Death by a Thousand Zaps

Commander / EDH Veghelia


April 24, 2024



Reasons for removal:

  • The deck has a lot of cantrips and other low cost draw spells so I'm replacing some basics with some spells.
  • Replaced one Mountain and one Island for some better lands.
  • Chandra, Torch of Defiance and Invasion of Karsus don't really feel like they fit the deck.
  • The deck doesn't have enough reliable main meat to include a win-more piece like Arcane Bombardment.
  • Reasons for adding:

  • Adding Cyclonic Rift to have a second board wipe.
  • Silundi Vision works in the cantrip game plan.
  • I had a Lonely Sandbar and Steam Vents laying around and I think they work well in this deck.
  • Gelectrode, Kessig Flamebreather and Rockslide Sorcerer are more main meat.
  • Young Pyromancer works well with the deck's game plan, and gives me more defensive (or maybe offensive) options.
  • Storm-Kiln Artist fills the 10th Ramp slot, and allows the deck to keep casting more consistently.
  • Narset's Reversal is an interesting piece that allows me to turn 2 cards into 3 triggers, or just steal a useful effect from an opponent.