The EDH Multiverse - A Model of the EDH Landscape

Commander / EDH* Beebles

SCORE: 341 | 24 COMMENTS | 23769 VIEWS | IN 95 FOLDERS

300 Upvotes - My Gratitude & Commemorating Sheldon —Sept. 29, 2023

Hello everyone,

As of today, 300 of you upvoted this primer and over 18k people have viewed it! Thanks you so much to everyone for your interest and support. It’s been amazing to see this thing slowly grow. When starting out, I would have never expected this type of response from the community. The Tappedout response especially has been an amazing boost for me to continue. So thank you!

Another response I did not expect when initially starting was the one from Sheldon. When approaching the RC with my project, he was the one giving constructive feedback and encouragement. And when later asking if they would want to give exposure to my new website, Sheldon was quick to post about it on his twitter. If he made time for a random person like me, even at such stage of his illness, I can only imagine the countless other similar exchanges he must have had. That I think is exemplary of his stance in life and how much commitment he had towards his RC role.

That tweet from Sheldon was only 4 months ago. Now we have lost the person who was pivotal in fostering the EDH format and make it bloom to what it is today: the most popular way to play the game. I am grateful for that. EDH has been the only reason for me to get back into Magic and that would not have happened without Sheldon.

Apart from these few exchanges, I have not met him, and I think that’s true for most EDH players. But if you are remotely interested in what he did for the game, first in shaping the Judge program and then turning EDH into an established format, then I can recommend at least looking into the following two resources:

  • This article by Polygon is a great summary of the history of the format. It’s already in the primer somewhere, but it’s a great recount of what led up to EDH becoming the phenomenon it is now.
  • In this video, Brian David-Marshall, veteran commentator for the Magic Pro scene and close friend of Sheldon, shares with the audience of MagicCon Vegas 2023 the interview he did with Sheldon shortly before his passing. A powerful interview to say the least.

That’s all I got for you this time. Thanks again. And, as always, I wish you all good luck and a lot of fun when playing this great game.



Jake_Xu says... #1

Very useful article. I am a EDH player from China. Recently more and more Chinese players have started to play EDH. EDH is very interesting , but there still a lot of people don't understand the difference in decks power. Do you mind if I translate this article into Chinese to help EDH community in China? I will indicate the source and it will not be used for commercial purposes. Thank you very much.

May 11, 2023 3:06 a.m.

Beebles says... #2

Hey Jake_Xu,

Awesome! I'd be honoured if you would do that. Once you're done I would actually love to link your article here and on the site.

Note that the crew of LandfallTV did something similar a while ago. They translated the article in Spanish. We also did a collab to translate the guides themselves. I don't have a lot of time on my hands atm, but maybe that is an option as well later.

For now, I say: go for it!

May 11, 2023 6:11 a.m.

VicTheBum says... #3

Is there anyway to get this on mtg cards to sleeve and carry, I’m kinda new to commander and would like something so I don’t get pubstomped with my low budget deck vs cEDH deck

September 17, 2023 12:23 p.m.

Beebles says... #4

Hey there VicTheBum,

Thanks for your question. Although this is a cool idea, it turns out that my guides are not legible at card size. Getting the alignment guide legible on a playmat was already challenging. If you want to show my guides to other players, opening on your phone will to do the trick.

However, you could also rely on the questions and concepts in the guides to prevent to get pubstomped. Just make clear you are looking to play games where the crucial turn range is between X and Y (or that you’d expect the game to last at least for X turns) and that you aren’t looking to play against full on denial decks, and you should be good to go.

Hope this helps!

September 17, 2023 4:06 p.m.