Skirk Ridge Exhumer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Skirk Ridge Exhumer

Creature — Zombie Spellshaper

(Black), Tap, Discard a card: Put a 1/1 black Zombie Goblin creature token named Festering Goblin into play with "When Festering Goblin is put into a graveyard from play, target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn."

DreadKhan on Teysa pale booby

1 year ago

If you want a cheap source of bodies, Haakon, Stromgald Scourge can reanimate any knights, including Changelings. If you Final Parting for Haakon into the Yard and Nameless Inversion you can recast Inversion for 1B as many times as you want, potentially killing lots of stuff. If you use Haakon, you should look at ways to discard him incase you draw into him. I have run Avenger en-Dal to decent effect. Bloodsoaked Altar is a sneakily good card if you can stand to discard. Body Snatcher isn't super-cheap, but it's a ton of value and can discard Haakon. Bog Witch can turn any card into a Dark Ritual, which helps since your deck has a lot of Black costs. Devout Witness is handy if you don't want to run Disenchant because you need more creatures. Icatian Crier makes 2 bodies fwiw. Skirk Ridge Exhumer makes nifty bodies. The Restoration of Eiganjo  Flip not only makes bodies and discards, it also can recur something small, it can even ramp you if you recur a land. Undertaker is much cheaper than Tortured Existence, it's not as good but it's still solid. This isn't an exhaustive list, but these are some options if you want to try out Haakon.

If you use Haakon and something like Pawn of Ulamog or Sifter of Skulls, a sac outlet and Universal Automaton to get infinite death triggers. If you use a Knight that costs B to cast, there is Bog Initiate to fix. There are better things you can do than this, but this is pretty budget. If someone tries to exile your combo pieces, you can always sacrifice them to send them to your graveyard instead.

Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire is a pretty reasonable tutor, and if you need to, you can find an effect for someone else to use (hopefully to your benefit, like a board wipe or removal spell). Eye of Vecna is nice cheap card draw. Strands of Night is a cheap repeatable recursion source, something that is worth a look. Casting of Bones is pretty solid draw if you can count on having creatures you want dead, 3 cards is a lot for 3 mana.

rb701 on Day's Undoing

2 years ago

it's cool in theory, but in practice.. i run Orzhov Bleed. without a creature presence, there was no blocking against attackers. that might not seem like an issue, but lifelink + Cliffhaven Vampire was throttling your deck. as well, there wasn't enough targeted removal. Shimian Specter, Bitter Ordeal, Skirk Ridge Exhumer would all help this issue. having creature generation, attackers that demand an answer, and something that violently compliments Damnation will help

SideBae on Scarab God EDH

5 years ago

I'm not sure Cryptbreaker or Skirk Ridge Exhumer are the right way to go; I think tutors tend to be significantly better. Final Parting is good for getting both the reanimation spell and the reanimation target. Ancient Excavation and Frantic Search are good cards I see in your maybeboard; they pitch drawn targets from your hand, while also replacing them with good cards. Mystical Tutor helps to find whatever spell you need to reanimate. Vampiric Tutor is the best, though that card is pushing $70-$80 now.

I feel like the cards you're trying to reanimate are not as powerful as they could be. Grave Titan is great, if only because it gets 10 power on the board immediately, but I don't see all too many other great reanimation targets. Massacre Wurm is a good card, though it can be expensive; Harvester of Souls is also a good target. If you want to reanimate cards like Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre , Shallow Grave and Makeshift Mannequin could be useful.

If I may offer some non-reanimation advice:

Gravecrawler is a GREAT card in your maybeboard. It works well with Ashnod's Altar , adding for . If you run something like Skullclamp , it becomes a recurring : Draw two cards. It is worth noting, though, that this does not work if you have a lord on the table pumping your dudes. Furthermore, if you loop it with Phyrexian Altar and Altar of the Brood , you can mill everyone out. Pass the turn and you win.

Graveborn Muse is another good card-draw engine, as are Phyrexian Arena and Staff of Nin . I don't know exactly how wide your deck goes, but if it has a significant number of creatures on the board at any given time, Slate of Ancestry may merit an include.

I also suggest running a few more mana-rocks. Cards like Talisman of Dominance , Mind Stone , Thought Vessel and Coldsteel Heart are good two-mana rocks.

If you run Watery Grave , Sunken Hollow or Fetid Pools , you can fetch them with your Bad River . Running Rocky Tar Pit and Flood Plain can also fetch these duals, and make your mana more consistent. In conjunction with your Crucible of Worlds , these guarantee your land drops. Morphic Pool is an ETB (mostly) untapped land you may want to consider.

Your Fatestitcher would work well with Basalt Monolith or Mana Vault . Mana Vault can be hard to get ahold of, but Basalt Monolith shouldn't be too difficult.

Winds of Rebuke is a good spot-removal spell that also mills you. As a bonus, if you use it after an opponent resolves a Vampiric Tutor or Enlightened Tutor , you can mill their tutor-target. This feels slightly like sneezing slowly and simultaneously winning two discrete lotteries, while at the same time getting a date with your crush. I've done it a few times, and I suggest you try it.

Damnation is a slightly worse version of Toxic Deluge . You might want to consider running it if you need another boardwipe. Windfall works well after an overloaded Cyclonic Rift . Pairing Notion Thief with Windfall gets... interesting.

I suggest Control Magic over Soul Ransom . It doesn't have the drawback of having built-in removal.

Finally, I think you may find Unstable Obelisk somewhat lacking. I suggest replacing it with one of the aforementioned 2-mana rocks, as they are easier to cast. Ashes to Ashes and the like are good ways to remove creatures as two-for-ones.

Good luck with deck building!

triproberts12 on Despicable Me: Rakdos and his Minions

5 years ago

I like the changes! Looks like a solid deck. The last thing I would do to tune it is look at the bottom end of the curve. Gibbering Fiend and Pilfering Imp are cute, but now that you've removed your token producers, you'll have a tough time feeding Demonlord of Ashmouth , Eater of Hope , Xathrid Demon , Shadowborn Demon , and Infernal Offering . You've still got some cards that care about going wide, like Torrent of Souls , Hellrider , and Skirsdag High Priest .

The rate on Hordeling Outburst is good. For a reanimator deck, Skirk Ridge Exhumer , Cryptbreaker , Call the Bloodline , and Silversmith are also good. At the top end of the curve, Abhorrent Overlord could also warrant consideration. Also, in the land slot, if you feel your manabase is good, I like Kher Keep . Speaking of the manabase, Urborg Volcano and Tresserhorn Sinks are better in your deck than Evolving Wilds or Terramorphic Expanse . Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace is a good utility land for reanimator. Also, Pyramid of the Pantheon and Molten Slagheap are real bad. Myriad Landscape is miles better.

My favorite low-curve option for pumping out bodies is Hanweir Garrison . Hanweir Battlements would be a sweet addition, as well, and I think it's better in this deck than Hammer of Purphoros . You don't really want to be taxing your lands with a deck full of 5+ drops, and I could say the same for Underworld Connections . It looks like a budget Phyrexian Arena , but it's really not. You're pretty good on card draw at this point, but if you really feel the need for another source, Night's Whisper is a clean, solid option.

griffstick on

5 years ago

These are all token generators I found that don't need any assistance but there are other things to think about. That Cmdr says "whenever a creature with power 1 or less dies return it to play under YOUR control". So this is where you can get creative and simply make your opponents creatures power 1 or less and kill them to bring them back to play under YOUR control.

So right away the first thing I think of is how can we turn your Cmdr into a Grave Betrayal! So cool.

I'm sure this is plenty for now I hope this helps

TKDbeast on AETHER HORDE - Vial Zombie Tribal [Primer - Ret.]

6 years ago

This is a really cool deck! Zombies are really amazing, and it looks like you have a very competitive version of them.

What made you pick the Zombie lords over other lords, such as Cemetery Reaper, Lord of the Accursed, Lord of the Undead, and Risen Executioner? Or other Zombies-matter cards, like Skirk Ridge Exhumer, Plague Belcher, and Graveborn Muse.

If you're looking for crazy, kind of out-there ideas, it might be worth checking out Helldozer, Army of the Damned, Endless Ranks of the Dead, Grave Titan, Josu Vess, Lich Knight, Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, Liliana, Death's Majesty, or Necromancer's Stockpile.

Lifebane Zombie, Stillmoon Cavalier, Shamble Back, Celestial Purge, and even Selfless Spirit could make good SB additions.

I'm fascinated by Withered Wretch and Revoke Existence. What brought you to choose them over more traditional choices?

I'm even more interested as to why you didn't choose Path to Exile, considering that nearly every other brew out there running white uses it. Lack of slots? Helps opponent too much? Does it not synergize like Fatal Push does?

Also, what are your thoughts on Blue for zombie decks? There are plenty of good cards

Finally, your mana base. I'd consider taking out Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Bloodstained Mire, and a couple Swamps for Marsh Flats, a Plains, and ~2 Mutavaults. The Plains allows for you to cast stuff with a Blood Moon on the field, or fix your mana after getting a creature Path to Exiled. Also, Concealed Courtyards might be worth checking out, since you're so low to the ground. They're rotating out of Standard soon as well.

Sorry for the wall of text full of stuff you probably thought of before! Thanks for posting your deck!

SynergyBuild on Whisper, Blood Liturgist EDH: To Make an Omelette

6 years ago

This deck I feel can be made into a powerful combo deck, by abusing Grave Titan effects with Thornbite Staff, and a few other comboes as well.

The main cards to add for this effect would be:

Triskelion and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed for the most straightforward combo, and the Buried Alive you have to put them in, preferably with Rune-Scarred Demon. You recur the Demon fetching Vindicate, then bring the Mikaeus/Triskelion Combo out by sacing the Demon. This means Buried Alive can win the game with the commander as a one card combo. Phantasmagorian can be used if you end up with any number of the combo pieces in hand.

Other cards to add include Imperial Seal, Grim Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Culling the Weak, Dimir Machinations, Corpse Connoisseur, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Memnite, Shield Sphere, Ornithopter, Grim Monolith, Phyrexian Walker, Chrome Mox, Lotus Petal, Defense Grid, Dark Confidant, etc.

Some cards I'd just say to look at, but not definitely include are as goes: Toxic Deluge (The best board wipe in the game), Read the Bones, Night's Whisper, Withering Boon, Sign in Blood, etc.

Cards you can drop:

Skirsdag High Priest

Gray Merchant of Asphodel

Kokusho, the Evening Star

Noosegraf Mob

Overseer of the Damned

Skirk Ridge Exhumer

Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger

Vindictive Lich

Malicious Affliction

Revel in Riches

Phyrexian Arena

Black Market

Call the Bloodline

Dictate of Erebos

Grave Pact

Ancient Craving

Warhammer39999 on Infinite Mill/Life Loss Changeling Deck

6 years ago

I like the concept as it seems original. Some thoughts I had:

  • I'm not a huge fan of the Altar of Dementia. Granted, it's your kill condition and it's a sac outlet, but you can likely accomplish this another way. Corpse Blockade, Carrion Feeder, Nantuko Husk, and Phyrexian Ghoul all count as sac outlets (and you could argue that the latter three could be game winners as a result). The diregraf captain works as your win condition in this regard and you can stay on theme with zombies. For that matter Gnawing Zombie also works, but his sac ability requires an activation cost so you can't really go infinite.

  • In the above example, some combination of Diregraf Captain, Vengeful Dead, & Plague Belcher all work as win conditions for that matter.

  • I presume that "forget" is a way to dump Haakon into your graveyard and not something you really intend to play on the opponent. In that case, maybe consider a card that has additional use like Forbid or Rites of Refusal instead. That way you get a little more utility out of the card (in countering a spell) and also get Haakon in the 'yard.

  • For that matter, you could also stay on theme with Zombies and use Cryptbreaker, Necromancer's Stockpile, Skirk Ridge Exhumer, or even Zombie Infestation. The first two are the strongest options as they also help filter your deck to get to the cards you want. They can also make use of excess lands you may draw throughout the game.

I like the deck overall though. Nifty idea.

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