
Instant (4)

Sorcery (4)


Yep. You read it right.

Two rules:

-No inclusion of other colors in any way.

-No colorless creatures!

Dreams of the Dead + Alter Reality . Change the color word to blue. Bring back some Stormtide Leviathan s.

Note that Dreams of the Dead 's ability is not limited to sorcery speed.

Dig through the deck like crazy. Dreamscape Artist helps quite a bit by thinning the deck out of islands. With the discard I can pitch cards I don't need at the time, but mostly I will be discarding Stormtide Leviathan and Alter Reality . Optionally Think Twice , and maybe an Accumulated Knowledge . The Artist is also excellent with High Tide; cast High Tide , float four mana, get two more islands into play untapped.

In this deck, Dreamscape Artist is almost always usable; the two lands coming into play can cast 70% of the spells in the deck. Also not limited to sorcery speed.

The great thing about Alter Reality is that it is completely disposable. It also still works at instant speed while it's in the yard.

Muddle the Mixture gets me whatever I need with the transmute ability. It also works as a counter against board wipes and on most spot removal against the scepters, as well as counter control. This card won me a game against a Biovisionary deck by countering Rite of Replication.

Isochron Scepter works best with Accumulated Knowledge , but I will almost certainly need a High Tide on a stick later in the game to pay for the Cumulative Upkeep cost.

Dampen Thought works extremely well with Isochron Scepter; put a Dampen Thought on the stick, then splice one from my hand onto it each time for 8 mill on myself. For those of you who don't know, Splice means that you get the effect while the card that was spliced stays in your hand upon resolution. Kind of like buyback. However, I decided to replace the Dampen Thought s with Impulse s.

I can also hard cast a Stormtide Leviathan with High Tide as early as turn 4, but what's the fun in that?

This is how:

Turn 1: Land Drop

Turn 2: Land Drop, Dreamscape Artist

Turn 3: Land Drop, Activate the Artist

Turn 4: Land Drop(5 land total), High Tide, 8 Mana: Stormtide Leviathan .

Okay, well maybe it's a LITTLE fun...

A funny side note: Without the Isochron Scepters, this could be a budget deck; $17 total, including lands.

I love the fact that this deck has the worst curve I've ever seen.

The idea for changing the color word on Dreams of the Dead and "Mono blue Reanimator" goes out to Jeff Weissburg, a local EDH player in Portland, Oregon.


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I love Mimic Vat, but it wouldn't work with this deck. The Leviathans will be interacting with the board in three ways:

  1. Coming into play from hand
  2. Coming into play from grave
  3. Going into exile when I can't pay the upkeep cost anymore

Thus, I never have the chance to imprint anything.

Also, having Stormtide Leviathan in play during my opponents turn is actually an important part of the potential strategy against less forgiving decks... While its on the field, they can't attack me. Against more typical casual decks, I can just take my time getting there. Against decks that kill on turn 1-5 I'm dead anyway. In that case I just play a different deck.

It's possible if I use flicker effects (like Deadeye Navigator) to remove the Cumulative Upkeep cost... However, the deck doesn't really have room for tricks like that because the goal is to actually use Dreams of the Dead. If I don't use Dreams of the Dead before having 8 lands, it isn't really justifiable to run it when I can just hard-cast the leviathans. Making Dreams of the Dead actually be a card that does things is the only way to create "Mono-Blue Reanimator". After the leviathan is in play, I have the lands I need to pay the cost for at least 2-3 turns, so it works... barely.

Taigam's Scheming would definitely fit the theme. By coincidence, most of the dig/draw spells were instants... I used to have an Isochron Scepter deck and I had a playset laying around, so decided this deck could put them to use. As such, I made sure ALL of the dig/draw spells were instants. To make it budget the deck could definitely run cards like Strategic Planning and Taigam's Scheming in place of the scepters.

Funny thing: While browsing The Gatherer, I was reminded that Search the City was a card that existed. The thought crossed my mind that this deck runs a 3-4 of everything in the decklist and that casting with flashback fulfills the criteria of "playing" a card for the enchantment, making using it easier. I honestly might try including it just to see how it goes. Not only would it screw with some heads even more(Search the City is TERRIBLE), but it would contribute to the deck having the absolute worst curve ever. This is especially funny with the fact that the deck actually works pretty well!


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Rares

7 - 4 Uncommons

20 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.70
Folders budget, My Personal Casual Decks, Budget Decks, Idea Decks, Ideas, Unique, Grab-bag Decks, yes
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