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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Human

Tap: Draw a card and reveal it. If it isn't a land card, discard it.

Game_of_Cones on Creatures that Deserve to be …

2 years ago

Aladdin just brought me straight to his buddy Sindbad, if one of them should be legendary then I suppose the other should be too? Also I don’t know how to spell Shaharazad, but perhaps that one as well (is it actually an enchantment & not a creature though?)?

nicochulo on Sindbad's Infinite Adventure

5 years ago

DragonGodKing90 Thanks for the feedback! It is mostly very good criticism (I mean, I don't expect this to be a tier deck or anything close. Also I got two retreats for the combo, I just forgot to mention both were necessary), but what I do want to say is that this combo has turn 4 potential:

T1: land

T2: land, Walking Atlas

T3: land, Retreat to Coralhelm, tap Walking Atlas, play a land, untap him, repeat another time and play Sindbad

T4: Second copy of Retreat to Coralhelm and combo

Appart from that, I just want to make a few land adjustments (mostly), because that's the main area I can improve

DragonGodKing90 on Sindbad's Infinite Adventure

5 years ago

you would actually need to have 2 Retreat to Coralhelm to draw through the entire deck. honestly though, this is not a combo that can be made to be viable. the combo requires a high land count, which just isn't doable due to the fact that you need tutors to search your combo pieces, and interaction with the opponent just to survive. theres also the fact that its a 4 card combo, all of which are very vulnerable to removal. at best, your combo goes off turn 5, in a turn 4 format.

T1: land

T2: land, Walking Atlas

T3: land, activate Walking Atlas for another land, play Retreat to Coralhelm

T4: land. now that you have 5, use 2 for Sindbad, the other 3 for Retreat to Coralhelm.

T5: combo off.

the problem with this is that this line of play requires 9 specific cards by turn 4. 5 lands, 1 Sindbad, 1 Walking Atlas, 2 Retreat to Coralhelm. by turn 4, a player will have only seen 10 cards from their hand if they're on the play.

Jafjaf5 on 13 Cards Are Not Land

6 years ago

Maybe Sindbad? That is better than the merfolk looter.

C.LewisMTG on

7 years ago

Hey thanks for going so in depth about the list (: The choice to not play utility lands in this version of the list in particular, is because of curve and nothing else. The deck to consistently get our pieces basically has to cast a Cantrip on turn one, would love to cast a Hunt turn two, have our assault turn 3 and the swans on four. Where as I believe I could get away with some number of them for an advantage in better matches and to be better prepared for the long haul of modern (so past turn 5 lol) I fear that many utility lands may hurt the chances of getting my strict curve, even if it only does cause me to mulligan 1 out of every 10 times, I value having a keep-able hand with such a linear game-plan. Now I'm not eliminating it as a possibility, as I very much enjoy the idea of getting to play a number of Ghost Quarter, Gemstone Caverns was a huge consideration in the beginning choice of making this Jeskai, and Halimar Depths and I've even considered Tolaria West to search out Cavern of Souls for counter heavy match-ups, which could also find some more utility lands. The utility lands are something that moving forward that I will be messing around with, and testing out in the upcoming week

As far as Mystic Speculation my thought process is I either want a combo piece, more lands, or ways to find a combo piece, and I feel Mystic Speculation sets up Treasure Hunt a tad better than Serum Visions can, as I see Serum Visions as getting 1 random card and fixing 2, rather than getting to just fix the top 3. I could absolutely be wrong, but this has just been my thought process about it, as with 41 lands being in the deck there are more odds for Serum Visions to draw me a land rather than something proactive in a time of need. Faithless Looting wouldn't be bad at all, and I love it's recursion factor, I'm actually very interested in trying it. Probably wont play Sindbad, and I'm not a personal fan of Day's Undoing because I don't like the idea of giving my control opponents a new 7.

And ahhh Blood Moon. I actually want Blood Moon in the 75 somewhere, but at the moment, there's just a natural concession to being partially budget.

Thanks for all of the suggestions, I'm going to make some private side lists to test some of the given suggestions. I'll definitely keep you updated! escesare

Kelvin-escesare on

7 years ago

Thanks for commenting on my Swan Lands deck! I found your white splash very clever. Leyline of Sanctity is the best silver bullet against Burn and Thoughtseizes, our toughest matchups. Plus white can also be used to cast Swans. +1 from me!

Mystic Speculation is a very interesting choice. Not sure if it's worked out for you in playtests, but it doesn't seem to check out mathematically. On average, it would take 3.4 turns of activating Mystic Speculation to find a combo piece you didn't have. Assuming you start using it turn 3 (since otherwise it's just a worse Serum Visions), that means you get the combo on turn 7.4 average. There are probably much better uses of that time and mana (though maybe there isn't). What about Faithless Looting, Sindbad, or Day's Undoing?

It doesn't seem like you modified the land base much from the original Swan Hunt list. You might have noticed my list has about 20 utility lands. From playtesting, I can tell you it hardly even impacts mana accessibility. Since you have 41 lands, even if you hypothetically cut 20 lands entirely, you'd still have a 21 land deck (and we know those can handle 3 colors). Your list is all-in combo, so you probably can only squeeze in 15 utility lands. That still means you could squeeze in (in order of priority) 4 Ghost Quarter/Tectonic Edges, 1 Dakmor Salvage (further increases your probability of reaching 10 lands), Gemstone Caverns (they're like Simian Spirit Guides that don't reduce your land count), Halimar Depths, 1 Lumbering Falls (to guarantee finishing off your opponent), Bojuka Bogs, 1 Treetop Village, possible Amonkhet bicycle lands, followed by more copies of the above if there's room.

Alternatively maybe you could go Blood Moon! I would definitely play Blood Moon in my list, if I didn't need 3x red, 2x blue, and 1x green, whereas you only need 3x red, 1x blue, and 1x white (and only in sideboard).

And sorry about the above comment (I accidentally hit post), could you please delete it?

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