Order of Succession

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Order of Succession


Choose left or right. Starting with you and proceeding in the chosen direction, each player chooses a creature controlled by the next player in that direction. Each player gains control of the creature he or she chose.

xstaticx on Lover of Shiny Things [A Primer]

2 years ago

Played a game at an LGS on Sunday. First time playing the deck. Only 4 players there and one had to leave early. Can't say the game was high quality. Faced a Yurlok and a Niv Mizzet. Niv player was new to EDH and pretty much net-decked and and then had a lot of difficulty tracking his triggers with Veyran, Voice of Duality and Harmonic Prodigy on the field. The deck had insane ways to control the board if I wanted to, but didn't want to ruin his experience as he's new. Still, was able to make some observations.

I knew the land count was low so I bumped that up to a more reasonable 36. Will have to observe how well that works since we have such high average CMC. Spawnbroker was a a dud. I have low power creatures in this list and couldn't swap for anything useful. Moderation seemed decent, but once you're over that hurdle of the first few turns, you really start to feel sluggish with its limitations. Planar Guide costs too much and is telegraphed. Ebony Owl Netsuke was cute against the Niv player and knocked him out, but was pretty lackluster. Iron Maiden fills this slot nicely.

Perplexing Chimera was game-warping. This card singlehandedly caused mayhem until people coordinated to get rid of it. Great card.

Additions: A land Djinn of Infinite Deceits Juxtapose Phantom Steed Order of Succession

Cuts: - Archaeomancer - Ebony Owl Netsuke - Paradoxical Outcome - Planar Guide - Spawnbroker

RNR_Gaming on My 1st EDH-Jeleva

4 years ago

When building a commander establish the goal of the deck and what type of play group the deck will fit into. You don't want to bring a tank to a pillow fight. If you're looking to make her competitive it's not terribly hard. Her ability is busted and scales really well if your opponents are also playing a bunch of degenerate stuff.

Highly competitive I'd recommend playing a storm version of her with Aetherflux Reservoir and ad nauseum; though I will not this leads to very linear games and your friends will groan every time you slap this type of deck on the table.

Medium - something along the lines of Aggravated Assault and Sword of Feast and Famine . Granted infinite combat steps will probably win the game this requires a higher mana commitment and is much easier to deal with than storm

Casual - chaos spells. Personally, I hate this archetype because it takes away skill based decisions and turns everything into RNG. Whims of the Fates , Kaboom! , and Order of Succession are examples of this.

MyBoringLife on Results may vary ! (1vs1) (MTGO)

5 years ago


  1. Cavern of Souls, Tectonic Edge,Wasteland and Treachery are all cards that I was planning on including. I've just updated the list but like I said, It's still a ongoing process.

  2. Dust Bowl: This card doesn't fit the game plan that this deck tries to execute. Our plan is to try and resolve a polymorph effect as soon as possible with some form of protection. Dust Bowl suits the more slow control decks where you want to grind their lands away bit by bit while maintaining board and card advantage. Just like Rishadan Port this also requires a good amount of resources. Resources that we would rather use for our main game plan.

  3. Lonely Sandbar: An island is better if we want a land drop and we run enough 1-drop cantrips and draw that give us more value then this.

  4. Riptide Laboratory: I think this card belongs more in the tempo/more creature version of this deck. The only value that this gives up is with clique and we want to actively kill clique. It does have it's uses as protection but I think other cards deserve it's spot in the deck.

  5. Jace, the Mind Sculptor: I may include him in a future version but atm he's benched. He is by far the best planeswalker to include in this deck but I think he may not be able to give us enough value for our plan.

  6. Order of Succession: This a prime sideboard card. If your local scene has a lot of voltron or hexproof commander decks then this card will be the bane of their existence.

Kiyomei on Results may vary ! (1vs1) (MTGO)

5 years ago

Some cards i found quite useful in 1v1 mtgo :'(

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