Hidden Gibbons

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hidden Gibbons


When an opponent plays an instant spell, if Hidden Gibbons is an enchantment, Hidden Gibbons becomes a 4/4 Ape creature.

Phule451 on The Jungle Book Rises

9 months ago

Have you considered Hidden Gibbons? In a multiplayer format it turns on real fast most games and a one mana 4/4 is pretty awesome.

Balaam__ on Trouble at the Old Mill!

1 year ago

@Hidden Gibbons I forgot Deprive existed. I’m going to add it to the maybeboard for now, partly because I want it as a visible reminder for when the time comes to give this deck a tune up. I’m actually very satisfied with how the current iteration performs, but with Wizards cranking out 30 expansions a year there will invariably come a time when newer, more effective cards will have to be considered. Thanks for posting.

Phule451 on hiddengibbons

2 years ago

I just had to give you a shout out for your username. Hidden Gibbons is a pet card of mine.

TRANScend on Tatsunari, Froggo Enchanter

2 years ago

This is definitely a deck that that guy with metal shirts would be proud of (I think his YT channel name was EDH Deckbuilding) I'm out here looking at these Arcanum Wings and Hidden Gibbons and being like "what the heck?" lmao

Anyway... Running so many Shrines in your list, I feel like a Paradox Haze would make a very fine addition. Also, maybe just one single tutor could really improve your goal here with Sanctum Weaver.

Love the list! Keeping it thematic with the froggo really is the cherry on top here, and I really enjoy gimmicky and thematic lists as these.

Snickles@EDH_only on The Cheating Green Monster

6 years ago

odd mechanics in green:

Bellowing Tanglewurm, Beacon Behemoth, Avoid Fate, Cream of the Crop, City of Solitude, Brooding Saurian, Heartwood Storyteller, Gurzigost, Genju of the Cedars, Gaea's Liege, Freyalise's Winds, Fertile Imagination, Eyes of the Wisent, Engulfing Slagwurm, Elven Warhounds, Elephant Grass, Hermit of the Natterknolls  Flip, Hidden Gibbons (and the other hidden creatures / enchantments), Dosan the Falling Leaf, Holistic Wisdom, Hornet Sting, Hunted Troll, Ichneumon Druid, Kashi-Tribe Reaver (and the rest of kashi-tri, if only for the lockdown mechanic), Lifeforce, Lignify, Lost in the Woods, Mammoth Harness, Meandering Towershell, Midsummer Revel, Mindbender Spores, Mortal Wound, Multani, Maro-Sorcerer, Nacatl War-Pride, Nature's Wrath, Night Soil (okay, this one is odd - because the colon is after the removal of creatures, it happens faster than players can respond or trigger to - it happens at the "cost" step of activating the ability), Noxious Revival, Panglacial Wurm, Permeating Mass, Planeswalker's Favor, Protean Hydra, Quirion Druid, Recycle, Revelation, Riftsweeper, Rite of Passage, Root Maze, Rootrunner, Rust, Scarwood Bandits, Sprouting Phytohydra, Sporogenesis, Spike Tiller, Sheltering Ancient, Selvala's Charge, Sekki, Seasons' Guide, Wave of Vitriol, Wonderlust, Vernal Equinox, Unyaro Bees, Typhoon, Tropical Storm, Tornado, Tempting Wurm, Tempting Licid, Symbiotic Deployment, Superior Numbers, Stunted Growth, Wild Mammoth, Wolfcaller's Howl, Worldspine Wurm, Xantid Swarm, and Yavimaya Dryad

Force_of_Willb on

7 years ago

Some options to consider to fit the monkey theme: Monkey Cage - Starts with M and can make many Ape tokens. Zodiac Monkey - Has Monkey in title. Name Dropping- can use ""gotcha" to get back cards from graveyard with Moneky in title. Urza's Hot Tub - can tutor for your favorite monkey. Pack's Disdain - for removal. Riptide Replicator or Volrath's Laboratory - make monkey tokens. Urza's Incubator - monkeys/apes cost 2 less.

These don't start with M and technically are Apes but there aren't many "monkey" cards. Uktabi Kong, Uktabi Orangutan, Gorilla Berserkers, Gorilla Chieftain, Hidden Gibbons, Treetop Village, Side to Side. You can also try Adaptive Automaton, Brass Herald, Door of Destinies or Obelisk of Urd for a Monkey / Ape "Anthem effects". Belbe's Portal to cheat monkeys into play.

Good luck with your monkey deck

stillmind on Lowland Stompy

8 years ago

Nice deck! Everyone fears, (or is at least annoyed by) Winter Orb. I've been running 10-Land Stompy since Odyssey Block, so of course I run Wild Mongrel. It not only fills the 2-drop slot, but also serves to utilize extra Land Grant and Elvish Spirit Guide in your hand. I see Bounty of the Hunt on your maybe board which is really good for the same reason. I used to run Vine Dryad, but it's low power disappointed me in such an aggressive deck. Skullclamp is fun to turn elves into cards.

Side board is tough and really depends on the field. My experience is that expensive blue decks win tournaments. So I run 4x Insist on the board. Hidden Gibbons is fun turn one, if you can sneak by Force of Will. Phyrexian Revoker is cheap way for green to interact with the opponent, I even main deck one now. Good luck and have fun!