Faith Healer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Faith Healer

Creature — Human Cleric

Sacrifice an enchantment: You gain life equal to the sacrificed enchantment's converted mana cost.

Necrosis24 on Mono White WIn Combos

1 year ago

Assuming this is commander Starfield of Nyx is a possibility assuming you aren't running mostly auras. You could pair this with Heliod, Sun-Crowned or Nykthos Paragon as they both have the enchantment type as opposed to Archangel of Thune.

There is Approach of the Second Sun or Felidar Sovereign if you are okay with such cards.

Faith Healer + Aetherflux Reservoir which works as you are gaining life anyways.

Ajani's Chosen, Archon of Sun's Grace, and Sigil of the Empty Throne are pretty straight forward amass a board and swing.

CamraMaan on Font of Vigor's sacrifice cost; …

3 years ago

Font of Vigor requires you pay 2W and sacrifice it: gain 7 life... but can I still do that while sacrificing it to Faith Healer and paying the 2W...? At the moment I don't see why not, but my hunch is the answer is no... and my guess is it has to do with both being activation costs, so I'll only get to use one sacrifice mechanic... but I'm also not sure I can't do it... thanks for the help in advance! :)

Coward_Token on Commander Legends Spoilers

3 years ago

Soulfire Eruption: Swingy In Garruk's Wake/Fire Covenant-ish card that also can give a window of opportunity for some serious card advantage. Neat design for mono-!

Armored Skyhunter: experimentation etc. Relevant tribes for Kemba, Kha Regent, Raksha Golden Cub, and Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale

DemonDragonJ: Yeah there's also stuff like Faith Healer, I was mostly thinking more contemporarily, specifically various THB cards like Final Flare. That set also had Enigmatic Incarnation tho so whatever.

Joe_Ken_ on Tiana the Aura'ible

4 years ago

24 lands is crazy low for any edh deck. I’d try to get your land count up to 34-36 since you want a little more than 1/3 of your deck to be lands so you can efficiently hit land drops.

Some interesting tricks you can do with Tiana and Faith Healer is sacrificing them on the opponent's end step before yours if you have ones like Dragon Mantle or others that draw you cards to gain life and have a small card draw engine.

lonesentinel on Watch the World Burn!

4 years ago

Joe_Ken_ on Poor mans Tiana Auras

4 years ago

Since you are trying to keep to a budget I will make sure to only suggest some more budget cards.

Battle Mastery will give your creature double strike, pretty much doubling her damage output and Scourge of the Nobilis will give her lifelink, +2/+2, and an ability to pump mana into her for a big increase in damage.

Sage's Reverie is a card draw aura with also giving a big boost to power to your commander.

Gift of Immortality (is a little more expensive) will bring your commander back after it is killed so you can attach all your auras back on.

Eidolon of Countless Battles is another one that will give you a lot of power for each aura you control while also doubling as another creature.

Felidar Umbra More umbras never hurt since they will help your commander dodge board wipes and targeted removal, also lifelink is very good to have in Voltron decks since you won't always be able to block easily.

Prowler's Helm is an equipment that is good to make your creature pretty much unblock able until you run across a defender themed deck.

Nomad Mythmaker will get you back some enchantments in your graveyard in case they ever do get stuck in there.

Faith Healer if you ever just have nothing to do with your mana then sacrificing your auras for life gain and having them come back with Tiana's ability is a good thing to do to keep you in the game.

Burnished Hart is good for mana ramp as well as Oreskos Explorer and Kor Cartographer

Lastly since I can't recommend cards all day I would suggest Totem-Guide Hartebeest as another tutor for aura cards in your deck.

gingerthewritingdog on One Anger Selesnya Boi (Ghired)

4 years ago

More combos:

Faith Healer + Oblivion Ring + Sun Titan .

  1. Cast Oblivion Ring , exiling Sun Titan

  2. Sack Oblivion Ring to Faith Healer , which will return Sun Titan to the battlefield, returning Oblivion Ring which will exile titan again.

  3. Repeat for infinite life

( Faith Healer can also come in handy late game when you are low on life and have enchantments that aren't doing anything)

oliveoilonyaasscureshemorrhoid on

5 years ago

Hey, I'm an experienced Tiana pilot and would love to help! ( my deck link here ).

The first thing I would change is Wrath of God and Blasphemous Act because creature-only board wipes destroy the creatures, then the auras, so Tiana won't trigger for any of your auras. But board wipes like Hour of Revelation , Day of Reckoning, End Hostilities , Nevinyrral's Disk , Cataclysmic Gearhulk , Tragic Arrogance etc would make Tiana trigger on your auras. You could put in Auratog or Faith Healer so you respond to creature-only board wipes, or put in indestructible stuff like Hammer of Nazahn , Shielded by Faith , Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip etc.

Bludgeon Brawl has cool synergy with Tiana, because if Vandalblast , Scrap Mastery , Hour of Revelation etc are cast, then Tiana will trigger on your artifacts too. And if you include this, consider adding artifacts that sacrifice themselves like Unstable Obelisk , Commander's Sphere , Boros Locket , Boros Cluestone , Orazca Relic .

Along with self-sacrificing artifacts, I loved the idea of self-sacrificing auras and recycling them over and over with Tiana, especially with Sigil of the Empty Throne or Ajani's Chosen on the battlefield. Auras like Capashen Standard , Mortal Obstinacy , Flamespeaker's Will , Brand of Ill Omen , Sun Clasp , Weight of Conscience , Bound by Moonsilver , Lunarch Mantle , Uncontrolled Infestation , Inferno Fist , Guilty Conscience etc.

Other than the aforementioned cards, I'll also mention Mistmeadow Skulk which dodges board wipes, the new Swiftblade Vindicator and Smothering Tithe , Fabled Hero and other heroic cards that benefit from the aura recycling, Forgeborn Oreads and Scroll of the Masters and Mesa Enchantress for the aura recycling, Ethereal Armor , Helm of the Gods , Heavenly Blademaster , Laccolith Rig is stupid but fun, Heirloom Blade because RW sucks at draw (except this deck if you add auras that draw).

If I wanted to cut some cards from your deck, I would start with Order since it's 4 mana for a really narrow removal spell, and 3 mana to do something that odric or angelic skirmisher do (which is creatures so can be brought back into the game easier). Kwende, Pride of Femeref is essentially a 4/4 for 4 mana and is only useful for Tiana. Kitsune Mystic isn't needed with all the sacrificing and such. Authority of the Consuls and Godsend and Basilisk Collar isn't that impactful for an aggro strategy. Whispersilk Cloak gives shroud which isn't the best for a deck all about auras and equipment. Chariot of Victory isn't that good and doesn't add any power. And I would take out as many tapped lands as you don't mind, they slow down decks way too much, add Battlefield Forge .

Hope this helps makes your deck stronger!

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