Scepter of Empires

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scepter of Empires


Tap: Scepter of Empires deals 1 damage to target player. It deals 3 damage to that player instead if you control artifacts named Crown of Empires and Throne of Empires.

DreadKhan on Phylactery lich: a Rule 0 …

1 year ago

I had a lot of fun using Phylactery Lich in my Artifacts deck, there are some pretty good black Artifact synergies like Syndicate Trafficker and Cranial Plating (especially worn by Vault Skirge or another Lifelinker) that worked fine in casual play. I also used Throne of Empires, Crown of Empires, and Scepter of Empires, which felt like a fun thing to be doing on the side that involved artifacts. They are small for a Commander effect requiring 3 cards, but you can use untap effects to an extent. You can also throw in tutors, there are even Transmute cards for those MVs in Black. I felt like the deck had a nice Vorthos thing going on, the Lich was hiring the Trafficker to find the Empires pieces so it could take over the world kinda thing. I liked to use artifact lands to make my Phylactery, but it was a huge non-bo that Darksteel Citadel didn't make Black, and in mono-Black you lose access to the Indestructible duals, a bit unfortunate your Lich isn't in Grixis or something.

Tzefick on A possible new legendary artifact: …

3 years ago

MagicMarc You think a 5 CMC artifact that requires a mana tapping artifact to function, who deals 1-3 damage (ranging from Thought Vessel to Mana Vault) per controller's turn is too powerful?

I could understand if you said it would be outside the color pie or rather that colorless shouldn't have this effect (although Aetherflux Reservoir). But too powerful? That's unlikely to be the case.

Also no drawbacks or costs? It requires you play around with making mana artifacts that taps for large quantities to be dangerous... Scepter of Empires is a card, and it's even a meme card or jank card. Also this artifact provides mana to the target - so using it on the opponent, might just backfire if they can use the mana.

You mention Sol Ring, so I wager you're talking from a perspective of Commander. Tapping a Sol Ring to deal 2 damage to an opponent who then adds is not powerful nor oppressive in that format for .

If you have an Everflowing Chalice with 5 counters on it, play whatever X-spell or just dump half your hand on the board and win that way. Instead of dealing 5 damage to a player each of your turns. Even dropping a Lava Axe on your own face to get an extra is better value.

I don't think you thought this one through.

Gidgetimer on

3 years ago

Worldgorger Dragon+Animate Dead is a step in order to generate advantage some other way. Such as having a mana rock out and tapping it each time in response to the exile trigger to make infinite mana, or tapping Scepter of Empires for damage.

Gleeock on A deck fit for a …

4 years ago

Throne of Empires , Scepter of Empires , Crown of Empires , Throne of the High City ... Actually REALLY ANY card with the MONARCH MECHANIC is an amazing flavorful, fun, and on-point mechanic for Kenrith. I recommend searching for all monarch cards.

CaptSillva on Marchesa, Queen of Ashes

5 years ago

Hey while I don't think this cycle is all that amazing in this deck as it is now, I feel it fits the theme of the deck perfectly Crown of Empires, Scepter of Empires, and Throne of Empires.

I'm also sure minor adjustments could be made to help you assemble the set, such as more tutors. Perhaps Beseech the Queen as to remain on theme.

CaptSillva on Glissa, the traitor

5 years ago

These are a few cards you could consider Hangarback Walker, Retrofitter Foundry, Skullclamp, Batterskull, Sword of Vengeance, Commander's Sphere, Expedition Map, Underhanded Designs, Price of Fame, Curtains' Call, and Go for the Throat.

Perhaps you could also try out these three Throne of Empires, Scepter of Empires, and Crown of Empires. I don't how good these would really be since I've never actually seen anyone try to assemble them, but there is part of the charm. I think this commander could pull it off. She has the recursion so you don't need to worry about losing them early and since she is Black, it lets you run more than enough tutors to go get them.

DerGeldSchein on Artifact Arcum Dagsson Multiplayer #BUDGET

6 years ago

Thank you kamelyan for you suggestion ! I will definitely include Liquimetal Coating. I just realized how much potential you can get out of that with you commander on the board. I took a look at your deck and im gonna try to include the Crown of Empires Scepter of Empires and Throne of Empires synergy, which looks pretty interesting for commander. In combination with an Unwinding Clock and some mana rocks ofc to activate the abilities = Ouch :)

kamelyan on Arcum's Forge

6 years ago

You can use Argent Mutation for the jankiness; turn an opponent's creature into an artifact, then force them to sac it. Liquimetal Coating does the same if you target a creature. But what if they can't be targeted? Glaring Spotlight and/or Arcane Lighthouse.

Faerie Artisans is a fun card.

Filigree Familiar, Junk Diver, and Workshop Assistant all get you an artifact from the grave when you sac them to Arcum's ability. Throw in Scrap Trawler to back them all up.

I blindsided my four opponents when playing my janky-Dagsson deck. I used Unwinding Clock with token generators (like Nuisance Engine), and I used creatures who drop in more artifacts (like Thopter Assembly and Myr Battlesphere), in order to tutor for fun combo pieces (Throne of Empires, Crown of Empires and Scepter of Empires) and the game-winning combo Stations (Summoning Station -> Grinding Station -> Salvaging Station -> Blasting Station).

The Pestering Old Man

Commander / EDH kamelyan


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