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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Squall deals 2 damage to each creature with flying.

legendofa on Themes for Next Block

5 years ago

cdkime A huge yes to the Seven Towers. And I was thinking Inception for the dream world; I haven't gotten to any of the Wheel of Time series. Sounds like the same sort of inspiration, though. The Underdark and Avatar ones were my inspiration for those first two.

Funkydiscogod I did think about that, but there's also Squall , Honden of Cleansing Fire , Desert Twister , Torment of Hailfire , Dirtwater Wraith ...

Snickles@EDH_only on Her Royal Fluffness

5 years ago

Love the concept! gota couple suggestions, figured I'll accordian them to keep from filling up the whole page.

Predator, Flagship is costly, but lets be honest - mono-green doesn't care about that. giving flight for troops to evade or block, anti-aircraft cannons, and the tractor beam to lift up enemy ground-pounders, this colorless removal engine is worth evey mana spent on it.

Arena + Combat step: Declare attackers. Before blockers, activate arena, Choosing one of your tapped attacking creatures. the creature picks a fight before blockers, potentially giving a 2-1 for you if they block afterwards, but otherwise taking out a blocker and still getting all their damage through.

Genesis is amazing for recusion, if that's your thing (I know it's mine, but not everyone elses), and it's a 3 drop if you hard cast it with Her fluffiness on the field.

Trolls of Tel-Jilad offers regen for your forces (or allies, in exchange for favors...)

Krosan warchief acts like a mini trolls of T-J for beasts, and reduces their cost as well. more a niche card, but worth mentioning if you end up going that route.

Weatherseed Treefolk is fragile, but returns to hand when killed.

Phytotitan is even more fragile, but returns for free

Masked Admirers is a card drawing chump blocker. while it doesn't get the cost reduction, it definatly will dish out the damage over a game with trades. and the card draw for ETB is icing on the cake.

Gurzigost is a wierd huge guy that smashes face, all for the low low cost of ... recycling your graveyard. oh no... /endsarcasm

Ulvenwald Hydra grows based on your land base, and fetches a land as an etb trigger. added bonus: has reach to deal with fliers.

Oran-Reif Hydra grows to monstrous sizes as the game progresses. not all that exciting, but cheap ($ wise)

Dungrove Elder is completely worth the G mana cost once you hit 4 lands, and will only get bigger as the game goes on.

Terra Stomper , Carnage Tyrant , Chameleon Colossus , Kodama of the North Tree , Kalonian Behemoth , Gaea's Revenge , and Ancient Ooze just do what they normally do with efficiency: smash. they aren't pretty or fancy, but they are cost efficient before your general's discount, so they smash hard for cheap.

Skysnare Spider has the two most important keywords for green multiplayer: vilgilance and reach

Hydra Omnivore lets you get damage through defenses of players by ignoring that player entirely and focusing elswhere.

Indrik Stomphowler and Conclave Naturalists might be good replacements for reclaimation sage, with you commander out they cost the same. Destructor Dragon acts the same on death, but hits planeswalkers and lands as well.

Woodfall Primus is a solid (abet later game) removal that returns to work again.

World Breaker acts as an exile, and is colorless to boot. added benefits are reach and recurrable.

Wickerbough Elder gets the cost reduction, despite being a 3/3 base when cast.

Cloudthresher acts a a Squall for 4, with a 7/7 reach attached to it.

Tornado Elemental will usually act as a mini Whirlwind , and comes in as a 6/6 Thorn Elemental . not cheap mana-wise, but typically less than $.50

Wolfbriar Elemental lets you dump green into a token army of 2/2s if you need to spread out the love or create some chump blockers. quantity has it's own quality sometimes.

Vorapede is a undying buggy with vigilance for 3 when your general is out

Thornling is a solid all-round stomper that is hard to deal with, via indistructable and increasable toughness.

Thrun, the Last Troll is another hard to deal with threat: hexproof, uncounterable, and regenerate means not a whole lot can touch him.

Spearbreaker Behemoth can act as a duribility booster by giving indistructibility

Krosan Drover is a good card for the really expensive creatures, giving another cost reduction.

Ulvenwald Observer is a solid card-draw engine for the deck when things die

Nessian Game Warden lets you sift through your deck based on forests in play

Ripjaw Raptor lets you draw off of combat (and even more off Arena )

Silverglade Elemental is a 4/4 Wood Elves with your general in play.

Brooding Saurian is typically just a sideboard card against control matchups, but worth mentioning all the same.

Stone-Tongue Basilisk is a cheap ($ wise) little guy that can field-wipe an opponent if you time a swing right.

Kamahl, Fist of Krosa should go in every green deck that he can. this goes double for mono-green. Overrun as an repeatable instant? check. wrath countermeasures? Living Plane that only hits opponents for G per land. totally worth it.

Mendar09 on Eldrazi Ramp

6 years ago

Great deck, glad I found this after thinking about Brood Birthing recently. +1

I was wondering though, in those games when you don't have a lot of action right away can you stabilize game 1? I'm wondering if going down to 3 ofs on some or 2 ofs maybe, of some pieces.

But instead of going up more ramp (I personally think there is lots), going up some kind of filtering effect/card advantage. Something like Seek the Wilds, or maybe Bequeathal to put on an Eldrazi Spawn seems not bad. It feels like if you can play Nest Invader as fast as possible then the deck explodes and is hard to catch.

Also your sideboard suggests to me you face a very heavy artifact and enchantment meta yes? Haha. I think I would personally diversify with cards more like Pyroblast, Relic of Progenitus, Squall/Scattershot Archer, Pulse of Murasa and Raze (since it's a ramp deck)/Stone Rain. But hey the Meta is the Meta.

Maybe back up Wincon with Echoing Courage and the Eldrazi Spawn

Again great deck, sorry for the giant post.

Mave on Spirited Assault (Pauper)

6 years ago

Glad I could help. I know underdog Decks are more fun to build. Sometimes you find something that hits really hard with something nobody tought about.

Somemore feedback regarding the last changes:Maybe you should go in for one non Arcane Spell that destroys all enchantments like Multani's Decree, Reverent Silence or Tranquility because Bogles are hard to defeat if you don't play counter spells or a Diabolic Edict-like effect.Sandstorm works well against Goblins so that is good as a sideboard (and sometimes against Faeries) while Squall works well against faeries.Nihil Spellbomb is a good card but you will never draw a card of it which makes a uncounterable "exil graveyard" more appealing. Bojuka Bog can work the same purpose but it can't be countered and it can be put into your hand using Elder Pine of Jukai

Oh and I found a nice Aura you could use instead of Leafcrown Dryad: AEther Web. Altough it won't be put into your hand with Lead the Stampede. It also grants reach, only gives +1/+1 but has two advantages:1st it adds another instat speed interaction like oh you want to bolt my Phantom Tiger? To bad I have this. And maybe you get to kill another attacker with it. 2nd blocking creatures with shadow can be a big deal against some combos.

In between I have two Modern Decks build around some Kamigaw Kamis :DOne is listed here Foretold Celestial Wrath (should be at least tier 2 altough it only uses 10 Kamigawa cards in main and 5 in sideboard) the other is a little more casual but works sometimes (about Tier 2.5) because of the green ramp kamis, which is why I'd never say aything against Elder Pine of Jukai or Petalmane Baku I just know how good those two ramp especially with the non pauper legal Loam Dweller.

Oh and I also made a Pauper Arcane Deck maybe you liketo check it out Arcane Dredge Burn. Too bad there aren't more arcane spells like Ideas Unbound.

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