Falling Star

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Format Legality
Archenemy Legal
Casual Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Highlander Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal

Falling Star


Flip Falling Star onto the playing area from a height of at least one foot. Falling Star deals 3 damage to each creature it lands on. Tap all creatures dealt damage by Falling Star. If Falling Star doesn't turn completely over at least once during the flip, it has no effect.

DrukenReaps on Alternate Ban List

1 year ago

Caerwyn A number of these things is why I'm just spitballing the idea of this here. Obviously Falling Star and Chaos Orb need to be on my list and they aren't xD There are cards which just don't belong in a game like this. Looking at you Ante...

For Coalition Victory I see little reason for confusion over it referencing a creature's colors rather than identity. We have many cards that reference color all over the place with Bloom Tender and Sisay, Weatherlight Captain to name a few. All the devotion gods. To add to that we also have cards referencing identity with Commander's Plate. These are cards which often see play and I've never once seen anyone confuse a card's colors with the card's color identity.

Iona in the 99 doesn't feel like any more of a major issue to me than Void Winnower. I've played with and against Void Winnower and it has the same result more often than not of Iona. Frankly Void Winnower can be meaner, since it always hits every opponent. There are a number of these hefty lock pieces that come down and then everyone at the table groans or people even concede. I played against Iona when she was legal and I do see with Painter's Servant she has even more potential. I just see other cards that are just as effective and "unfun" not banned.

DemonDragonJ on Legacy Banlist

1 year ago

Sproet, I did add those cards to this list, initially but I then removed them, since I chose to list only cards that are banned for power level/gameplay reasons (i.e., dexterity cards, such as Chaos Orb or Falling Star); if I were to add those cards, I would also need to add all cards that reference ante and all cards of the conspiracy type, as well.

jethstriker on Which Magic card's art would …

3 years ago

The Fool - Jester's Cap

The Magician - Dark Ritual

The High Priestess - Argothian Enchantress

The Empress - Counterspell

The Emperor

The Hierophant

The Lovers - Sower of Temptation

The Chariot

Justice - Equilibrium

The Hermit - Uncle Istvan

Wheel of Fortune - Wheel of Fortune

Strength - Unholy Strength

The Hanged Man

Death - Necropotence


The Devil - Lord of the Pit

The Tower - Grim Monolith

The Star - Falling Star

The Moon - Blood Moon

The Sun - Sol Ring

Judgement - Wrath of God

The World - Omniscience

I would look in particular to older cards (premodern) and / or Seb McKinnon cards, as in my opinion those cards have the art style that would suit a tarot card.

Idoneity on Weird rulings for individual cards

3 years ago

Two more swift ones I recalled, being Falling Star and Sleeper Agent.

Oof_Magic on A Quest for Power: Unrestricting …

3 years ago


No but you literally rejected analysis based on preconceptions. I don’t need a yes man. But I don’t need a no man either. Both stymie dialogue. If you want to actually discuss the decks, your thoughts, and offer constructive criticism, as welcome it. But I personally get rubbed real wrong when I’m told no or not to do something and given no alternative. That offers nothing to the conversation and rather shuts it down. That may not been you, but that’s what I’ve gotten. I’d like dialogue rather than dismissal. I’m not gonna be called out for looking for a yes man when you’re looking for me to ‘yes man’ about Recall. You could afford to be more self-aware. If you care to cite data rather than a conglomeration of untested opinions, I’ll be open to hearing it.

I don’t know how you buy the ‘mull to Force’ argument but dismiss ‘mull to Leyline’ when ‘mull to Bazaar’ already exists.

Are you hearing yourself get worked up over explaining the Vintage RESTRICTED list? Are you talking about Shaharazade (Chulandfall), Lurrus of the Dream-Den, Chaos Orb, Falling Star, and others? Or did you mean to say Legacy banned problem cards?

TonyStark9001 on None

3 years ago

Hazankob: Chaos Orb and Falling Star arent expensive because they're banned, they're expensive because they're old and scarce.

SquirrelPenguin on unbanning

4 years ago

Come on Wizards, unban Chaos Orb, Falling Star, and Shahrazad in vintage! And I don't see why Delighted Killbot is banned either. What makes it any better than Bronze Sable?

SideBae on First Oloro, you must learn, stax on stax off

4 years ago

Right. Let's talk Stax.

  1. Zur's Weirding : This is a hell of a card to consider when you have a general that gives you a lot of excess life. Being able to deny opponents any relevant spell is great, and because your opponents presumably don't have as reliable a source of life-gain, it is eventually going to be asymmetric-ish.

  2. In a black, three-color deck, I think Painful Truths is better than Ambition's Cost . I run it in my Tasigur, the Golden Fang list, and I've been very impressed with it.

  3. Prismatic Vista is a great fetch to include in a Back to Basics deck. I suggest including Silent Clearing , as having the ability to cycle a land that ETBs untapped is a big deal.

  4. Your curve is consistent at the low end. Counterbalance with Sensei's Divining Top can be very powerful, especially since it is a counter-spell emulator that doesn't cost card-advantage.

  5. Xerox cards are good. Ponder and Preordain are both great cards, since they dig you to lands if you need them or past them if you don't. Brainstorm is especially good with a fetch land, and you run enough fetches to justify its inclusion.

  6. Because you're facing so many opponents, one-for-ones are typically not enough to put you ahead in the game. Swords to Plowshares is one of the only one-for-ones I suggest in EDH (because of its absurd efficiency); I think you should include it. Oblation and Murder are probably not going to put you far enough ahead. I suggest running Supreme Verdict , Toxic Deluge , Wrath of God and friends. If you cut some of your creatures for more enchantment or non-creature artifact-based disruption, these will be especially powerful. If you make all your lands snow-covered, Dead of Winter is also an excellent boardwipe. Also, Cyclonic Rift .

  7. In my Grand Arbiter Augustin IV deck I used to run Approach of the Second Sun as a win-condition... you might want to consider it. However, I think it is probably too slow and too expensive to be a reliable win condition. I think a better win condition would be Jace, Wielder of Mysteries . Planeswalkers are already really good in a stalemate, and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries can produce an insta-win if you resolve Demonic Consultation and name a card not in your deck. (Side Note: You get extra points if you name Atog , Singing Tree or Falling Star with your Demonic Consultation .)

  8. In addition to Demonic Consultation , if you're smarter than me and have the requisite brain-power Doomsday can be a good way to end the game. As implied, I don't really know how to explain Doomsday decks and/or the best way to play them, but I've seen them go off and find it spectacular. Google 'Doomsday EDH Primer' -- I think the first one that comes up (a TappedOut link) is especially good.

  9. As above mentioned, planeswalkers are busted in stalemates or when you have the game on lockdown. Teferi, Hero of Dominaria is a great card-draw engine that effectively costs three-mana, and he doubles as removal. Depending on whether you have ethical qualms about being a monster, he also produces a hard-lock on untapping when paired with Stasis . (Note that Smothering Tithe paired with Stasis also does this). Technically, this can be a win-condition; Teferi, Hero of Dominaria is capable of minus-ing on himself, preventing you from milling out, while you wait for your opponents to concede or draw their decks. Jace, the Mind Sculptor is another great card in a stalemate.

  10. Ashiok, Dream Render and Narset, Parter of Veils are both extremely good in EDH. Narset is especially good if you can pair her with a Windfall , which you should also run. Teferi, Time Raveler is another sort of hate-piece, and I've been very impressed with him. Kaya, Orzhov Usurper can be good in the right meta, and her other incarnation, Kaya, Ghost Assassin is good in a much wider set of situations.

  11. Tutors are a big part of making a good deck great. Demonic Tutor and Vampiric Tutor are the best, but they're very expensive and therefore rather inaccessible. Lim-Dul's Vault , Dark Petition , Mastermind's Acquisition , Diabolic Tutor , Enlightened Tutor and Mystical Tutor are all good, too, and more affordable. Whir of Invention is a good way to utilize your artifacts to find whatever silver-bullet lock-piece you need.

  12. If, as first mentioned in (6), you end up cutting some creatures, Night of Souls' Betrayal is a powerhouse against a lot of decks.

  13. As you're in Stax, you're usually playing for the long-game. This means incremental value is extra important. Search for Azcanta  Flip is a great way to improve the quality of your draws. Bitterblossom is excellent for producing blockers/small bodies to poke planeswalkers with, and it pairs REAL well with your Smokestack .

  14. Mana-rocks are the best form of acceleration in your colors. Talisman of Progress , Talisman of Hierarchy , Talisman of Dominance and Dimir Signet are all worth adding, and Thought Vessel , Mind Stone , Prismatic Lens and Coldsteel Heart are all worth at least thinking about. Two-mana rocks are especially good if you pair them with an Ancient Tomb , which is another land to consider. Sol Ring , the best ramp in the game, should go in now. If you increase your artifact-count, you can also run Mox Opal in addition to your Mox Diamond .

  15. Long games tend to produce large graveyards. Consider Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time in order to capitalize on this.

  16. You seem a little light on counter-magic. Mana Drain and Force of Will are the gold-standard here, but as such they cost a fortune. Other, more accessible counterspells include: Counterspell , Dovin's Veto , Negate , Dispel , Spell Snare , Spell Pierce , Flusterstorm , Swan Song , Delay , Remand and Cryptic Command .

  17. If you choose to run more mana-acceleration, like those mentioned in (14), cards like Armageddon and Ravages of War can end games. This is perhaps the most brutal effect in EDH, but... you know. Is fun. Cataclysm is a powerful board wipe, though its effect extends past lands and therefore does not leave your board intact. So consider carefully.

  18. I should mention Pox , as I see you're running Death Cloud . Pox is right up there with Armageddon in terms of brutality, though I haven't had as much luck with it -- costing triple black is a bit of a nuisance. I've had a better experience with Smallpox or just straight-up Liliana of the Veil .

  19. Mystic Remora is great for slowing down a game if your opening seven isn't really fast. In more inexperienced metas, it can easily be an Ancestral Recall or two.

  20. I think Rule of Law is strictly better than Arcane Laboratory , as it cannot be killed with Pyroblast or Red Elemental Blast . In my experience, most red decks run at least one of those cards, and being able to dodge them if possible is a not-insignificant bonus.

  21. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is a strictly-better Glowrider , if you want to keep this effect in the final list.

  22. Finally, the Words cards may be worth it. Words of Wind with Wall of Omens makes a three-mana-an-iteration loop that can, if you're in a favorable position, clean your opponents' boards. Words of Waste is usually good in Erebos, God of the Dead and other direct card-advantage generals' decks, but it may be worth including if you cast Oloro, Ageless Ascetic and draw with him often enough. It'll keep pressure on your opponents' hands real well.

Aright. Good luck man! Oloro was my first general, so I got a soft-spot.

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