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Said on The Charnel Army...


Oops, I meant *A lot of your creatures have 3 or more power.

May 28, 2024 11:19 a.m.

Said on The Charnel Army...


I also like the idea of having Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and Yargle and Multani in the deck to go along with the Lord of Extinction. It gives the deck a backup win condition outside of commander damage to help close out the game through a clogged up board.

I think another card worth considering is Titanoth Rex. Draw a card and permanently give your commander trample for just 2 mana while putting an 11 power body into the graveyard.

A lot of your creatures have 3 or more toughness so Elemental Bond/Tribute to the World Tree would be effects ways to draw more cards. Greater Good would also be a strong choice.

If you end up adding more sac effects as you develop the deck then Ghouls' Night Out might be a card worth considering. Being able to get up to 4 creatures for 5 mana is a good deal, even if they don't stick around after attacking with them. Sac them off for value or just don't attack so that you can make use of their abilities. If you end up reanimating Sepulchral Primordial as the card from your graveyard then that would end up being up to 7 creatures total for just 5 mana.

May 28, 2024 11:16 a.m.

MTG Decks

Grimgrin's Dinner Plans

Commander / EDH SaberTech

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Avg. deck rating 4.00
T/O Rank 185
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