I enjoy Magic mainly for brewing new decks. I've been here on Tappedout for 10+ years.

Even if most of my decks end up private and/or lost in never-finished land it's fun to try to piece an idea together with different cards. Discovering old cards that work alongside new cards or might have new synergy is what brings me back to Magic every so often. Just that process of combining cards into a unique thematic idea is enjoyable as it is.

I am more about the intellectual stimulation and not about the emotional stimulation of the [turn to turn gameplay] of the card game, as Magic the Gathering head designer Mark Rosewater puts it.

When I brew up new deck ideas I'm more concerned with the deck's theming and flavor than how competitive it ends up being. Focusing on makings things as synergistic as possible which includes things like alters (artwork) and puns in the deck description and naming.

I also like to design card/board/video games outside of Magic as an indie dev so I do enjoy looking at the game of Magic from a designer's eye too. Which is probably partially why I enjoy the deckbuilding process more than the actual playing of the game.

It's like a puzzle with all the keywords mechanics and typal/tribal synergies between cards, brewing up some fringe idea or combo or trying to make cards work together that normally wouldn't. A lot of my decks are themed decks and almost non are top meta competitive decklists that anyone can just go look up online.

Spoiler season of the newest or upcoming set(s) is easily my favorite time to frequent tappedout.net because when rotation happens the dynamic changes because everybody is looking for new deck archetypes for inspiration.

I actually sold the bulk majority of my paper collection of cards and my digital collection on MTGO a few years ago. And I no longer log in to Arena. I only build here on tappedout.net and mainly play on Tabletop Simulator with friends now. Because yes it's free and I can ultimately build as many deck ideas as I want to try and nothing holds me back. I can even design custom cards if the playgroup approves of their use before hand.

You cannot beat that.

Uploading a deck takes seconds and the cards and gameplay itself is automated just like on Arena/MTGO but it feels more tuned into actual paper magic and sitting around a table with friends and having to keep track of counters with die. Classic Magic the Gathering™ despite not having to purchase cards anymore (because really I don't support Hasbro's or Wizards of the Coast's woke agenda.)

My Discord: Cipher_8

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One of the best utility lands for this deck archetype (mill) is Scavenger Grounds. It's great because while you want the effect of exiling entire graveyards in your deck, you would probably rather not spend the deck slot on including it if it were on another card like an artifact. There's almost no reason not to include some form of graveyard hate though and this is almost free as a land. Just throw some of these other lands in that fit your color identity especially the new OTJ desert lands.

May 17, 2024 1:11 a.m. Edited.

It's Friday Nights around here (Wisconsin) but love the theme of this deck.

I always wanted to build around Derevi, Empyrial Tactician because I thought it pairs well with Hylda of the Icy Crownaltered but I've only ever done one deck with her — Frozen

I got a merfolk deck I'm working on too — Submerged, though it's more based on Islandwalk + Merfolk tribal than just Merfolk.

May 16, 2024 4:22 p.m. Edited.

Said on clancy292...


Thanks for the upvotes

I got a lot more I've been brewing recently but they are marked private for now so I'll try to finish them soon(ish).

May 16, 2024 4:17 p.m.


Casual - Competitive

MTG Decks

I am fire, I am.. DEATH!

Commander / EDH* Cipher_8



Commander / EDH* Cipher_8


Metal Gear Rising [2024 Edition]

Standard Cipher_8


Metal Gear Rising

Unformat* Cipher_8


Blue's Clues

Standard Cipher_8


Bon Appétit

Casual Cipher_8


Finished Decks 370
Prototype Decks 305
Drafts 0
Playing since Tenth Edition
Points 50
Avg. deck rating 3.33
T/O Rank 221
Helper Rank 72
Favorite formats Standard, Pioneer, Pauper, Commander / EDH, Pauper EDH, Penny Dreadful
Cards suggested / good suggestions 20 / 11
Venues casual play
Joined 10 years
MTGO Username denizenoftheshallows