Hallowed Burial

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hallowed Burial


Put all creatures on the bottom of their owners' libraries.

Simerix on ContrOloro

2 years ago

The deck is more of a life gain deck than it is a control deck. You have a lot of removal, but that's all that makes it controlling.

Highest recommended card: Vile Consumption. This card is brutal in this deck if you don't have too many creatures.

Hallowed Burial is a highly underrated board wipe.

Card suggestions: Sphere of Safety, Approach of the Second Sun, Aura of Silence, Austere Command, Cleansing Nova, Damn, Darksteel Mutation, Doomskar, Epicure of Blood, Erebos's Intervention, Ghostly Prison, Infernal Grasp, Liesa, Shroud of Dusk, Narset, Parter of Veils, Propaganda, Rest in Peace, Righteous Cause, Rule of Law, Telepathy, Time Wipe, Trespasser's Curse, Utter End, Venser's Journal, Witch of the Moors

Mean/weird cards that I would probably play: AEther Barrier, Archmage Ascension, Death Match, Lightmine Field, Meishin, the Mind Cage, Overburden, Porphyry Nodes, Spreading Plague, Tainted AEther, Portcullis, Magus of the Moat, Magus of the Tabernacle, Silent Arbiter, Serene Master

*Obviously play what you want

Optimator on Giant's Deck

3 years ago

So other than the Giants themselves, the last two areas to look at are removal and utility. Depending on how much Brion tech you want to include, you are probably going to have to skimp on one of these two areas.

Removal is tricky in EDH. You don't want too little or too much. You're running White, so you can destroy anything you want--which is nice.

I would recommend two or three board wipes minimum and at least and five or six cards that can take care of artifacts and enchantments. Creature removal is great for aggro decks but the Threaten cards can take care of that for the most part.

You're running Blasphemous Act, which is one of the best wraths. I'd still recommend one or two more board wipes though. I like Mizzium Mortars a lot but it doesn't quite count.

I have Sublime Exhalation - Planar Outburst - Phyrexian Rebirth - Cleansing Nova - Planar Cleansing - Fumigate - Divine Reckoning - Rout

If you can find a Wrath of God or Day of Judgment, the one-mana difference is actually huge. Definitely add Cleansing Nova in my opinion. Sublime Exhalation is probably the next-best one.

Hallowed Burial and Descend upon the Sinful are neat due to not sending things to the graveyard and getting through Indestructible. I think I have some of the latter.

One tactic you can do is sandbag your big creatures and wait for your opponents to commit to the board, then wrath and start playing your giants. If you like the sound of that, run five wraths or something like that. It's only a few more mana to kill EVERY creature.

I know you have some Wear / Tears. I'd add one for sure.

I have a bunch of Crush Contrabands, which are great. I'd highly recommend it.

Things like Oblivion Ring and Banishing Light are fantastic on a budget. I think I have both.

Generous Gift is stellar. I don't have any but it's getting reprinted soon and may be cheap.

I have a Pyrohemia on hand. Might be interesting with all your huge giants. Maybe not though.

I have a Fight to the Death. Might be interesting. Same with my Response / Resurgence.

Titan's Revenge is giant-tribal-y. From Morningtide, and should be somewhat reliable for winning the Clash. More gimmicky than good though.

Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are the gold standards for creature removal though. No reason to not run them if you have them. Regrettable, I have none for trade. Path just got reprinted though for what it's worth. I have a boatload of all the budget replacements for them, like Oust, Condemn, Oblation, etc.

Something like Comet Storm might be an interesting include. It can function as removal or win the game outright out of nowhere. I have none on hand but it keeps getting reprinted.

There are tons and tons of removal cards out there.

I would cut Crush Underfoot unless you're married to the flavor. It's pretty bad. Any removal not already mentioned here I would cut. It's all pretty weak and you're gonna need the slots.

Leonantti on Queen of Disaster

4 years ago

kalfred16 There are so many options for good board wipes, you need to decide which suits your deck and play style the best. Here are some good ones that come to my mind that I often find myself playing:

  • Merciless Eviction = I play this on almost every black and white deck I have, I think offers nice flexibility when paired with other boardwipes.

  • Blasphemous Act = Really solid creature board wipe that you 9/10 times get to cast with the single red mana.

  • Wrath of God / Damnation = The classic white board wipe and its black counterpart, I used to play Wrath of God a lot before they started making other board wipes with other effects.

  • Fumigate = This card is great and I am sad I am not playing it as much as I should because it's amazing when the battlefield is full of creatures and you get to cast that and gain all the life (it once enable me to get back into the game and win, I was almost out of life and then got to replenish my points with it).

  • Cleansing Nova = Also one that offers nice flexibility.

  • Winds of Abandon = White's own Cyclonic Rift, you need to be careful with this since you could end up giving your opponents huge advantage if you cast it careless.

  • Ruinous Ultimatum = A newcomer from the latest set, I have not been able to play it with yet but I love the aspect of "Kill them all!" in it and I think it fits Marchesa's flavor nicely.

  • Tragic Arrogance / Mythos of Snapdax = Hits all players and leaves a single permanent of each type on the battlefield but you get to choose which ones, sometimes really good if opponents have lots of different stuff on the field.

  • Hallowed Burial / Terminus = Sometimes putting all creatures on the bottom of the library is much better than putting them in the graveyard, especially good if your opponents are running reanimator decks.

  • Austere Command = Probably the best board wipe when it comes to flexibility.

Joe_Ken_ on Angel tribal

4 years ago

If you were to add some board wipes Austere Command is one I normally run in my angel tribal deck. Another few good ones that are cheap to pick up are Fumigate and Hallowed Burial . I would also recommend adding in Eerie Interlude since it isn’t pretty much the cheap alternative to Teferi's Protection

rwobsession on Do you even fling, bro? - first EDH deck

4 years ago

Hope you're enjoying the deck! Here's a few suggestions if you want from when I had mine together, tempted to rebuild it:

Mimic Vat is tons of fun in this deck. Outside of your own big creatures, sometimes your opponent self-mills something spicy and you can't resist it...

Aetherflux Reservoir is a staple, but it's pretty hilarious when you can fling Serra Avatar , gain your life back, then one shot someone (or two) with it. (Best case scenario, but Brion Stoutarm gains you life throughout the game.

Sigil of the New Dawn lets you get back those creatures you flung.

Hallowed Burial wipes the board Terminus -style. Gets around indestructible and stuff.

Taurean Mauler is a cheaper Hamletback Goliath that grows with every spell your opponents cast, I'd run both personally.

Moltensteel Dragon is a cute addition. Pay a bunch of life you gained to pump up its power to finish someone off.

Rite of the Raging Storm gets you elementals to throw every turn. Plus, your opponents get them and can only attack each other with them! Mwahahahahaha

Looks like Generous Gift would be a great addition to your Sunforger package.

Vandalblast is a staple suggestion is all.


Guhreth on A Knight with a Dragon

4 years ago

king-saproling Thank you very much for the suggestions! I had inquired about Gratuitous Violence and Mirror Entity and the main reason they aren't in the deck is because I tried to keep it budget. Land Tax , Hallowed Burial , True Conviction and Bloodsworn Steward are the only cards I am buying that are above $0.50 on CardKingdom. Every other card I currently have and therefore it's cost was $0.00. I am anticipating getting several of the cards from the new set, as I plan to purchase at least 2 boxes, which is why they are put at $0.00 as well. Inquisitor's Flail is a great engine for doubling damage however, I feel the con to the card outweighs that. A simple chump block to the equipped creature can destroy it and I am attempting to keep them on the board. Double damage is nice but only so long as the creature is on the field. Shields of Velis Vel on the other hand is a very nice addition to the deck and I will be attempting to find a spot for it. I am going to remove a few dragons, because of the CMC size, and sub in that card as well as a few more lands. Again, thank you for your input and yes, this new set is going to wonders for Knights!

SandyNigz on Meta Martyr 5.0 is 91%

4 years ago

I prefer Hallowed Burial because for Winds of Abandon to be really good you gotta overload it.

Firstmiracle on OKetra Human Zombo alliance

4 years ago

Ok Niko, Quick Breakdown of what you've got here.

I notice several themes integrated into the deck. You should probably only focus on one theme, and if a secondary theme crops up take advantage of it's synergies. Right now I'm seeing:

Tokens Populate Soldiers Lifegain Creature Count Matters Enchantments Matter

Next we look at targeted removal:

Wanderer's Strike - Just one removal spell is too few. What happens if someone plays a dank artifact or enchantment? Do you just die to it?

Next we'll look at boardwipes:

Hour of Revelation - Some heavy restrictions here. Do you really want to wait for your boardwipe to become discounted? This is also too few board wipes. What happens if the creatures are indestructible? Or if Someone plays around Hour of Rev?

Next we'll look at ramp:

Smothering Tithe - Excellent choice, and a real over-performing option as well.

Ashnod's Altar - Excellent way to make use of your tokens and small costed buddies.

Everflowing Chalice - Aight, not my first pick, but it's aight.

Sol Ring - Duh

This is a pretty good ramp package, but I think we could upgrade it.

Next we'll break down your card draw options:

Mentor of the Meek - Decent in this deck. Sure the tokens you want to make the most of don't work out, and a few cards you play can turn this on. I like him, lets optimize creatures around him to make him better.

Skullclamp - Ayup!

Two cards that draw for you is a good start, lets add in some more.

Alright, let's cut everything that isn't a creature, that doesn't make tokens on its own, that isn't removal, card draw, boardwipes, or ramp, that doesn't have synergy with your commander.

Ajani's Welcome - A great card, but definitely reserve it for a build where you abuse your life totals more so than make creatures.

Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit - Most of your creatures are tokens.

Angel of Glory's Rise - Anti-synergies with your commander, and the tokens it creates.

Angel of Renewal - We can find a card that does something better.

Angelic Accord - We want to make angel tokens, but we're not here to gain life.

Angelic Chorus - While this looks good, it generally equates to 4-5 life a turn. Not bad, but not amazing for the investment in this deck.

Angelic Exaltation - Boy do I have mixed feelings on this card, suffice it to say, if you have no creatures, this card sucks. You might have no creatures when you draw this card. That would suck.

Elite Inquisitor - A good card, but we can do better.

Fiendslayer Paladin - A good card, but we can do better.

Forebear's Blade - There's a little synergy here, but to be honest you want a huge discount from this, and you're not likely to get a consistent discount.

Gleam of Authority - Odd counter strategy tossed in. I assume because of Cathars' Crusade which can win the game without gleam of authority.

Glorious Anthem - A great spell for a tempo based weeny deck. This is a cast based token deck.

Harvest Hand  Flip- A good card, but we can do better.

Illusionist's Bracers - I think I understand why you included this, but it doesn't work with Oketra. Oketra's ability is triggered not activated. You probably were thinking of Strionic Resonator

Lena, Selfless Champion - You have so many more token creatures than non-token ones, and your zombie tokens don't benefit from her selflessness at all.

Martyr's Bond - This has potential in a deck that sacrifices it's stuff to maintain board control. I don' think this is a bad card, it just isn't a good enough fit.

Power Conduit -Here's that counter theme again.

Preeminent Captain - Soldier theme.

Sigil of the Empty Throne - Enchantment theme

Squad Captain -Creature count matters theme.

Standing Troops - A good card, but we can do better.

Sunblade Angel - A good card, but we can do better.

Umbral Mantle - I may have missed what this was for.

Veteran's Armaments - Soldier theme again.

Wanderer's Strike - A good card, but we can do better.

Now, I am well aware that this is a lot of cards. Let's shore up your deck, maybe by analyzing your win conditions.

God-Eternal Oketra + Creature Spells = Profit

God-Eternal Oketra + Cathars' Crusade + Creature Spells = Board pump

Token Makers + Divine Visitation = Profit

Expendable Tokens + Ashnod's Altar = Profit

So you win by smacking with a bunch of medium sized tokens, most of the time. This means you need to do three things, Play creatures, Draw Creature spells, and protect your creatures.

Let's start by adding in some badass creatures that fit in your deck well.

Loyal Sentry - One mana has never been spent so well. In the late game it makes a token, in the early game it swings for damage, in the mid game it blocks and destroys pesky creatures.

Knight of the White Orchid - A bear with first strike that ramps you. Pretty good.

Oreskos Explorer - I would never play this in a non-mono-white deck. This does however let you catch up if you are late on land draws, and is at worst a bear to block with.

Benalish Marshal - Glorious Anthem

Boreas Charger - Ramp bud, ramp in mono-white whenever possible. Helps that you could make a zombie, or sac it to skullclamp.

Brimaz, King of Oreskos - I heard you wanted more cats? Can I convince you to play more cats?

Leonin Warleader - This was a card in your maybeboard, its really good.

Oketra the True - This is a fairly good card. Big blocker, or a token generator if you're doing poorly. I often hold her in hand to dump and rebuild after a board wipe.

Ranger of Eos - Only a few cards in your deck that this can retrieve, but a refill alongside making a zombie is an incredibly reserved play that could prevent you from over committing to the board.

Crested Sunmare - Don't get confused. This card cares if you gain life, but not how much. You have plenty of life gain left in the deck to justify making an army of 5/5 indestructible horses.

Geist-Honored Monk - Build a board, save for right after board wipes, or to pull ahead and force one. This is at worst a 3/3 with Vigilance, and two 1/1's with flying for 5 mana. Most often, this will be a 5/5 with vigilance, two 1/1's with flying and a 4/4 with vigilance for 5 mana.

Sun Titan - Sun Titan is Sun Titan. No mono-white deck could be ashamed to run it.

Angel of Serenity - This card is heavily underrated. It is removal, with the possibility to come back, but its also an easy way to sneak in a lethal attack while generating some board presence.

Good on creatures now? Awesome, let's look at Instants.

Swords to Plowshares - Remove that creature.

Generous Gift - Remove that Permanent. Oh and make a creature smaller than my Zombie tokens.

Disenchant - Get that Artifact or Enchantment off my battlefield and in your graveyard.

Rootborn Defenses - Yeah, this.

Unbreakable Formation - This can win games, or prevent the loss of games.

Return to Dust - Fuck these two things in particular, or just one if it's that bad.

Charge Across the Araba - Talk about stupid unpredictable win-cons for a mid-range token deck. This is one.

That about wraps up Instants, now Sorceries.

Divine Reckoning - Protects your general, but still clears the board.

Hallowed Burial - For those mf'ers that don't die.

Austere Command - A very utility board wipe.

Lastly add in a Land Tax

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