for 2 mana.. And also run the chance of destroying ALL of their permanents for that two mana.

Enchanted Evening + Primeval Light -- Complete obliteration of your opponent's permanents. Yes, ALL permanents.

Enchanted Evening + Echoing Calm (if you put it in) -- Destroy all of an opponent's basic lands.. You have snow-covered basics, you should be fine!

Enchanted Evening + Leave No Trace (sideboarded) -- Destroy every permanent of a color on the field. Make sure to not pick one of your colors!

Enchanted Evening + Sphere of Safety -- Basically makes it impossible for your opponents to afford to attack you. A vastly broken version of Ghostly Prison in this list.

Enchanted Evening + Greater Auramancy -- Heh, all of your permanents now have shroud. Be sure to play this AFTER to play Ethereal Armor on one of your creatures if you can afford to wait.

Enchanted Evening + Yavimaya Enchantress -- This card is silly with Enchanted evening on the field. Use as a wincon post wipe

Any of your creatures out while Enchanted evening is out? slap an Ethereal Armor on there!

Enchanted Evening + Azorius Herald + Ethereal Armor -- should basically be an unblockable wincon.

Enchanted Evening + Blighted Agent + Ethereal Armor -- This should be a swing for lethal in most cases

Enchanted Evening + Invisible Stalker + Ethereal Armor - Heh, you want to get a 10/10+ unblockable, hexproof creature? This is how you get a 10/10+ unblockable, hexproof creature.

Enchanted Evening + Yavimaya Enchantress + Ethereal Armor -- Lmfao, wanna swing with an unglodly amount of damage? Ethereal armor doubles this card's damage/blocking ability.. Even on top of its core ability

Glittering Wish -- Tutor for an Enchanted Evening or another multicolors sideboard card

Ghostly Prison -- Every enchantment deck needs a little bit of pillow.

Greater Auramancy -- The synergy with this card in this deck is just stupid strong.

Serum Visions -- I mean... Obviously.

Birds of Paradise -- Ramp is important.. It give us a chance to get our Enchanted evening out a turn or two early.

This deck is purely experimental, it's basically my third iteration of an Enchanted Evening based combo deck.

I am open for all feedback and card suggestions.

Please upvote or save this deck to a folder if you like it. Thank you!



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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #19 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 8 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

30 - 6 Rares

12 - 1 Uncommons

14 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.34
Folders Neat stuff worth remembering, Decks I Like, Decks I Like, Decks I Want to Build, Gute Idee, Modern Decks, Enchantments, Interesting Modern Decks, Bant, Interesting Modern
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