
Enchantment (1)

The Slaughterhouse

The Purpose

I've been on a little personal quest to build decks that have win-cons that utilize each part of the game, such as the hand or graveyard. Here, we're gonna take a look at creatures. I could have just built a very creature centric deck, hit 'em with something big or something, but I personally felt that it was too.. well.. obvious. So I came up with a way to use creatures as basically fuel for other operations.

The key combo here is Heartless Summoning + Teysa, Orzhov Scion + Painter's Servant. The way that it works is that Teysa, Orzhov Scion generates a 1/1 creature token, Painter's Servant will turn it black, and then Heartless Summoning will kill it instantly by giving it -1/-1. Then Teysa, Orzhov Scion creates another 1/1 token and the whole thing starts over again, creating an infinite death loop. These deaths are then used to trigger numerous effects that take place upon death. This is the slaughterhouse.

This is a new version of the deck. The older version used Heartless Summoning + Assemble the Legion, but it took quite some time to get Assemble the Legion out since it has a CMC of 5, then even more time for it to start creating enough tokens to matter. It also made me have to splash red in an already 2 color deck. This new combo has more parts, thats the downside, but its faster, has lower CMC, goes infinite immediately, and stays within Orzhov's color scheme.

Card Breakdown

Bastion of Remembrance

  • Once the machine is running, this guy will start stealing the life of your opponents. Neato.
  • If the machine is NOT running, you still get a couple chumps. Or you can use them as a way to kickstart the combo later.


  • This is one method of creating tokens to get killed by Heartless Summoning if you're looking for a way to start the combo.
  • One death per upkeep is still enough for some of these cards to swing gameplay in your favor, so even if you don't have everything in order to go infinite, just this and one of your token kill methods being out can work.
  • Even if all you have is this, it's still a nice card all on its own. You'll always havea little flyer helping out.

Carrion Feeder

  • This is a backup for if you don't have your Heartless Summoning out. You can use his sacrifice ability in order to make your slaughterhouse combo infinite by sacrificing the tokens.
  • A nice bonus is that he'll get absolutely huge in the process.

Cruel Celebrant

  • This will both kill opponents and get you lots of life, once the machine has started.
  • Careful, with Heartless Summoning out, this becomes a 0/1. Not useful for combat at all.

Dictate of Erebos

  • If you have the slaughterhouse operational, this card will wipe out your enemies board.

Gavony Unhallowed

  • With the slaughterhouse running, this creature will get counters very quickly and will be quite a force to attack with.

Gifted Aetherborn

  • This dude is here to be a combatant while you get your stuff set up. He's a very cheap 2 drop that people will be very nervous to approach with that deathtouch/lifelink combo.

Heartless Summoning

  • The other piece of the puzzle. This will be the card that kills the tokens generated by your infinite death loop, turning that -1/-1 counter penalty into a strength. This card has no downsides.
  • All I really wanted out if this card was something to kill the tokens, but it turns out that what this card actually does, is give you a great discount on casting creatures. This will be helpful for a couple cards here.

Painter's Servant

  • This is another crucial part of the main combo. Without him, the combo will not go infinite, as Teysa, Orzhov Scion requires the token to be black when it dies.
  • A nice perk of Heartless Summoming is that he's a free cast.

Phyrexian Vivisector

  • This is a fun little mechanic. Once you get the meat grinder going, you can start getting a lot of scry and rig your draws. Pretty cool.

Teysa, Orzhov Scion

  • This is the final part of your main combo. She is going to generate the tokens. Her condition for doing so is that the creature must be black, and with Painter's Servant her tokens become black, so she will trigger herself.

Tragic Slip

  • A little bit of removal. If you have the slaughterhouse going, its very effective due to its Morbid condition.

Other Decks

I’m always looking for advice and suggestions on decks. Here’s some more of mine in the Modern format if you’re down to help me out!

If Do Right, No Can Defense

Modern Lord_Olga


Dig Your Own Grave

Modern Lord_Olga


Brain Getting Too Big

Modern Lord_Olga



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99% Casual


Revision 8 See all

(1 month ago)

-3 Assemble the Legion main
+3 Bitterblossom main
-1 Carrion Feeder main
+1 Cruel Celebrant main
-4 Dragonskull Summit main
-2 Evolving Wilds main
+1 Heartless Summoning main
-2 Idyllic Tutor main
-2 Mountain main
+4 Painter's Servant main
+2 Phyrexian Vivisector main
+4 Plains main
-4 Sacred Foundry main
+6 Swamp main
-2 Teysa Karlov main
+4 Teysa, Orzhov Scion main
-2 Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose main
-2 Warteye Witch main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #28 position overall 3 years ago
  • Achieved #3 position in Modern 3 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern Jank 3 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern RBW (Mardu) 3 years ago
Date added 4 years
Last updated 1 month
Exclude colors URG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

14 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.32
Tokens Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 W
Folders Modern, Quest To Win With The Board, cool decks, Greatest Hits, new, Modern, possible, modern
Ignored suggestions
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